Why you can’t say ‘men are trash’ on Facebook

Article here. Excerpt:

'Question: According to your policies “men are trash” is considered tier-one hate speech. So what that means is that our classifiers are able to automatically delete most of the posts or comments that have this phrase in it. [Why?]

Mark Zuckerberg: The hate speech policies are the most fraught. So I’ll walk you through the reasoning of how we got to this policy. And so there are a few things that are going on that I think you want to think about. So one is, gender is a protected category. So substitute in your mind while you’re thinking through this, what if this were “Muslims are trash,” right? You would not want that on the service.'

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'No consent' circumcision doctor suspended for a month

Article here. Excerpt:

'A mother whose son was circumcised without her consent said she was "furious" the doctor has only been suspended for a month.

The boy was taken to be circumcised by his Muslim grandmother, and Dr Balvinder Mehat did not check the mother consented to the procedure.

Dr Mehat was investigated by the General Medical Council and admitted the allegation at a misconduct hearing.

However, the tribunal decided he was "no risk to patients".

"It's an absolute joke and I won't trust another doctor ever again," said the boy's mother.

"If I went round and cut his bits off I would be getting years in prison.

"Even if they struck him off it wouldn't have been enough punishment, because he has caused my son so much pain, but such a short suspension is a slap in the face."'

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Kenya’s Brigid Kosgei Sets World Marathon Record In Chicago

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brigid Kosgei of Kenya won the Chicago Marathon on Sunday in 2 hours, 14 minutes, 4 seconds to break the world record in the event.

The 25-year-old Kosgei bested the previous mark of 2:15:25 set by Paula Radcliffe in London 16 years ago. She won in Chicago last year in 2:18:35.
Kosgei’s run came little more than 24 hours after fellow Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge became the first man to run 26.2 miles in less than two hours, clocking 1:59:41 in Vienna. Unlike Kipchoge’s performance, however, Kosgei’s mark was set in an official race on a record-eligible course.
Lawrence Cherono won the men’s race in 2:05:45. Ethiopia’s Dejene Debela was second in 2:05:46 and Asefa Mengstu was third in 2:05:48.'

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3M IP counsel says executive buy-in critical to addressing dearth of women inventors

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Intellectual Property Owners Association’s newly released “tool kit” to increase the number of female inventors outlines in precise detail almost every step corporations and universities should take to close a gaping gender gap in corporate and academic innovation.
The dearth of female inventors and patent holders in the U.S. has been described as a national crisis. It has sparked calls to action from federal patent officials as well as members of Congress.'

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Teen who murdered boy while pregnant ‘boasting about being a man hater’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jolene Doherty, now aged 18, was jailed for life in January for knifing fellow teenager Conner Cowper to death at a house party.

Doherty was 17 at the time of the murder, in April 2018, but when she turned 18 last month her identity could be revealed.

She gave birth behind bars, but prison sources claim the young mum has been bragging about the brutal killing to other inmates, telling them that she hates men.

A prison source claimed the convicted killer said her hatred of men was the reason for the murder at a flat in Holytown, near Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, in April last year, the Evening Times reported.'

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Elizabeth Warren abandoned the strongest defense of gay marriage for mean-spirited, sexist pandering

Article here. Excerpt:

'Morgan Cox, board chairman of the Human Rights Campaign, asked the insurgent presidential front-runner what she'd say to a religious person who argues, "my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman."

"Well," Warren replied. "I'm going to assume it's a guy who said that, and I'm going to say then just marry one woman. I'm cool with that, assuming you can find one."

To start with an obvious falsehood, men and women support government-recognized gay marriage at nearly identical rates — 61% and 66% respectively. Warren's implied sexism here isn't just distasteful. It's also built upon a statistical lie, which isn't a surprise.

But more significant is Warren's entire approach to the question. Rather than argue as gay rights advocates have for decades that government recognition of a contract doesn't impede religious institutions, Warren ignores the implied religious liberty concern entirely and then relies on a rude insult.'

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'You stop it, you are a white male!': Unhinged trustee shouts down colleagues

Article here. Excerpt:

'A board of trustees meeting in the Village of Oak Park, Illinois, took an ugly turn Monday night, when one elected official went on a tirade against several of her colleagues for daring to give input on updates to the town's equity, diversity, and inclusion statement.

Trustee Susan Buchanan came unglued after another trustee, Dan Moroney, suggested defining what it means to "break down systems of oppression" as part of the language in the proposed new version of Oak Park's diversity statement.

Moroney used the example that the local police department had recently been accused by some in the community of being a "system of oppression" and he would therefore "hesitate to send the message to our police department that they are a system of oppression."

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Enough Leaning In. Let’s Tell Men to Lean Out.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rarely do we stop to consider that many of life’s problems might be better explained by the alternative titles “Men Who Love Too Little,” “ … Think Too Little,” “ … Worry Too Little” or “ … Do Too Little.” But instead we assume without question that whatever men are doing or thinking is what we all should be aiming for.
So perhaps instead of nagging women to scramble to meet the male standard, we should instead be training men and boys to aspire to women’s cultural norms, and selling those norms to men as both default and desirable. To be more deferential. To reflect and listen and apologize where an apology is due (and if unsure, to err on the side of a superfluous sorry than an absent one). To aim for modesty and humility and cooperation rather than blowhard arrogance.'

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Smash the patriarchy with witchcraft

I can't make this stuff up. Article here. Excerpt:

'Ms. Grossman was showing me her altar, a pastiche of moon pendants, candles, crystals and dried flowers. She calls herself a witch, and cast spells and teaches magical history. She has been named “the Terry Gross of witches” for “The Witch Wave” podcast she hosts. In June, she published “Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power.” And last weekend, she was an organizer of the Occult Humanities Conference hosted by New York University.

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Australia: Uni faces legal challenge over sexual assault allegation against med student

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lawyers for the male student have filed proceedings in the Supreme Court in Brisbane after he was invited to attend a UQ disciplinary board hearing about the sexual assault allegation.

"[UQ and its disciplinary board] do not have jurisdiction to hear and make findings about such allegations," the application for judicial review states.

The ABC understands the medical student has not been charged with any criminal offence.

The assault allegedly took place last year.

According to documents tendered as part of the civil case, the student is alleged to have digitally penetrated the complainant's genitals without her consent.'

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Two years of #MeToo: a disaster for men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'#MeToo began with serious accusations of rape. But as it cast its net ever-wider, the crimes became, well, less serious. Joe Biden kissed the top of a woman’s head. Morgan Freeman apparently touched a young woman’s back. Aziz Ansari reportedly poured his date a glass of red wine when, unknown to him, she really fancied white wine instead. This is, at the very worst, bad manners. But #MeToo teaches us that there is no objective definition of sexual harassment. If certain behaviour is unwanted and perceived by a woman to be sexual harassment, then it is sexual harassment. Context, intent, even a man’s actions count for nothing compared to a woman’s feelings.

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Do Works by Men Toppled by #MeToo Belong in the Classroom?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canceling a course because its materials are controversial or seen as morally problematic, the senate said, “would undermine both the value of free inquiry and the associated rights of faculty to engage in such inquiry by choosing their course content.”

Ms. Lyon was unmoved. “When you teach works like Woody Allen’s you’re normalizing and romanticizing the culture of abuse he was part of,” she said, noting the parallels between accusations against Mr. Allen and the relationships his characters have with younger women in films like “Manhattan.” “It’s not censorship to be selective when you choose the art you teach.”'

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No boys allowed: Girls-only tech class gives students 'confidence' for skilled trades

Article here. Excerpt:

'A month into school and students in the female-only tech class at St. Joseph's Catholic High School in Windsor are putting the finishing touches on wooden boxes they've constructed. The Grade 9 girls wear all the required safety gear to carve designs into their boxes and apply finishing touches.

The course — Exploring Technologies — is brand new at the school this year and school officials said it filled up almost immediately after being offered.

Sam Santarossa didn't realize how much effort went in to making things, and said the opportunity to learn without the guys around is helpful.

"I really like it, personally, because the boys seem to get off track very easily, and I think with all of us together, it just makes it easier for all of us to learn."
Teacher Ryan Coop said the girls actually pay closer attention to their work than the boys he teaches do.

"Their attention spans [are] better than the guys," said Coop. "The [girls] are just as good, if not better, in every way."'

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‘Feminism is the most self-defeating movement of our time,’ says cultural critic

Article here. Excerpt:

'“I think feminism is the most self-defeating movement of our time.”

So says prolific author and respected cultural critic Mary Eberstadt, whose recently published book “Primal Screams: How the Sexual Revolution Created Identity Politics,” explains the deleterious effects of the demise of the traditional family.
“I think feminism is primarily an act of self protection in the way that feminists themselves don’t understand,” she said. “In the world after the sexual revolution there really were new threats to women, as we saw in the #MeToo movement. The sexual revolution has empowered predatory men in particular. So feminism correctly understands that women are now in an environment of heightened risk.”

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Men’s rights advocates are strong-arming small businesses by claiming discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'Steve Frye — a “men’s rights advocate” — has another victim in his sights: The Paso Robles Golf Club.

Frye recently filed a lawsuit claiming he was denied access to a women’s golf clinic held in 2017.

He says he missed out on several freebies offered to participants — including golf instruction, use of a golf cart and other equipment, and alcoholic beverages.

Frye, who has filed dozens of similar cases, alleges the golf course violated the Unruh Civil Rights Act, which prohibits businesses from discriminating on the basis of “sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, or sexual orientation.”

As ridiculous as it sounds, he may have a case; the law has been used to successfully challenge bars that offer “ladies’ night” discounts on drinks and/or cover charges.'

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