Warren Farrell Responds!

You asked for it, you got it - Dr. Warren Farrell has responded to the interview questions, and I would like to apologize for the delay - there was a bit of a mix-up in getting Warren's e-mail, and it's not his fault that it took so long. So, without further ado, click on "Read More..." to see his responses to the questions that were selected for the interview.

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How To Handle Anti-Male Jokes In Public

Charles Walbridge wrote in with some good strategies to deal with anti-male jokes in the workplace and elsewhere. I like his ideas, and I think this would be a great topic to start a message board discussion on. How have you dealt with male bashing jokes in public? Take a moment to let everyone know on the message board for this story. Click "Read More..." to read Charles' submission and post your own comments.

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Want To Lower The Divorce Rate? Promote Joint Custody

Robert Cunningham wrote in to tell me about this story from the Australian newspaper SMH. It discusses the reasons that women initiate divorce more, and talks about increasing the use of joint custody as a way to lower the divorce rate. From the article: "Susan Holmes has spent 18 years working with separating couples and believes there are some who can be helped to put their marriages back on track. She finds that when couples are presented with the notion of shared parenting, rather than sole custody, power battles are reduced and there are more opportunities for talk and possible reconciliation." It's a good news report with some very useful statistical data.

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Two Stories On The Ritalin Ruling

I found two interesting stories that analyze the recent New York court ruling that parents had to administer the drug Ritalin to their son despite their claims that the boy was suffering side effects. The first story from the New York Law Journal and looks at it from a legal perspective, i.e. how the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit is affected by this. The second is from The Liberator and examines how the epidemic of Ritalin use is encouraged by schools and why it should be stopped.

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More News About Prof. Asher

Rand submitted this Toronto News story about Prof. Asher, the Men's Studies professor who was forced out of his job due to political pressures from school administration at Dawson College. I've heard from at least one other men's issues teacher at a college that this action has already had a chilling effect on him. I would like to see this become a major case to expose to what degree higher academia is against intellectual freedom and honesty.

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Choice For Men Bumper Stickers And Buttons!

Jason Hanson has made up some bumper stickers and buttons for the Choice for Men demonstration that will be happening on August 26. If you'd like to show your support for men's reproductive rights, even if you won't be attending the demonstration, please contact Jason for information on how to order a button or bumper sticker. You can see a picture of what they look like at this link. Update: Jason has told me that buttons are $1 each and bumper stickers are $2 each, which includes shipping. Jason's address can be found by clicking on "Read More..." below, but I'd still recommend e-mailing him first to check for availability.

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Working Wives Reduce Men's Health?

USAToday printed this story about research which shows that a man with a wife who works full time has a 25% greater chance of being in worse health than a husband whose wife doesn't work full-time. The amount that men work, however, does not affect his wife's health, unless he is unemployed. I posted this story not to encourage women to "stay at home", but for men to realize how dependent we are on women for maintaining our own health. It's something to think about.

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Double Standards In Family Murders

The National Post had an insightful article about the recent tragedy of the baby that was thrown in front of a subway train as the mother commit suicide. The questions raised are: who is the baby, and why doesn't anyone know his last name? The reason, the author points out, is that we subconsciously accept that a baby is the property of its mother, and so when women commit murders such as this, we don't see it in the same light as we do the recent spouse killings by men that have received press. There are double standards concerning who we sympathize with, and a lack of anger where it is deserved.

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Promoting Achievement-Oriented Education For Boys

More news courtesy of IHF: The UK Telegraph reported in this story that the British government is recommending that steps be taken to encourage boys to succeed in academics, to make it "cool to succeed." Mention was made of the different ways boys and girls learn, and that boys respond well to male teachers that mentor and provide examples of good leadership qualities. It was even suggested that all-male classrooms might be a good idea to try. Do you hear this America? Britain actually cares about the the sorry state that young men are in today. Why can't we follow their example?

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A Great Example Of Bashing Men

Diane Carman really knows the feminist party line well. She uses it profusely in her Denver Post opinion article which is critical of the recent Men's Health assessment of male-friendly colleges. It's entitled, "A College Guide for Jerks" and refers to men as Neanderthals and stereotypes college men as "frat boy[s] [looking to] get drunk with a worshipful nymphomaniac." What kind of trash is this? Please take a moment to let her know your opinion about this article.

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The Head Of The Medusa

Aceman wrote in to tell me about a book entitled: The Head of the Medusa: The Rise and Fall of Western Civilization at the Hands of Radical Feminism by Perseus. The book is free to read on-line. Would anyone like to submit a review of this book that I could post to this site (how about you, Aceman)? If so please send your submissions to scott@mensactivism.org and I'll be glad to post them.

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Series Of False Accusation News

I've received a few reports about false accusations that I decided to consolidate into this story. A young woman from the UK received 7,500 pounds by making a false rape charge and was discovered (UK Telegraph). Another teacher was vindicated of sexual harassment charges, whose jury deliberation took less than 30 minutes (UK Telegraph). And a policeman from London received 300,000 pounds for being falsely accused of indecently assaulting a female co-worker (Again, from the UK Telegraph). Credit goes to IHF for submitting these stories.

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Montel Williams Looking For Alienated NCPs

I received an e-mail forward concerning an upcoming Montel Williams talk show which will be on the topic of non-custodial parents who have been alienated from their children (by the other parent). If you'd like to info on how to get on the show, click "Read More" to see the instructions and contact info. Note that the deadline for being considered as a guest is August 23, so act now if you're interested!

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Al Knight On Family Court Issues

The Denver Post had a great editorial column by Al Knight, which covers a wide range of issues related to men in family court. In it, he discusses bias in custody determination, challenges the "deadbeat dad epidemic" myth, and false accusations. Long, but a good read.

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Teacher Acquitted Of Sexually Abusing Schoolgirl

The Mailman writes "David Leland Stevens, science teacher of 32 years, sums it up after the trial: 'I love my job. I love my kids and I love what I do. This is the beginning of the beginning again.'" It's yet another story of a man being falsely accused. The Washington Post has the link here.

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