Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2005-03-26 07:36
Darren Blacksmith has recently interviewed Tom Ellis about his book. An interesting read for those who either already purchased it or are considering doing so, with information about how it was written, further clarification on some of the themes, and the response from some of the readers. Read it here.
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2005-03-26 07:18
Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2005-03-26 07:16
Ray writes "This New Hampshire newspaper reports on the "Patriarchy Slam held in the basement of UNH's Memorial Union Building the evening of March 10," here . One comment describes the event as "a public feminist poetry event where women wore scissors on their necks and talked of castrating rapists." Another comment speaks of the event's participants as, "using the scissors to pop balloons that spelled out "The Patriarchy,'" A UNH vice president says, among other things, "We're not finished dealing with the whole issue...""
Looks like the feminists are backpedaling. Unfortunately, something in that quote "not finished dealing with the whole issue" sounds like "are finished dealing with this part of the issue", but we'll see how this develops. - Hombre
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2005-03-26 07:08
cnewbyuk writes "Even though this is an extreme example, I'm still shocked at the levels some women will go:-
Story here."
That's what happens when people become convinced that others aren't as human as they are. Without 50 years of feminist propaganda dominating the media, this very well might not have happened. - Hombre
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2005-03-26 07:04
CJ writes "Story here.
Two women get caught lying about a girl getting raped by an armed kidnapper - this sent a SWAT team to the house and closed city blocks. To quote the feminist mantra "women do not lie about rape" -indeed."
I wonder if any feminist mantra will ever stand up to honest investigation? - Hombre
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2005-03-26 06:58
Palladin writes " In the bottom of the papers electronic version they have an ad comparing men to dogs! The paper is here.
I believe that in a university where a student was evicted for a politically incorrect joke that must be a violation of harassement rules!
There is also a fuller version of the events which occured at Patriarchy Slam.
Please contact the paper at 603-862-1490."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2005-03-25 09:00
TLE writes "It's been a few weeks since I announced my anti-feminist book, The Rantings of a Single Male. In that time, several positive reviews have appeared on Amazon. It's also the featured book this month at Mensight Magazine, where you can find some very intense excerpts. Darren Blacksmith has recently endorsed The Rantings and has published an off-the-wall conversation with me on his CoolTools4Men website. And now Angry Harry has the book listed in the UK. If you have read The Rantings, let's hear what you think!"
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2005-03-24 04:51
Linucs writes "From the BBC: "As the prison population rises, more and more women are being locked up. Critics, however, believe women offenders should be treated differently from men and now the government has outlined plans to build female rehabilitation centres as an alternative to jail."
Get this one:
"For instance, they claim that half of women prisoners - far more than men - have suffered physical, sexual or mental abuse."
I guess that men who suffered physical, sexual or mental abuse as kids should just rot in jail, right?"
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-03-23 09:01
Mangesh writes "Mexican men march for their rights. Story here."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2005-03-23 09:00
Palladin writes "
On March 10, 2005, there was a "Patriarchy Bash" at UNH. Posters announced it everywhere. They defined "Patriarchy" as men. For more information read here.
In my humble opinion, the main reason misandry is so popular in our culture is because we men are seen as a perfect target -- because most of us are gentlemen. If we protested, or started many hostile learning environment and sexual harassement suits, these scumbags would have quickly found another target. After all, is not "poetry" about cutting off genitals the worst case of sexual harassement?
I would also say that now it is definitly the time to switch off our gentleman mode and switch on our survival mode."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2005-03-22 08:53
Luek writes "Just in time for Easter. A man working at a mall dressed as the Easter bunny was arrested and charged with harassment after he yelled at a female. There is noting in the story saying he made her cry so that is good news. Maybe that will reduce his prison sentence or make his chances for parole better."
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2005-03-21 21:36
Ragtime writes "A man whose 'support' payments are set at higher than 100% of his income has tried to sell one of his kidneys on eBay. For two reasons, I just about couldn't believe my eyes when I came across this article. First, for the unbelievably sad story of a desperate father and a heartless mother and, second, for the fact that the story ran in a MAJOR main-stream paper, and was SYMPATHETIC to the father!
From the article: The 48-year-old car salesman is desperate for cash, $50,000, to be exact. It's the sum he owes his ex-wife in spousal support, and he believes that paying up is the only way that, after almost five years, he'll finally be allowed to see his beloved son again.
"I feel he's being held ransom and it's horrible that she's put a price on his head."
Meanwhile, the court system, he says, acts as her willing accomplice.
After months of her harassment, he lost his well-paying job as a sales manager..."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-03-21 07:37
On December 16, 2003 Georgia beauty queen Sharron Nicole Redmond rolled down the window of her car and shot boyfriend Kevin Shorter. Three days later, Shorter bled to death.
Even though Shorter did not have a gun with him, and even though Redmond easily could have driven away in her car, Redmond later testified that she killed Shorter in self-defense. This past week the jury in Savannah found Miss Redmond not guilty of murder.
A case of battered justice for a male victim of domestic violence.
Click "Read more..." for more.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-03-21 05:01
Anonymous User writes "Maureen Dowd is:
(a) Hypocritical.
(b) Bad at science.
Here's the piece."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2005-03-21 04:57
Trudy W Schuett writes "We're launching a campaign at the DesertLight Journal called "Snail a Dollar" to benefit the Domestic Abuse Men's Helpline.
DAHM is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS. Here's their website:
They are the only nationwide agency serving male victims of domestic violence. As awareness of the full problem grows, and men needing help become more willing to ask, DAHM's resources are ever-more depleted. They depend entirely on private donations to keep the service running. They are restricted from accessing any of the billions of dollars in federal, state, or local government funding because they help men.
Most state and federal funding is reserved for member programs of state domestic violence coalitions. DAHM has been refused membership in their state’s coalition, because their services are primarily focused on male victims.
It’s up to the private sector now to help men!
Here's the link: 33.htm"
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