Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 21:18
Dittohd writes "How many feel that this woman, Sara Saga, couldn't have figured out a way to get herself AND children out of Saudi Arabia if everything she is saying about the father and his supposed abuse were REALLY true? Here's the latest."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 18:15
Rand T. writes "New findings by Britain's Continuous Mortality Investigation Bureau show that the gender lifespan gap is narrowing, and men may outlive
women by the end of the century.
These findings cast doubt on the cherished belief of women's greater lifespan being a biological advantage.
The gender lifespan gap, being highly correlated with environmental factors, shows the new focus on men's health brought about by the men's movement is justified and should continue.
Two articles about the new data:
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 02:47
Alright folks, it's that friday feeling you can't get enough of, it's Ask Ads! *rampant ego off* you know how it goes by now. So ask some interesting questions huh?
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-27 23:32
Chas writes "In the 'Canberra Times' (24/7/03) Sue Price challenges the myths and 'statistics' trotted out by opponents to proposed reforms to family law designed to support equal parenting and more equitable arrangements for fathers. She especially targets the position of Chief Justice of the Family Court, Alastair Nicholson, and points out the flaws in his arguments. She argues that, under present law, "...fathers are sidelined; considered unimportant to
their children's wellbeing, apart from their ability to provide
monetary support, and allowed to see their children only one or two
days a fortnight." These developments in Australia will give courage to families in other jurisdiction. Read the article here"
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-27 20:23
Mark writes "Joe Scarborough of MSNBC's Scarborough Country has become quite the leader in addressing men's issues lately. Within the past 2 weeks he has had feature stories on gender bias at the New York Times and discrimination against boys in school. On tonight's show are articles on a federally subsidized study on female arousal and one on...drumroll please...women being the PRIMARY AGGRESSORS in the majority of domestic violence cases."
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-27 16:20
Anon user writes "Marc Angelucci, president of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men, and men's and fathers' issues columnist and radio talk show host Glenn Sacks defended NCFM-LA's sex discrimination lawsuit against 10 Los Angeles County domestic violence shelters in a recent opinion column in the Daily Breeze (Los Angeles. The column can be seen here"
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2003-06-26 22:59
This article addresses the increasing number of Stay At Home Moms in the US. It focusses on the concerns of women but has some nice things to say about men and fathers. I particularly loved the ending, "Where will this lead? Not to Mommy Wars between moms who work and those who stay home, I hope, but toward a profound and shared recognition of the importance of mothering and of the husbands that give mothers the gift of choices."
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Submitted by D on Thu, 2003-06-26 21:20
Code Monkey writes "Murry Straus publishes more research again on dating violence in college aged men and women, as described in this UNH press release. From the release:
Straus says that while most of the assaults on dating partners by students are relatively minor, such as slapping and shoving a partner in anger, the rate of more dangerous assaults, such as punching, choking and attacks with weapons, although much lower, is still alarmingly high at 10 percent. Women assaulted their partners at about the same rate as male students did, Straus also found....The study also looks at the relation of the social context to crime, finding that a large percentage of students approved of slapping a partner's face in some circumstances. An average of 42 percent approved of a husband slapping his partner, while 76 percent said it was all right for a wife to slap her partner.
Please help to promote this study and get the media and public to accept the truth about domestic violence!"
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Submitted by D on Thu, 2003-06-26 07:06
Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-06-26 02:26
Matt writes "Look how our friends at MSN are covering this story
Note that the headline is: "Trial begins in bizarre traffic death". You can be sure it would not be that circumspect in judgment were the defendant male and the victim female (the reverse is true in this case).
Her lawyer stated in his opening that his client was "...hysterical, terrorized and confused." Um, excuse me? She had a dead or dying person on her car's hood which she got into and drove homeward after she had been drinking and drugging-- and this is how her lawyer makes her out to be? Can you imagine the same being used to describe a male perp and a female victim-- imagine this being said in a court under the same circumstances: "He was hysterical, terrorized and confused." It isn't imaginable, is it? It'd never happen.
Then, she called her friends to help her move the dead/dying man off her car and later dump his body in a park. They obliged her. Well, what's that saying, "Friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies"? Guess she has some real friends, all right.
Well, read the article for yourself. Wanna bet that no way in hell does she get the death sentence for it? Now had a man done this-- well, we know what they'd do to him. I am guessing she maybe gets 10-20, tops. Likely she'll be out in 8 if she even gets that much time. She'll be like the other women who kill men in Texas and all but get away with it.
I am never going to Texas. It seems to me it's too dangerous for men-- right up there with marriage and children."
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2003-06-25 21:20
Thunderchild writes "Here is another article, from The Times, about Male Victims of DV in the UK - it is dynamite ! Respect ThunderChild
Die Gedanken sind Frei"
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Submitted by Thomas on Wed, 2003-06-25 20:34
With fatherhood having been deconstructed into something tantamount to a criminal offense, the government of the United Kingdom is now set to prevent men from using DNA evidence to prove their innocence. If a woman chooses to declare that you are the father of her child, she will be able to have your paycheck attached to take your income. If you try to prevent her from taking your money, the government will track you down as a "deadbeat dad" and imprison you.
Serves you right, guys. You've committed the ultimate crime in a matriarchy—you are in possession of a Y chromosome.
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Submitted by Steve on Wed, 2003-06-25 09:52
This week's MANN chat will be held on Wednesday
night (6/25), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the
href="">usual location.
The topic will be "The Y Chromosome: Its Role in Men's Activism."
Very recently, our manly Y chromosome has gotten a lot of good
press. Scientists have discovered that "Y" can
its own genetic defects,
an extra brain gene, and appears to be the
chromosome in the human genome. What implications do these
findings have for men's activism? Can we use this new information
to emphasize the good things about being a man, to really buy into
manhood? Join us at this week's chat for some manly
introspection and to explore how some fundamental characteristics of
being male influence our activism. Invite some friends to join
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Submitted by Thomas on Wed, 2003-06-25 00:55
A survey conducted in Germany reveals that women are about as likely to cheat as men. No wonder the feminists are struggling to prevent men from having paternity tests done without the mother's approval. Also note that women are twice as likely as men to cheat frequently.
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Submitted by Thomas on Tue, 2003-06-24 22:38
Here's another article on the decoding of the Y chromosome. It seems this efficient (read "excess baggage removed") bit of genetic information that makes a man a man contains an extra brain gene. No one knows yet what function this gene serves, but "the gene must have played a key role in the evolution of mankind for it to exist in the genome today."
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