#MeToo Jumps Another Shark

Article here. Excerpt:

'Among the tidal wave of sexual misconduct allegations in the early days of #MeToo, one little-noticed story concerned an indie country-rock emo band called Pinegrove. On November 21, 2017, the band canceled its tour because of a “sexual coercion” charge against lead singer Evan Stephens Hall. A lengthy message from Hall on Pinegrove’s Facebook page asserted that the accusation stemmed from a complicated, intense relationship that he believed to have been mutual and “based in love.” However, the singer also castigated himself for having “monumentally misread the situation.” In particular, he wrote that he “should have more actively acknowledged my position of power as a public figure, and also as a man.”

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She Claimed He Sexually Assaulted Her. The School Ignored Witnesses That Challenged Her Credibility.

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'A judge has sided with an accused student against the University of Connecticut after the school ignored evidence that challenged the female accuser’s version of events.

The male accused student, referred to as John Doe in court documents, was one semester away from graduating when a female student, referred to as Jane Roe, accused him of sexual assault. After a campus process that denied John the ability to question Jane’s credibility, he was expelled. He then sued the university and was granted a temporary restraining order blocking the school from implementing his punishment based on an unfair procedure.'

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Amber Heard Admits to Hitting Johnny Depp: I 'Get So Mad, I Lose It'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Aquaman star Amber Heard admitted to "hitting" ex-husband Johnny Depp in a recording made in 2015, while the two were still married. The recording, obtained and published by The Daily Mail Friday, was allegedly made when the two tried to talk through their marriage issues. Heard and Depp married in 2015, and finalized their divorce in 2017.

"I'm sorry that I didn't, uh, uh, hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you. Babe, you're not punched," Heard tells Depp in the recording, referencing an incident the night before. "I don't know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you're fine, I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you."'

The Terrible Masculinity of Johnny Depp


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Texas mother trying to transition her young son into a girl loses in court again

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Texas mother attempting to transition her seven-year-old son into a girl has lost again in court, with the judge ordering that both the boy's mother and father, who is opposed to the transition, have joint conservatorship over the child.

The long, contentious battle over James Younger's fate has played out over several months. In October, a jury ruled that James' father, Jeffrey Younger, should be stripped of his conservatorship role over the boy, leaving James' mother, Anne Georgulas, in charge of James' medical decisions. The boy's mother is determined to transition James into a girl, while the father does not want it to happen.

A judge later ordered that Younger was to share joint conservatorship over the child. Texas Gov. Greg Abbot subsequently declared that the state would investigate the circumstances surrounding James' rearing.'

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Australia: Feminism 'has gone off the rails': Arndt

Video here.

'Published on Jan 30, 2020
Men's rights activist Bettina Arndt says feminism has "absolutely gone off the rails" after a campaign was launched to strip her of her Order of Australia honour.

Victoria's Attorney-General Jill Hennessy wrote to Governor-General David Hurley asking him to rescind Ms Arndt’s Order of Australia award, saying the recognition was "an insult to victims of sexual abuse".

Ms Hennessy said Ms Arndt’s recognition on Australia Day for “significant service to the community as a social commentator and to gender equity through advocacy for men” caused major “alarm” and “concern”.

In the wake of the campaign against her, Ms Arndt told Sky News she had been "swamped with support" from an "absolutely outraged" public.'


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Knox College: Staff assesses low retention causes

Article here. Excerpt:

'There have also been notable demographic changes over the past six years.

Latinx and black students now make up a smaller portion of students who leave than they do at Knox overall, which is the opposite from six years ago, Ehrlich told Senate.

Now, white students and male-identifying students leave at a disproportionate rate. The only correlation with reasons the administration found was with men leaving more for mental health reasons.

“That’s not a surprise because male-identifying students are less likely to (…) be willing to go to counseling (…) I think it’s a stigma issue,” Ehrlich said.

The loss of male students also presents a new concern with the gender balance of the school. Knox already, like most colleges, has more women than men, so losing a disproportionate number of men would change the current balance, Ehrlich said.'

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Yale Will Eliminate a Beloved Introductory Art Class for Being Too White, Male, and Western

Article here. Excerpt:

'Enrollment has swelled for Yale University's introductory art history course, which covers "the Renaissance to the present." That's because the school plans to eliminate the popular class after the spring.

According to The Yale Daily News, the art department has decided that the class might make some students uncomfortable due to the "overwhelming" whiteness, maleness, and straightness of the artists who comprise the Western canon (though that last label may be dubious). Indeed, the focus on Western art is "problematic," course instructor Tim Barringer told the student newspaper.

"I want all Yale students (and all residents of New Haven who can enter our museums freely) to have access to and to feel confident analyzing and enjoying the core works of the western tradition," said Barringer. "But I don't mistake a history of European painting for the history of all art in all places."'

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Military vets may have worse PTSD symptoms if they conform to 'masculine traits'

Article here. Excerpt:

'For members of the military, being able to suppress emotions and rely on yourself can be an asset, if not a life-saving quality.

But those traditionally "masculine" traits can exacerbate post-traumatic stress disorder that's especially difficult to treat, according to a robust new study in the journal Psychology of Men and Masculinities.

For the study, researchers looked at 17 studies including more than 3,500 military veterans to see how traits like self-reliance affected their mental health after experiencing trauma.

They found that the more veterans believed they should be tough and appear unemotional, the more likely they were to develop PTSD, have severe PTSD symptoms, and avoid seeking mental health treatment for those symptoms.'

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Gender pay gap smallest for millennials, Gen Z, widest for older generations

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new PayScale study on the gender pay gap found that younger generations are faring much better than their older counterparts. When the pay gap is controlled — comparing the pay for men and women doing the same job in the same geographic location, same experience, education, etc. — women under the age of 30 are paid 99 cents for every dollar that a man earns. The gap continues to widen with each age range, but still stays close; women 45 and up are paid 98 cents for every dollar a man earns.
PayScale says this year its study focused on neutralizing the pay gap. According to a 2018 World Economic Forum report, it would take another 108 years to close the global gender pay gap. But according to PayScale’s findings, a transparent pay process reduced, or effectively eliminated the gender pay gap.

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NBC Fawns Over Female Dem Impeachment Managers ‘Making History’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Continuing to marvel over the female impeachment managers, Hunt pulled out a picture of the Republican House mangers during the impeachment of Bill Clinton: “So this is a photo of the impeachment managers in the last case. And I know, Congresswoman Lofgren, you were here for it. What’s your reaction to seeing just how different it looks?”

Lofgren quipped: “Well, a whole room of old white guys...” She then applauded her current team of Democratic prosecutors: “I do think it’s nice that we have really a group that looks like America, that’s over there standing up for our Constitution.”

Not finished with the sexist commentary, Hunt noted: “So a poll released this week showed that 59% of women say that the President should be removed from office, but just 42% of men say the same. What’s with the difference?”

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Women-only business groups marginalize and fail to empower members

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women-only business networks fail to boost female entrepreneurship and instead serve to marginalise further the very people they seek to help.

New research from the University of Edinburgh Business School, Lancaster University Management School and Dublin City University Business School, published in the Journal of Economic Geography, found the networks are unable to overcome bigger societal issues that prevent more women from pursuing their own businesses.

Policy makers see the drive to increase female entrepreneurship as key to helping foster national and regional economic growth. However, women lag behind men in terms of business ownership, growth and access to resources.
The networks tend to be more geographically restricted and focus more on social support over business development, failing to provide a platform to address issues of gender inequality in entrepreneurship.'

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Hawaii Measure Aims To Encourage Guilty, No Contest Pleas In Domestic Violence Cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'Advocates for victims in Hawaii domestic violence cases are backing a proposal to reduce certain domestic violence cases from felonies to misdemeanors.
One women's caucus bill would make it easier to prosecute certain domestic violence cases as misdemeanors. The change would speed up the conviction and sentencing of offenders by giving the defendants incentives to plead guilty or no contest to the charges.

Puna state Rep. Joy San Buenaventura introduced the bill. She says when abusers ask for a jury trial, the process takes longer, putting a burden on abuse victims.

“If the victim fails to show up twice in a row, what prosecutors tell me is those cases are being dismissed without prejudice, which means they can be refiled but the process goes all over again,” she said. “The idea behind what we’re trying to do is to give them a carrot to allow them to still be in the system but not require the victim to show up in every instance.”'

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Goldman Sachs won’t list your company if only white men are on the board

Article here. Excerpt:

'Goldman Sachs, one of the world's leading advisers on IPOs, will no longer take companies in the US and Europe public if they have boards made up entirely of white men.

Speaking to CNBC at the World Economic Forum at Davos on 23 January, the US investment bank’s chief executive, David Solomon, said: “I think from a governance perspective, diversity on boards is a very, very important issue. We have been very, very focused on it. So we’re trying to find ways to encourage that.”

From 30 June, Goldman will insist that every company it helps with an initial public offering in its two core regions (Europe and the US) have at least one “diverse director”. This will increase to two in June 2021.

The bank plans to work with companies it is currently advising on how to improve their diversity representation before any pre-June listing, including by providing access to a network of potential candidates.'

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Feminist writer complains that men who refuse to date 'woke' women contribute to the radicalization of terrorists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist writer Vicky Spratt says that men avoiding a romantic interest in "woke" women is helping to usher in the radicalization of terrorists.

In an article published on Refinery29, Spratt voices her concern over British actor Laurence Fox, who caught the ire of many feminists and leftists after saying that there is no such thing as "white privilege," and that the United Kingdom was not an inherently racist nation.

In one of Fox's most recent interviews, he discussed dating and revealed that he will not date "woke" women who want nothing more than to affect justice in the social sector.

In an article titled, "The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won't Date 'Woke' Women" Spratt says that Fox's ideals are dangerous, and part of a larger, more insidious trend that is bent on radicalizing terrorists across the globe.'

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Florida Teenager Who Allegedly Lied About Sexual Assault Will Face Charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 15-year-old girl who claimed she was raped while jogging during the day will now face charges.

The girl, whose name has not been released, faces two counts of “false reporting of a crime to police,” WWSB reported. The first count relates to her initial claim of sexual battery and the second refers to another claim she made about a physical assault a few days later.

The Daily Wire previously reported that the girl claimed she was out jogging near her neighborhood when a man attacked and raped her and then fled in a black four-door car. She gave police a DNA sample and worked with a sketch artist to come up with a drawing of the man she claimed had attacked her. She said her attacker was a white, 36- to 38-year-old man about 5’8” with dark hair and a goatee.'

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