Bizarre murder trial? No.

Matt writes "Look how our friends at MSN are covering this story

Note that the headline is: "Trial begins in bizarre traffic death". You can be sure it would not be that circumspect in judgment were the defendant male and the victim female (the reverse is true in this case).

Her lawyer stated in his opening that his client was "...hysterical, terrorized and confused." Um, excuse me? She had a dead or dying person on her car's hood which she got into and drove homeward after she had been drinking and drugging-- and this is how her lawyer makes her out to be? Can you imagine the same being used to describe a male perp and a female victim-- imagine this being said in a court under the same circumstances: "He was hysterical, terrorized and confused." It isn't imaginable, is it? It'd never happen.

Then, she called her friends to help her move the dead/dying man off her car and later dump his body in a park. They obliged her. Well, what's that saying, "Friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies"? Guess she has some real friends, all right.

Well, read the article for yourself. Wanna bet that no way in hell does she get the death sentence for it? Now had a man done this-- well, we know what they'd do to him. I am guessing she maybe gets 10-20, tops. Likely she'll be out in 8 if she even gets that much time. She'll be like the other women who kill men in Texas and all but get away with it.

I am never going to Texas. It seems to me it's too dangerous for men-- right up there with marriage and children."

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