Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2002-01-16 18:22
Tonight's (1/16) MANN on-line chat will be held on a topic related more to "personal activism," namely taking care of your own health. I know that as an advocate for men's health, I've sometimes neglected my own, or at least not prioritized it as I should, and I'm working on eliminating that contradiction. Nightmist will be hosting the chat, which starts at 9:30 PM EST at the MANN on-line chat page. Join us for an informal discussion on men's health in general and what you can do to better take care of your own.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Wed, 2002-01-16 17:12
Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse. First, Judy Mann blames men for terrorism. Other feminist writers soon follow suit. Now The Dept. of Women's Studies at California State University is offering a course titled "The Sexuality of Terrorism," according to this story from Pacific Research Institute. Most people never imagined that terrorism had anything to do with sexuality, but that’s not what those who study women think. But according to their materials, it would be more accurate to say that terrorism has a nationality, one that sounds a lot like American.
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2002-01-16 04:45
Glenn Sacks will be an in-studio guest on the Al Rantel Show on KABC 790 AM in Los Angeles this Thursday (1/17) at 8 PM. Glenn and Al will be discussing Glenn's recent column on the tragic courthouse suicide of distraught father Derrick Miller and the epidemic of male suicide in America. Anybody who would like to call in to the show to talk to Glenn and Al may do so at 1-800-222-KABC. You can listen to the show on the web at this site.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Wed, 2002-01-16 03:06
This story from details Ontario's efforts at tracking incidents of false accusations of rape. It would be an interesting experiment to deploy a computerized system like this in several U.S. states and see if rates of false allegations are similar to those in Canada. At the very least, it would be good to have solid numbers rather than just speculation on the false sexual assault allegations in the United States.
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2002-01-16 01:29
DanCurry writes "With what is already the highest child support award in the state of California, it's still not enough for this struggling mother. Lisa Bonder Kerkorian is currently seeking a monthly payment of $320k. Listing outrageous monthly expenses such as $144k for travel, $4,300 for food and $7,000 for charities. This clearly shows what her true objective is, taking all his money, not just what the child needs. Though this may seem extreme, many divorce cases, especially those of the poor, equal a complete transfer of income from the father to the mother." Update: I have removed in incorrect mathematical statement from the summary. Also thanks to Deacon for sending in this link on the same story.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Tue, 2002-01-15 21:37
Wendy McElroy's latest column warns New York against incoming Mayor Michael Bloomberg's efforts to get taxpayers to fund abortion training for medical residents. Is this, once again, government suggesting that women may make choices without taking responsibility for their actions? McElroy says: I believe the pro-life side has won the abortion debate in North America precisely because pro-choice advocates insist on tax funding, in one form or another, for abortions. That position is both morally insupportable and legally imprudent.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Tue, 2002-01-15 17:40
Although I know quite a bit has been written lately about the San Diego suicide of Derrick K. Miller, I felt that something from a media perspective needed to be added to the discussion. As a police reporter for a newspaper in Franklin, Tenn., I covered all kinds of horrifying stories, including one which is remarkably similar to Miller's. Here are my thoughts on how the media should follow up on Miller's story. This column will also appear on Special thanks to Wendy McElroy for continuing to run my column.
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2002-01-15 01:33
Marc Angelucci writes "The Los Angeles Times printed a long, front page article that focuses on the question of whether a child should stay at home when a mother is abused by a father - not one word about mothers abusing fathers and whether the kids should stay home in that situation. I'm so sick of this that I called the news editor, who surprisingly called back saying "you have a point" and said he'd speak to the editors. It would be nice if he heard from others too. You can leave him a message by calling 213-237-7000 and asking for news editor Dean Bachi. Also, the reader's representative is at 877-554-4000, and the editor's email is Thanks!"
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2002-01-14 22:43
ronn pointed us to this story from the Ottawa Citizen. Dave Brown writes about the experiences of fathers in the family court system, and finds that for most fathers, you're better off avoiding going to court when it's at all possible: "The best way to deal with the legal industry is to avoid it. It should not be regarded as a justice system. It is an industry that provides incomes for its insiders and, as an industry, its raw material is us." Until the family courts regain a semblance of fairness, I have to admit that he's right.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-01-13 21:41
DaveW writes "This editorial in The Women's Quarterly of the Independent Women's Forum thoughtfully discusses some the issues involved in the Supreme-Court-forced introduction of female cadets at Virginia Military Institute."
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-01-13 19:37
Luek writes "Here is a budding neo-feminist breaking gender barriers once the domain of males: "The elementary school student (9 years old) sic was charged last week with fourth-degree sexual assault, a misdemeanor, and three counts of risk of injury to a minor, a felony, said Manchester police Sgt. John Maston."" This isn't something you see reported on very often, and it's encouraging to hear that the police seem to be taking this seriously.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-01-13 08:17
ronn sent in this article from Canada's Independent magazine. The editorial is an interesting reflection on the white ribbon campaign currently going on in Canada to protest the Marc Lepine shooting, and the dynamics surrounding gender, violence, and perception. Stephen Roney points out the fallacies and hypocrisies of presuming that violence against women is more important than other forms of violence, and makes several observations about current events which tie into this theme.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-01-13 02:07
Luek writes "Journalist Glenn Sacks has written and posted an article about the high rate of male suicides based on the tragic death of Mr. Miller on the courthouse steps January 8th." Thanks also to ronn for submitting this link from the Union Tribune, which published Sacks' article. This definitely is a topic that should get people's attention and get them to start asking why this is becoming such a trend. How can people continue to ignore the suicide of men and fathers?
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-01-13 00:05
frank h writes "I picked this up from Men's News Daily, and I'm surprised that someone else has not already submitted it. Margery Landry should go down in history as the first gender terrorist. Notice the arrogant, "you ain't got nuthin on me!" look on her face. What will be REALLY sickening is if she gets away with her crime, especially after she was identified by her victim."
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-01-12 21:07
Our newest feature article, again by columnist Glenn Sacks (we would definitely have this guy on payroll, if we had a payroll), covers the issues of fatherhood, the risks that men take for the sake of their families, and refutes the idea that mothers are the only ones that make sacrifices for their children. Sacks' writing comes from his own experiences as both a construction worker and as a full-time father, and this unique perspective is very useful to apply to this topic. See the Read More section below for another knockout article by Glenn Sacks, which was also printed in both the San Fransisco Daily Journal and Los Angeles Daily Journal. ronn and tparker also deserve credit for submitting this story to us.
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