Who cares if a man lives or dies?

Anonymous writes "A Boston Globe article addresses some positive health news for men: men are apparently living longer, and the gender gap among living senior citizens is narrowing. However, the article seems to more or less ignore the main reason to celebrate this news - namely, that men are living longer. Instead, it almost exclusively discusses the ways in which this would clearly benefit women. Great! If you are male, social "scientists" will celebrate your longevity - but only if doing so helps and assists your wife. Thanks for the concern! We've all heard it already - it's best not to be too much of a burden. (FYI, this article is very reminiscent of past articles that I have seen regardig the dearth of men on cellege campuses, focusing exclusively on how this reduces the "qualified" dating pool of men available for -you guessed it - women!) Here is the article. The author can be reached here: dembner@globe.com"

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Lazy husbands the norm?

WORKING in Seattle writes "
As you can see from this link, Dodge has joined the male bashing league with a minivan billboard advertisement that states: "Gets more done than most husbands." Can you imagine the media firestorm and feminist backlash if the word Husbands was replace with Wives? Even better, how about a billboard with an advertisement from Playboy with the statement: "Get more pleasure than with your wife!" YOW!

No fewer than (2) of these billboard are within a couple of hundred feet of my workplace. It has several thousand, hard-working husbands who work everyday, year after year, to bring home the cash for their families. What's next for men if this can be put up by a major US corporation?"

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Exposing a Feminised System

jll1024 writes "

I found this article on AskMen.com. It's a letter and a response concerning male-bashing in the media. I think it's important to note that AskMen.com may be one of the web's most visited site concerning general men's issues, and that the reality of a feminized culture is being exposed by a mainstream media source.

Please write to AskMen.com and thank them and encourage them to continue writing without fear of women who fear men."

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Clara Harris found guilty

Doug writes "Clara Harris, the dentist who killed her husband after finding him with another woman, has been found gulity! It is interesting to me that in a case this clear it took over eight hours to reach that verdict. None the less, this is still a victory. Here's the link to a local news story." Here's also a link to the sentencing

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Masculist Anthology revived

Raymond Cuttill writes "We're hoping to revive the Masculist Anthology, originally proposed by Nightmist. We're looking to get men's writers to submit articles on issues ranging from divorce through education through male health through false accusations (to name but four) with a view to publishing later this year. Email us or join the chat, www.cyberManbooks.com Valentine’s Day – Friday 14th 2-12 Eastern (7-5 London)"

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A Wife Murdering Her Husband is Domestic Violence

Ray writes "Cathy Young's new article appears on MND, and is about the alleged murder of Dr. David Harris by Dr. Clara Harris. Ms Young appears to take a reasonably objective and balanced approach to the story, and even goes so far in her closing sentence as to allude to this incident as domestic violence. That is something I have not noticed any other journalist do so far. One can only wonder whether the words contained in the heated debate on mensactivism over her last story (CA Rape Ruling) have had some influence over her balance and objectivity in this story. Hummm???"

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Male Victims of DV on the BBC

westcoast writes "The BBC did a story on male victims of DV this inside out programme was on at 7:30 pm together with a follow up Radio programme at 10pm.
Mayor Ken Levingstone when asked about the 50/50 male/female violence figure said 'I do not believe it'
At last the BBC have raised awareness of this issue and showed a sympathetic point of view."

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Cyberman Books Chat

Just to let you know, it's the first anniversary of Cyberman Books this friday, and you're welcome to come along and chat with the regulars this friday. If you're interested, visit their homepage to find out more.

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Sacks' Newest: "Valentine's Day & the Gender Wars"

Anon User writes "On Valentine's Day 2003...American men and women often remain bitterly divided...Part of the division...is due to women's legitimate grievances. But much of it is also caused by men's resentment that the very real problems and disadvantages they face as husbands, partners and fathers have been ignored by the media, our lawmakers and by society as a whole. To achieve reconciliation between the genders, it is necessary to address men's grievances." Read the article at http://www.glennsacks.com/valentines_day_and.htm --Newsday (2/12/03)

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V-Day Parody Song Winner Announced

The winner of the V-Day parody song contest has been released. Jack Kammer, a men's issues writer, sponsored this contest to find a good parody of the Wizard of Oz song, "If I only had a heart" to satirize the idea that women are the exclusive victims of violence and oppression, which is the main impetus behind changing Valentine's Day to "V-Day". The winning entry can be found here, and the second and third place winners on this page. Many thanks to everyone who participated - the contest was a lot of fun. Plus, the winner received $100 cash prize!

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Ruling Ended Son's Life

dave100254 writes "Register Guard/Editor's MailbagOn January 18th, the Swat Team killed my son, Guy Einer McClure. His life was really over when Crook County Circuit Judge George Neilson and the State of Oregon decided what he would pay in child and spousal support in June of 1999. He had no hope and no life after that. I really wish the laws could be changed. Sent in by Kathy McClure, Guy's mother." I wish I knew what to say here, but words fail me.

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Differences between Male and Female Brains

It makes sense to view with a bit of skepticism such precepts as those espoused in this essay. The article does, however, present some interesting facts about fundamental, cognitive differences between males and females. And it flies in the face of those genfems, who insist that such differences are purely social constructions.

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Free Clara Harris?

frank h writes "When I read this article by Joseph Farah, my blood pressure went up so far that I immediately got a headache. As you may recall, Clara Harris murdered her husband by running him over with her Mercedes Benz. Her trial is in progress in Texas. Frankly, I think she deserves the death penalty. But apparently Mr. Farah thinks she is a saint and that there ought to be more women like her. I would encourage anyone who is similarly outraged to share thoses feelings with Farah in no uncertain terms, at: jfarah@worldnetdaily.com

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Stop Denying that Women Batter Men!

Ray writes "In this article
the outgoing mayor of a Southern California city is reported as having been caught on videotape slugging a City Councilman. She was cited for misdemeanor battery. Does this story confirm once again that violent women really can't do any serious harm, because their upper body strength is not equivalent to that of a man? Does our society view a woman's upper body strength differently here, than when a woman competes against a man for a job?"

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Male Suicide: Genetic Defect or Desperate Act?

Dan Lynch writes ""There is no bottom to stupid when it comes to government inaction" someone mailed me today. Read on: " ‘New think’ thought of the day, published first in the Montreal Gazette – Men commit suicide because they are genetically defective (the Gazette always reports women commit suicide from desperate acts).
Once again the Montreal Gazette Newspaper, continues to call any issue regarding men a PEOPLE ISSUE (Women’s issues are reported as women’s issues).
It is the same sexist propaganda from the Gazette when it comes to suicides. Because suicide is 80% men, the Gazette reports it as a people issue.
Men are the victims of 75% of violence in Canada, 43% (growing) of spousal abuse victims and ¾ of suicides. Over 90% of the homeless in Canada are men.
Heritage Canada gives 100% of all gender specific funding to women and 100% of gender exclusive resources to the over 500 gender exclusive shelters to women.
The Canadian and Quebec governments refuse to fund a single gender exclusive penny to anything to do with men’s issues (health, suicide, etc). Millions to women, nothing to men.
Desperate men / Zero resources = desperate acts.
Yet these researchers as you report, obviously without a clue, are looking for ‘a genetic link’ and a new study. Study What???
How about the Gazette Newspaper starts asking why there is no emergency funding for men from our Governments.
Today and each and every day 3 men in Quebec will commit suicide.
There is no bottom to stupid when it comes to government inaction and newspaper silence!""

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