CEDAW, Again

frank h writes "Folks,
a dangerous UN treaty is getting new attention. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is an absolute attack on men and masculinity worldwide. A Senate hearing is scheduled for June 13 to consider ratifying it. Radical feminists are visiting Senators to convince them to vote for it. The UN committee overseeing the enforcement of CEDAW has: Reprimanded Belarus for celebrating Mother's Day, Told China to "decriminalize prostitution," Complained about Mexico's "lack of access ... to easy and swift abortion," Told Armenia to "combat the traditional stereotype of women in the noble role of mother." Please urge your senator to VOTE NO on CEDAW."

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Class Action Lawsuit Legit?

Anonymous User writes "Based on some email I received I went to the Indiana Civil Rights Council to read about a potential class action lawsuit challenging child support and the concept of "non-custodial" parents. Does anyone know anything about the organization or its officers?"

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McElroy Honors Fathers and Father's Rights with Article

Wendy McElroy wrote for her FoxNews column this week about the importance of fatherhood, and the struggles that dads face in the face of a radical feminism which seeks to eliminate the need for men. She also mentions the NCFM rally which coincides with an N.O.W. conference later this month. Thank you, Wendy.

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MND Radio Program on Father's Rights

Men's issues columnist Glenn Sacks and fathers' rights activist Dianna Thompson discuss how the child support enforcement system turns military reservists who answer their country's call into criminals and "deadbeat dads" who are subject to arrest upon their return to the US.
Also discussed are Australian men's "marriage strike" and Canadian Senator Anne Cools' bombshell pro-father address in Washington, DC.
The show is tonight (Tuesday, 6/4) from 6-7 PST and will repeat throughout the evening. For more information or to listen, go to Men's News Daily.

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Catholic Nuns Accused of Sexually Molesting Boys

Anonymous User writes "With all the focus on the Catholic church sexual abuse scandal these days, it is not surprising to hear feminists claim that the church breeds pedophilia in men. Unfortunately for the feminists, it appears to breed it in nuns as well, as this Boston Herald story explains."

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Why Johnny Won't Read

Neil Steyskal sent us this Washington Post article and writes "Here's a guy that has developed methods to make reading attractive to boys. With boys falling further and further behind in school, and with the percentage of male college student dropping fast, this is a program that's vitally important." Scieszka, of course, is the main impetus behind the guysread.com web site. It's good to see he's getting some attention from the media about this issue.

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Sexual Abuse of Males: Research and Statistics

Steve sent in a link to this site, which is the most comprehensive and up to date web site I know of on the subject of sexual abuse of men, particularly boys. It includes dozens of references, information on articles and books on the subject, and even a special section on abuse perpetrated by females. Please take a moment to check it out and send a note of thanks to the author for creating such a site.

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On-line Chat About Father's Rights, Includes Mediator Ken Gregg

Wendy McElroy writes, "This Sunday June 2nd, at 9:00 p.m. EST, join professional mediator Ken Gregg in the co-sponsored feminists/mensactivism chat room to explore father's rights in abortion, adoption and custody. Gregg is a
staunch advocate for the rights of men in matters of divorce and children, with many years of experience in dealing with the realities of "the system." The chat is free, easy, and friendly. Wendy McElroy is the
hostess. Men are most cordially invited.

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Sacks Analyzes Tawny Kitaen DV Accusation

Glenn Sacks wrote another great article on domestic violence, this one covering the issue of false accusations of DV made against men in custody disputes. In this case, Chuck Finley successfully had Kitaen charged with domestic violence with ample evidence of the attack on his body. But shortly after he was awarded temporary custody of their children, Kitaen struck back with unsubstantiated claims of being a victim of domestic violence too. Sacks uses this as an opportunity to expose the issue of false accusations during divorce and custody battles, and how common this kind of scenario really is.

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MANN Downtime Tonight

I expect the replacement motherboard and CPU to come in today, so Mensactivism.org will be unavailable during the upgrade process this evening, which will probably start at around 7 PM and end late in the evening.

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Harvard Increases Standards of Evidence in Rape and Other Cases

scott sager pointed me to this article by Cathy Young in Reason Magazine. Young reports that Harvard is increasing the standards of evidence in order to open administrative investigations for various offenses, including rape. Harvard is the last place I thought this would start, but could this be a signal that the tide could be changing at colleges and universities? We can certainly hope.

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CA Assembly Rushes to Vote on Sabotaged Paternity Fraud Bill

warble writes "In less than one week, the CA Assembly has moved a mutilated form of the paternity fraud bill from the Committee of Judiciary to the floor and voted. This is unheard of. Normally it takes weeks to get a bill to be voted on and out of the assembly. Worse, there was very little opposition to the original form of AB2240. Yet the Committee of Judiciary amended the bill to accommodate every bogus argument that the opposition presented. They even waited weeks for the opposition to form a weak attack on the original bill. These political tricks and maneuvers demonstrate the power that radical feminists wield in the CA legislature. You can examine the bill and it's history at the following link: AB2240 We will have to organize and move quickly to oppose the amendments in the Senate. No doubt that the opposition has close ties with the feminist there also."

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Oklahoma Pushing Sexual Mutilation Law for Sex Offenders

SJones writes "The Oklahoma state senate and house have passed a bill mandating chemical and surgical castration of convicted sex offenders. Of course this will not be applied to women, such as those who rape boys because [these women are portrayed as] the "real" victims. Furthermore it is a blatant violation of the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. Once it is accepted as acceptable punishment for the feminist-defined sex crimes how long before it is applied to the others, such as domestic violence and failure to pay child support? The governor has yet to sign the bill. Contact him and let him know how you feel about it. The article is here."

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Male Bashing E-cards from e-greetings.com

David Alloway writes "The Website e-greetings.com is full of male bashing e-cards. Go to this site for just one example. If you sent a card advocating killing a woman, what would happen?" It looks like e-greetings is owned by the Microsoft Network. Anyone have contact info for them? This particular card is blatant and pure misandry, one that I had hoped was discontinued after Hallmark used it during the early '90's.

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Zohrab on Media Censorship About Marc Lepine

Peter Zohrab from the New Zealand Equality Party sent in an article about the now-infamous Marc Lepine, a young man who went on a shooting rampage to kill feminists at a Canadian University in 1989. Zohrab believes that the media is censoring information about Marc's motives, and points to an allegedly leaked suicide letter from Lepine that has been suppressed. While no one can condone the mass murders by Lepine, Zohrab is willing to ask questions about his motives that few others have done. Read More below for his article.

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