Ex-Coach’s Wife: Teen Was ‘Willing Participant’ in Consensual Sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former high school football coach’s wife, who pleaded guilty to charges of having sex with a teenage student, insists that the sexual encounters with the boy were consensual and wants the teen’s new lawsuit tossed on that basis.

Kelsey McCarter, 29, of Knoxville, Tennessee, plead guilty last year to six counts of statutory rape of a sophomore at South-Doyle High sophomore where her husband, Justin McCarter, was a coach. McCarter was handed a three-year prison term.

But now, according to the New York Post, the convicted assaulter wants a judge to throw out her victim’s lawsuit because he says the teen engaged in the sex voluntarily.

The lawsuit filed by the teenager claims that McCarter repeatedly molested him after he and his older brother moved into the McCarters’ home in 2014. The lawsuit alleges that the McCarter’s were having marital problems and that Kelsey McCarter took her frustrations out on the teenager.

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Alum's challenge of women-only opportunities on campus ignites debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Minnesota alum, who teaches finance at the University of Michigan at Flint, has approached numerous campuses in the Twin Cities and nationally about scholarships, faculty awards and programs reserved for women and girls. The U recently opened up several women-only scholarships to all students and is reviewing three awards for female professors. Now, Perry is pressing private colleges, including the University of St. Thomas and Macalester College in St. Paul, about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) summer camps they host for middle or high school girls.

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When men rebel

I would just like to point out that the popular uprising now in France spreading to other countries is being spontaneously driven by men. Once you leave men with little or no recourse, you make rebellion inevitable. I will bet if you ask a fair number of these men in yellow vests how they feel about the direction feminism has taken their societies, they'll have some pretty stark opinons. As go the men, so goes the nation.

One article here. Excerpt:

'The “Yellow Vest” protests he is a part of present an extraordinary venting of rage and resentment by ordinary working people, aimed at the mounting inequalities that have eroded their lives. The unrest began in response to rising gas taxes and has been building in intensity over the past three weeks, peaking on Saturday.

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Australia: "What a women-only super fund means for members"

Will be underwritten by sanctimonious "Future Super" fund, which divests from mining, farming, transportation and other industries which provide men with meaningful employment. Link here. Excerpt:

'Through its connection to Future Super, the fund invests ethically and, as well as providing services tailored for women, such as tech-enabled financial coaching, will advocate for a better deal for women.

The fund will, for example, push for more women on the boards of the companies in which it invests and will exclude companies from investment where their is abuse of women in their supply chains.
It should be remembered there are already some terrific super funds with very good long-term returns that, while not women only, have memberships that are dominated by women.

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Dominatrix specializes in turning ‘white, right-wing men’ into socialists

Article here. Just what does it look like? "Worm! Pledge your undying love for Ocasio-Cortez!" Excerpt:

'For many of her clientele, who are almost exclusively white right-wing men because she finds herself unable “to be even fictionally cruel to any other type of man,” that fetish is serving a powerful woman. Marbury derives her pleasure comes from forcing those men to see the contradiction between their love of powerful women and their support for political parties that actively work to limit women’s rights and empowerment. In her book, Dining with Humpty Dumpty, she detailed conversations with a man she said exhibited the “disgusting contradiction” of claiming to be both “a ‘female supremacist’ and a Tory.’”'

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Radio station stops playing "Baby It's Cold Outside" after listeners voice concerns about lyrics in #MeToo era

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Cleveland radio station has stopped playing a popular Christmas song that's been around since the 1940s, CBS Cleveland affiliate WOIO reports. Star 102 Cleveland listeners raised concerns about the lyrics of the song "Baby It's Cold Outside," with some saying the words send the wrong message in the era of the #MeToo movement.

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The women's health 'crisis' masks the men's health crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent “pink wave” swept into Congress an unprecedented number of women, many of whom put women’s health high on their list of priorities.

There’s no question that much can — and should — be done to improve women’s health. However, there’s also no question that a legislative focus on women’s health continues to ignore a far larger problem: the very real crisis in men’s health.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that American males are far worse off than females, talk of women’s health “crisis” persists. And there’s a lot of money behind that talk.'

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David Edelstein, the “butter scene” in “Last Tango” and the darkness of the internet

Article here. Excerpt:

'Edelstein has been silent on Facebook the last few days. Until this week he held two of the most prestigious paying gigs in the ever-shrinking world of film criticism, at New York magazine and NPR’s “Fresh Air.” Now he has himself become the subject of widespread debate and discussion on social media, not to mention in the real world. This happened after he posted (and rapidly deleted) a tasteless joke in response to the recent death of legendary Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci. “Even grief goes better with butter,” Edelstein wrote, alongside an image from the famous, or infamous, scene in Bertolucci’s “Last Tango in Paris” in which Marlon Brando’s character uses butter as a lubricant while having anal sex with the character played by Maria Schneider.

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Democrat Senators Demand Mob Rule In Campus Sexual Assault Investigations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two Democrat senators on Wednesday called for U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to withdraw the improved rules her office proposed this month relating to how colleges and universities investigate accusations of sexual assault.

The new rules, which Sens. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) apparently dislike, provide some much needed sanity and due process to the investigations. They held a press conference on Wednesday with self-described victims of sexual assault and advocates where they incorrectly claimed the new rules would “return us to a time when sexual assault survivors were ignored and felt they had nowhere to turn," according to Murray.

Hassan also claimed there was an epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses (there isn’t), calling the new rules, which include basic fairness and due process, a “major step backward in the wrong direction.”'

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Trial by jury – the light that exposes feminist lies

Article here. Excerpt:

'This latest call demonstrates yet again just how tyrannical feminism has become in this era of #MeToo. For the last year there has been a relentless attack on the presumption of innocence, and now we see jury trial itself is on the chopping block. It seems that feminism is incompatible with Enlightenment values such the presumption of innocence and trial by jury.

We see this when the presumption of innocence and due process are now dismissed as ‘reactionary’. When Senator Susan Collins said Justice Brett Kavanaugh was entitled to due process, the Women’s March tweeted out a picture of her calling her a ‘rape apologist’. She received death threats thereafter. Can you think of anything more disgusting than being labelled a rape apologist? This is the choice feminism gives us: you either care about due process or you care about victims of rape. It is an appalling way to debate these issues.

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Doña Ana County DA's office defends handling of 'No Mansplaining' signs

Article here. Excerpt:

'The office of District Attorney Mark D'Antonio presented its case against a prohibited practices complaint at a hearing before the Public Employee Labor Relations Board on Monday.
Office manager Yvette Sierra testified that when she first noticed a sign on Brulotte's door bearing the legend "No Mansplaining" with a circle and a slash through it similar to a "No Smoking" sign, she did not know what it meant but worried it was discriminatory against men.

Two supervisors at the office, deputy DA's Heather Chavez and Daniel Sewell, testified that they agreed with Sierra, although both admitted only passing familiarity with the slang term.

"I did not find the sign personally offensive," Chavez stated. "I just felt that it's a gender-specific term typically used in a negative context."

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Woman charged with making false rape claim

Article here.

'An Amboy woman allegedly made a false rape accusation against a man she knows.

Anna Marie Harroun, 31, was charged with misdemeanor falsely reporting a crime Tuesday in Blue Earth County District Court.

Harroun reported last month she was sexually assaulted in Mankato in August.

Harroun admitted weeks later she had a consensual relationship with the man she accused, according to a court complaint. She reportedly told police a third person coerced her into making the accusation because she became pregnant.

A Mankato police officer reportedly spent about 15 hours investigating the false report.'

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Kenya: Botched circumcision of 11 boys probed in Murang’a

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Murang’a government has formed a committee to investigate a case in which 11 boys underwent botched circumcision.

Health executive Joseph Mbai told the Star yesterday that the four-member committee will seek to establish how the exercise was conducted and whether the medics involved were qualified.

The 11 boys had gone for the rite of passage at Wanjengi ACK church in Kahuro subcounty a few weeks ago but were forced to undergo a second cut after their wounds failed to heal.

The boys had earlier been taken to a private hospital for the circumcision by the church but after two weeks, they were taken to Murang’a general hospital where the process was repeated.

Mbai said the team would investigate the private health facility that conducted the cut to establish whether it was licensed and met the required health standards.

“We also want to find out how qualified the doctor who performed the procedure was. If he wasn’t, then the appropriate legal measures will be taken,” Mbai said.'

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A new study suggests women earn about half what men earn

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women may face a much wider wage gap than commonly cited data indicates, earning just half of what men earn over 15 years. That's according to a new study by economists who analyzed the incomes of men and women who worked for at least one year between 2001 and 2015.

The standard annual wage gap measured by the Census Bureau shows that women make 80 cents for every dollar earned by a man. But this statistic leaves many women workers out of the picture, Heidi Hartmann, the president of the Institute for Women's Policy Research and an author of the study, tells CNBC Make It.

IWPR's methodology incorporates workforce attachment — those more "strongly attached" to the workforce are defined as working at least 12 out of 15 years full-time and year-round — and looks closely at both the consistency and long-term growth of earnings to capture a more nuanced picture of women's careers.'

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'Male-hater misandrist': Australian feminist Clementine Ford in her own words

Article here. Excerpt:

'Clementine Ford is speaking and a man is shouting.

She's addressing a packed Freeman's Bay Community Hall and he's addressing Hepburn St, yelling into a megaphone just outside the doors of the sold-out speaking event.

As she talks, words like 'reprehensible' and 'disgusting' punctuate her sentences like the echo of a pissed off ghost.

The man with the megaphone isn't alone. He's one of about eight people, mostly male and middle-aged, who have shown up to protest the Australian author's presence.

On Monday, a group called Families 4 Justice sent an email to almost every media outlet and politician in New Zealand voicing their displeasure at Ford's event, with the subject line: 'NO to promoting mens [sic] killing and inciting violence in Auckland Council venues'.'

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