Cathy Young Comments on the California Rape Ruling

mcc99 writes "Cathy Young has commented in the Boston Globe on the recent ruling regarding the definition of rape and consent in California. I submitted a letter to the Globe editor, printed below. If you send your own, please make sure it is utterly original, since they are far less likely to publish any letter that appears to be part of a form or write-in campaign." I would encourage people to read Young's article, since she has brought to light some other factors in this case that I was unaware of until now. Read More below to view mcc99's letter.mcc99's letter: "Cathy Young's January 20, 2003 article on the California Supreme Court's recent decision to expand the definition of rape indeed brings up some hard-to-answer questions. I agree with her overall conclusion that forced sex is rape.

What bothers me though, and especially so as a man, is the lack of evidentiary standards in this kind of case. It is he said-she said-- and her words are weighted far more heavily than his. In fact, in today's climate of misandry, one need only accuse a man of a sex-related crime to destroy his reputation and/or send him to jail, with or without any evidence other than an accusation. Divorce and family courts lawyers will tell you how much such allegations, unsubstantiated or corroborated, are thrown about in efforts to besmear a man's reputation, and even when they are groundless, how the woman making the allegation is not prosecuted.

There is a reason the marriage rate has fallen and men these days are categorically uninclined to marry and have kids. Perhaps people need to start looking more objectively at the causes for the decline in both the marriage and reproductive rate in the United States and other western countries before either statistic is likely to trend back upward."

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