Ocasio-Cortez: Under no circumstances confirm Kavanaugh

Article here. Video: "Due Process must center on the victim." (6:10).

'“State of the Union,” New York Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court until the 35-year-old accusation from an anonymous woman was investigated.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “I believe, first of all, Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court under any circumstances, regardless an independent accusation.”

She added, “I certainly think that one of the aspects of due process is that we have to hear these things out and he should certainly not be confirmed before this is explored.”'

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Senator Invokes Me Too Movement In Call To Delay Kavanaugh Vote

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Democratic senator and a Washington Post editor called Saturday for a delay in the confirmation vote for President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after a woman accused Kavanaugh of an attempted sexual assault in high school.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) invoked the Me Too movement to demand a thorough investigation, and the Post piece called for “the fullest possible airing” of the accusation.

Also on Saturday, a Washington Post editor who covered the controversial 1991 Senate hearings when then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual misconduct called for “the fullest possible airing” of the accusation targeting Kavanaugh if the accuser is willing to come forward.

Sunday afternoon, a professor at Palo Alto University in California was revealed as the woman making the accusation. Christine Blasey Ford related the details of the alleged assault in an interview with The Washington Post.'

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In no small way, silence helped #MeToo come into being

This is an original piece of writing by yours truly, hence no link. It is a realization I have had. Please comment if you are so moved.

The #MeToo campaign is the implementation of the feminist agenda to get resources from men to use against us. As Sun Tzu said, bring supplies to get you to the enemy's border. Thereafter your men can get what they need by plundering the enemy.

This is what feminists are doing. Not wanting to work for a living they want to plunder successful men by extorting them for money via actual or threatened accusations. This isn't to say some accusations against some men are not true. It is to say that most are likely not. It's also to say that converting a quid pro quo agreement retroactively to an act of sexual assault is not unlike a prohibited ex post facto law being passed. Ex post facto laws are unconstitutional in the US. #MeToo is a perfect example of the ex post facto principle in effect. Now you see why they are unconstitutional.

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Just #metoo? Nah. #themtoo

Article here. Excerpt:

'So the majority of us try to navigate the minefield as best we can. But others of the with-it variety see the feminist loathing of honorable behavior as license to take the harpies up on their word and jettison anything that would not pass the harridan smell test. That to include treating women with decorum and actual respect due their gender and disposition.

It’s not just #metoo, it’s #themtoo. It’s the feminist lobby that has had a hand in bringing this upon themselves by their War on Men.

No surprise so much of #metoo comes out of the entertainment industry, bastion and progenitor of pop culture indoctrination, home of always clumsy and befuddled dads, evil boyfriends, and male leads with the testosterone levels of slightly bi-curious geraniums. Ironic, perhaps, that the main individual who has ferreted out these obnoxious and boorish deeds by media and Hollywood men is the likely son of Frank Sinatra, Mr. S. not exactly remembered for his noble championship of any stage feminism.'

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Gender pay gap narrows due to falling male income

Article here. Excerpt:

'The gender pay gap has been narrowing over the last four decades — and women's earnings are now closer to men's. But that is not only because women are doing better. The trend is also in part because men are earning less.

Earnings for men have fallen in the decade since the recession, and are even below levels for much of the 1970s and ’80s.

Men are still paid about $10,000 more on average than women, according to Census Bureau figures released Wednesday, but the gender earnings gap has grown smaller.

From 1973 to 2017, men's earnings fell by about $3,200, or about 5%, in numbers adjusted for inflation. Earnings for African American men fell even more steeply than those of white men, according to experts.

"We're talking about a 40-year period of people working full time who are not doing better than their fathers and grandfathers did, and are basically doing worse," said Mark Rank, an inequality expert at Washington University in St. Louis. "It's a really striking pattern going on over a long period of time."'

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Are Women Penalized More Than Men in Tennis? Data Says No

Article here. Excerpt:

'Serena Williams argued that she was subject to a double standard when she was cited for verbal abuse by the chair umpire Carlos Ramos during the United States Open women’s final last Saturday.

“There are men out here who do a lot worse than me, but because I’m a woman you are going to take this away from me?” she protested to Brian Earley, the tournament referee. “That is not right.”

Each situation should be evaluated on its own merits, but according to data compiled by officials at Grand Slam tournaments for the past 20 years, men are penalized more often for verbal abuse.'

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Hanoi Jane says "only the beginning"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jane Fonda believes the downfall of Leslie Moonves won’t be the last we’ll see among powerful entertainment industry executives.

“It’s a shame he didn’t behave, [but now] it’s come back to get him,” Fonda said at Thursday night’s Los Angeles premiere of the HBO documentary “Jane Fonda in Five Acts” at the Armand Hammer Museum.

Moonves departed on Sunday amid a cascade of sexual assault and misconduct allegations.

“This has been happening for a long time and it’s been an epidemic of behavior like this on the part of people who have power,” Fonda said. “I think the #MeToo movement has started an avalanche. And it’s only the beginning.”'

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'Why I won't hire a male nanny'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The simple fact is statistically speaking it is more likely to be a man that I need to be cautious of around my children so why not eradicate that from the equation when looking for a nanny to enter my home and care for my children when I am not there?

It is a terribly sad thing that I feel this way about male childminders and I wish it was different, but sadly the actions of the few have tainted it for the many.

I know it sounds like a sexist stance, but if 97% of bears were cuddly and only 3% would rip your face off and eat it, would you still go into an enclosure of bears? I wouldn’t, and I also wouldn’t send my kids into one without me there to protect them.'


Female paedophiles: Why women sexually abuse children

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#MeToo has rich men wary of extortion

Article here. Excerpt:

'New York City men are protecting themselves from the dark side of the #MeToo movement, including an upswing in false accusations and blackmail, lawyers and private eyes say.

One young technology exec said he has six Nest cams installed inside his swanky downtown condo to “document and provide corroboration for what’s happening in my private life.”

“It’s an insurance policy,” he said.

When he recently brought home a date and realized she was highly intoxicated, he turned to one of the cams and called her a ride home.

“I tried to keep the interaction fully within views of the camera before calling her a Lyft,” he said.

The exec says #MeToo — while giving a voice to victims of sexual assault and harassment — has emboldened other women to falsely accuse well-appointed men for financial gain, fame or vengeance.

“Anonymous accusations are now possible, and the media believes the court of public opinion should not hold itself to anything resembling the court of law,” he said.'

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Sexual allegation against Kavanaugh referred to FBI by top Democrat

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., confirmed Thursday that she had referred information about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to "federal investigative authorities."

“I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities,” said Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is scheduled to vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination next week.

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Teacher blows student repeatedly, gets no jail time, keeps license

Article here.

'A Bronx high school teacher who admitted to performing oral sex on her 14-year-old student won’t face jail time — and she might even return to the classroom.

Dori Myers, 30, last month pleaded guilty to criminal sex act for the Nov. 2016 incident at her former workplace, New School for Leadership and the Arts in Kingsbridge, where she taught social studies.

Myers’ heinous crime, which reportedly happened multiple times, was discovered after another teacher found out by way of the victim’s friend.

On Wednesday, Judge Michael Obus sentenced the woman to 10 years' probation and found her to be a Level 1 sex offender. Prosecutors had asked the judge to sentence Myers to a minimum of two years in prison.

As part of her plea agreement at Manhattan Criminal Court, Myers also got to keep her teaching certificate.'

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Italy: Sex doll brothel closed by police two weeks after opening

Article here. Excerpt:

'A SEX robot brothel in Italy has been shut down by police less than two weeks after it opened.

Lumidolls latest bordello in Turin was closed after alleged infringements of Italian property law, Italian media reports.

The closure comes after the firm’s second brothel in Barcelona was forced to move to a new location after the building's landlord cancelled the lease.

Lumidolls also has a brothel in Moscow, Russia, and the firm has plans to open other sex dens across the world.

It is believed Italian cops raided the Turin brothel after checks showed it was not legally allowed to run hospitality on the premises, Ansa reports.

Hygiene authorities are now carrying out an investigation to see if the firm’s doll cleaning met all standards.

Lumidolls owner Sergi Prieto previously told Daily Star: “As you know in Italy, prostitution is 100% legal.

“Customers will have the option at Lumidolls Torino to have new sexual experiences in a safe and secure place.”

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Commentary: The ‘Big Man on Campus’ soon to be a mere shadow

Article here. Excerpt:

'When discussed, the quick visceral reaction by female progressives, among others, is something such as “Tough. These privileged males are getting their comeuppance; it is our turn.”

Additionally, it is understandable not to expect concern over a male’s station in life with the steady beats of “this is the year of the women;” “Let’s break the glass ceiling;” pay disparity; and there are not enough women working in (fill in the blank occupation).

Such a response in the long run, does not bode well for any of us. For what these males don’t have, they cannot give back — to women, to families, to the economy or to public discourse. Even worse, disaffected men in any community portends a range of social problems.

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Career Fair for Women in the Military Accused of Discriminating Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A men’s rights organization has threatened to sue the City and County of San Diego for participating in an upcoming job fair event for female military members.

The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) sent a letter on Tuesday asking organizers to postpone the “San Diego Military Women Careers Event.” The event is planned for Friday, September 14 on Naval Base San Diego.

Military Inclusion, the group that organized the career fair, is promoting the event for “women veterans, active duty women and spouses.”

But in its letter to San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and other officials, the NCFM argues that the “women-only job fair” violates the civil rights of male service members and male spouses of women in the military.

“I think it’s disgusting that they have an event strictly for women,” NCFM President Harry Crouch told NBC 7 Investigates. “Why do we have to target less than ten percent of the military population? It makes no sense to me.”'

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OCR Investigating ‘Financial Discrimination’ Against Men at Tulane

Article here. Excerpt:

'The United States Department of Education has launched a Title IX investigation into Tulane University amid allegations the school engages in "financial discrimination" against male students and prospective applicants.

According to an August 20 letter obtained by PJ Media, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has agreed to investigate whether six female-only scholarships violate Title IX, the 1972 federal law that prohibits universities from discrimination due to sex.

Scholarships under investigation include the Landor Lewis and Shirley Gauff Awards, the Grace Hopper Celebration Award, and the school’s Summer Internship Funding Grant,which offers up to $2,000 annually for female students to take on unpaid internships.

The full scope of "financial discrimination" by Tulane is unknown. The six scholarships listed in the Title IX complaint may only comprise a small fraction of all female-only scholarships at the school, as private universities typically do not list all scholarships on their website.

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