Response To Marc's Daily Bruin Article

Marc Angelucci writes "For the first time, someone actually responded to me in the Daily Bruin. This one attacks the National Coalition of Free Men and makes some very weak and tired arguments about males being in power (as though men in government meant men's issues were being addressed). I enjoyed this one. Just thought I'd post it." I thought the article was interesting in that the arguments were transparent - there was little dishonesty in this person's views, they are simply based on a feminist portrayal of reality which has never truly considered men's side of the story.

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Interesting Article By Gay Men's Activist

Marc Angelucci writes "Steve Gaskill is an activist in the gay black male community who joined the Barnes & Noble campaign. The sexually-liberating experience he describes in this article can be, in my opinion, analogous to even the non-sexual bond that straight men feel upon sharing male experiences or discovering a common interest in men's issues. I just thought I'd share it."

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Austrian Minister Slammed for Proposing Men's Dept.

Jon writes "Good news for Austrian men - Yahoo! News (through Reuters) posted this article in their Oddly Enough section about a new Men's Department in the Austrian government's Social Affairs Ministry. Still think that the media isn't biased against men? Notice how Herbert Haupt, the man proposing the department, is described as "a member of the far-right," and his detractors are described as merely "opposition." At least Yahoo! News doesn't judge whether it's odd that the department is being created or odd that critics are so violent in their opposition..."

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Debbie Schlussel Named Enemy No. 1 by Ms. Magazine

Debbie Schlussel wrote an interesting column for WorldNetDaily where she talks about how Ms. Magazine has named her "Enemy No. 1" for being a popular female commentator on conservative issues. "Clearly, Ms. is out of touch with the modern world. I know, because as a young, Gen-X, professional, single woman, I'm their target audience...And I'm not listening." It's good to see women who are willing to take the modern feminist movement to task for claiming to represent them.

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Proving Daniel Amneus Right

This article describes one of the most hateful studies written about men I've ever come across, but it does have a redeeming feature. Namely, it proves that all the work of Daniel Amneus is true, in that the ghettos are the result of the Male Role having no stability, where he can kicked out of family life at any second for displeasing mom. Be certain that you read Amneaus' works online, including The Garbage Generation and download The Case for Father Custody in Adobe PDF format to read the truth for yourself - they're "must read" material for anyone in the mens/fathers movement.

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Man Leaves Prison After 10 Years in False Accusation of Rape

Yahoo! News reported that Jimmy Williams of Ohio is receiving a new trial for the rape of a 12 year old girl, who is now a grown woman and has recanted the accusation. Williams has always maintained his innocence through the years, and will finally get to be with his 10 year old son that he has never been able to spend time with. It is possible that Williams could sue for $25k for each year he was imprisoned, for a total of $250,000. Imagine if that money could be put into an organization to lobby for the rights of accused men?

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Kathleen Parker on Paternity Fraud

Kathleen Parker wrote a column for Town Hall which discusses the uncomfortable subject of paternity fraud. A man from Georgia has been trying to get a law passed that would allow victims of paternity fraud to absolve themselves of child support and relations with the child, if desired, and give fathers who dispute their paternity the legal right to having a DNA test. Parker's sympathy for both men and children in cases such as this is well balanced: "How can you suddenly stop loving a child for whom you've always been Dad? How can you abandon a child who needs you? These are tough questions and prompt emotions that interfere with one's usual impulse to fairness. But fair is fair, and the truth looks like this: The mother who lies about paternity is guilty of fraud and deserves condemnation at least equal to what we assign fathers who abandon their children. In no other imaginable scenario, meanwhile, do we punish victims of a false allegations."

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UCLA Daily Bruin Prints Article On Anti-Male Bias

Marc Angelucci writes "The UCLA Daily Bruin printed my piece on discrimination against men in the Justice System. I had provided a plug to, but they didn't include it. They did, however, put the National Coalition of Free Men in there. Click here.
I'm working on forming a local chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men in Los Angeles. We really need some local grassroots activism. Please e-mail me if you live in the L.A. area or nearby, or if you know someone there who might be interested, and I'll include you in the invite for an initial meeting:"

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L.A. Times Covers Barnes & Noble Campaign

Marc Angelucci writes "The Los Angeles Times covered my Barnes & Noble petition drive after I sent 1,000 signatures in. There are a few misquotes, and some things were left out, but I think the article was for the most part pretty well done and I'm happy with it. Click here to read it. I'll still continue to petition. Meanwhile, please don't hesitate to drop Barnes & Noble a line at"

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Men and Eating Disorders

Also in today's TNH, an article by Chris Godbout on male body image and eating disorders can be read at this link. Chris, myself and Peter Welch from the Health Ed. Dept. are working together on a presentation called Junk Male: Images of Men in Advertising which will be shown toward the end of March. This semester is looking to be a great one for awareness of men's issues at UNH!

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Men as "Success Objects"

I managed to get a biweekly editorial column in the UNH school newspaper about men's issues. You can read my first article, about how men are seen as "success objects" at this link. I hope to make use of the column to get a dialogue going about men's issues started at the university, and hopefully meet some people in support of men's rights. My articles will also be posted in the "Men in the Media" section of the new Massachusetts Coalition for Men web site, which is currently under development and will be unveiled soon.

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Fathers are not Disposable

Bill Kuhl submitted an article from the St. Lois Post-Dispatch about the way fathers are devalued in the media. The author, who once supported the portrayal of Murphy Brown in her TV sitcom to have a child on her own, has since changed his mind and strongly believes we are harming children by condoning the absence of fathers in families. "If I told you a mother was unimportant to a child's well-being, you'd look at me like I had two heads. Yet somehow, we have bought into a lie that says father is dispensable, that anything he brings to the table can be replicated by a determined single mother or, indeed, any loving person who happens to be around."

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Male-Bashing Domestic Violence 800 Number

Marc Angelucci writes "During the Grammy's, a commercial depicted a child listening as a man beat his wife in the background, then gave the number 1-800-END-ABUSE to call. When you call, you'll hear a message that talks about "men" beating up "the women they promise to love." If you've got a moment, leave them a message about the harm this slanted and biased message causes. How in the world do they get away with this?" Considering the enormous viewership of the Grammy Awards, this is doing incredible damage.

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Woman Calls Ex-Boyfriend 1,000 Times per Day

Yahoo! news reports in this story that a woman from Hong Kong called her ex-boyfriend 1,000 times each day for three years. The man changed jobs and telephone numbers to get away from this psychotic woman, but eventually his new numbers were found out, and she began calling again, and making 500 faxes to him each day as well. When one day she showed up at his home to demand money from him, they got into a physical fight - and the man was arrested and carted away. This is from the "Oddly Enough" news on Yahoo!, but I feel the issue is more serious than this. This is often the kind of domestic violence that women inflict upon men - things which when taken individually don't seem harmful, but who could deny that this man was pushed over the edge by her behavior?

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Feminists and Their Enemies

Along the same theme as the recent Warren Farrell article, this link submitted by Rand is about how feminism has taken over the liberal media and how challenges to this are so difficult to mount. Plenty of focus is given to Christina Hoff Sommers because she is one of the few that has been successful in doing so, and consequently is considered "Public Enemy Number One" by feminists. It's a very insightful article.

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