Joe Biden Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Former Staffer

Article here. What, VAWA Joe assailing female staff? The MSM is curiously silent. Excerpt:

'Former Vice President Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assaulting a former staffer in 1993 in his Senate office.

Tara Reade, who worked in Biden’s office in 1993, accused Biden of touching her, kissing her and penetrating her with his fingers without consent.

Reade made her claims in an interview with Katie Halper, a writer and podcast host, released Wednesday.

“We were alone, and it was the strangest thing. There was no, like, exchange really, he just had me up against the wall,” Reade said.

“His hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And then, he went, he went down my skirt and then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers…and um…He was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me,” she also told Halper.'

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Here's why the coronavirus may be killing more men than women

Article here. Excerpt:

'In countries such as Italy, men represent nearly 60% of people who tested positive for the virus and more than 70% of those who have died, according to the country's National Health Institute (ISS). Even in countries like South Korea, where the proportion of women who have tested positive for the virus is higher than that of men, about 54% of the reported deaths are among men.
Comprehensive data about those who have gotten sick could help inform more effective responses to the crisis. But public health researchers say that when governments such as the United States either don't collect, or don't publish their data, it's impossible for experts to gain an accurate sense of what's going on.

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Service commission to propose women sign up for draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'A congressional commission is recommending that women should be required to sign up for the U.S. military draft for the first time ever.

The report by the National Commission on Military, National and Public Service, which was pushed strongly by the late Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, is due to make public its two years of research on Wednesday. Politico first reported on the recommendation for women.

“This is a necessary and fair step, making it possible to draw on the talent of a unified nation in a time of national emergency,” the 255-page report said, according to the Politico report.

The thought of including women in the military draft is a polarizing topic among lawmakers,. But women in the military have also been cleared for combat roles under a change approved by the Obama administration.'

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"Coronavirus Compounds Financial Concerns in Women’s Sports"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The coronavirus has upended the sports world, throwing many professional athletes, like Harrison, into uncertainty. But women, who have fought so hard to get to the top level of sports, might feel a sharper pain than travel woes. Their paychecks and sponsor deals are often much smaller than men’s; their leagues are less established. The specter of a recession is an additional concern.'

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The coronavirus is killing far more men than women

Article here. Excerpt:

'With more than 200,000 coronavirus cases worldwide and thousands of deaths, a striking pattern is appearing in the hardest-hit countries: More men are dying than women.

No where is this trend more pronounced than in Italy. Men make up nearly 60% of people with confirmed cases of the virus and more than 70% of those who have died from covid-19, according to the country's main public health research agency.

On the other end of the spectrum is South Korea, where about 61% of confirmed infections have been in women. Though far fewer patients have died, the majority of fatalities - 54% -- were again in men.'

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SAVE: Take action on male v. female-only scholarships

From SAVE:

The Title IX Equity Project recently released a list of 85 colleges and universities in the nation with severe violations of the federal Title IX law that bars sex discrimination in schools. These 85 institutions offer at least 10 more scholarships for female students, compared to the number of scholarships for male students. The 85 colleges are located in 34 states across the nation: AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, and WY.

One of the worst offenders in the country is the University of Missouri – Columbia, which offers 70 scholarships for female students, and one for male students. The 70 female-only scholarships address a broad range of academic fields, including medicine, education, journalism, art, and other areas. The sole scholarship for male students, the Eric G. Rowe Scholarship Fund, is reserved for “deserving farm boys” who plan to attend the university’s School of Agriculture.

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A Crazed Academic Weaponized Title IX Against a Rival Professor Whose Job He Wanted

Article here. Excerpt:

'What do you do when a rival professor is about to land your dream job teaching creative writing at the University of Michigan? If you're "J.", the villain of a terrific, horrifying story in today's New York Times, you file a series of anonymous, false sexual misconduct allegations against the professor and her wife—trusting that Title IX's byzantine investigative process and the accompanying rumors will sabotage their career and make you the next job candidate in line.

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Oh Good, Another Anti-Male, ‘Woke’ Commercial – This One Featuring Brie Larson

Article here. Excerpt:

'If there’s one thing I need as a woman, it’s a slew of commercials telling me that men are bad, I’m a victim, and that some product will somehow change all of that.

The latest example of this nonsense comes from car maker Nissan, who debuted a new commercial this week featuring Brie Larson – who has made her modern feminism and anti-male bias well known. In the ad, a woman is out getting food-stand tacos with her male boss, who casually tells her, “So, I’m gonna hold on promoting you this quarter, cool?”


Ad here.

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US Soccer claims it won't pay women equally because being a male player requires more skill

Article here. Excerpt:

'In its ongoing battle with the women's national team over equal pay, the US Soccer Federation says male players have "more responsibility" and the men's team "requires a higher level of skill" than their female counterparts.

The federation made that argument in court documents filed Monday opposing a summary judgment in the gender discrimination lawsuit filed by the US Women's National Team against the federation in March 2019.
According to the court filing, the job performed by players on the women's team requires less skill, effort and responsibility than the one performed by players on the men's team.

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How the new DeVos rules on sexual assault will shock schools — and students

Article here. Excerpt:

'Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is about to shake up how sexual assault and harassment charges are handled at every college campus and K-12 school.

This much is clear: If your child is a victim of sexual misconduct at school, or an accused offender, administrators must soon respond to their cases in major, untested ways. That could mean a courtroom-like hearing where lawyers would cross-examine youthful witnesses and challenge their credibility, a huge shift from traditional behind-the-scenes investigations of highly sensitive and damaging allegations.

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The Ninth Circuit Recognizes Title IX Liability Based on “Pre-Assault” Conduct

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the end of January, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion holding that a university can be liable to a victim of sexual assault under Title IX based on the university’s handling of sexual violence on campus before the student was assaulted. See Karasek v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 948 F.3d 1150 (9th Cir. Jan. 30, 2020). In doing so, the Ninth Circuit became the first federal appellate court to recognize such a broad “pre-assault” claim under Title IX.

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The ghosts of British politics: poor white boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'In terms of diversity, what do the two governments in London and Edinburgh have in common? On the face of it, they could not be more different. Yet absent from both are the pale, forgotten ghosts of British politics.

After reshuffles in both Westminster and Holyrood last month, Boris Johnson has 16 men and just six women in his cabinet, while Nicola Sturgeon has chosen the first female-dominated cabinet in Britain. The SNP cabinet is still overwhelmingly white, while the Tory cabinet has more senior ministers from ethnic minorities than ever before. In Holyrood, the SNP and Scots’ Tories have promoted more LGBT ministers, with both sides vying to be more “woke” than the other. In Westminster, the LGBT presence has been emphasised less than the rise of a new, youthful generation of Conservatives — notably the 39-year-old chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Women, ethnic minorities, LGBT, youth — how much more diversity could we hope for from the two front benches, north and south of the border?

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American farmers suicide crisis

Article here. If the bulk of these farmers committing suicide were women, the outcry would be defeaning. Instead, one story in one MSM outlet. Excerpt:

'One by one, the three men from the same close-knit community took their own lives.

Their deaths spanned a two-year stretch starting in mid-2015 and shook the village of Georgetown, Ohio, about 40 miles southeast of Cincinnati.

All of the men were in their 50s and 60s.

All were farmers.

Heather Utter, whose husband’s cousin was the third to die by suicide, worries that her father could be next. The longtime dairy farmer, who for years struggled to keep his operation afloat, sold the last of his cows in January amid his declining health and dwindling finances. The decision crushed him.'

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Pelosi: 'I usually always cast my vote for a woman'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that she “usually” casts her votes for female candidates when possible, though she declined to say if she had backed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) in the Democratic presidential primary.

Pelosi was asked during an event at Northeastern University if her reluctance to back the “Medicare for All” proposals advocated by Warren and fellow progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is an indication of whom she supports in the Democratic presidential primary.

“That has no reflection on who I would support for president of the United States. I'd just say, just generally, I usually always cast my vote for a woman. I just do,” Pelosi said in response to the question from WBUR’s Meghna Chakrabarti.'

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UK: Tory MP’s hate crime Bill ‘ridicules’ gender-based abuse – Lib Dem

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Tory MP has been accused of taking a “dismissive” and “ridiculing” approach to gender-based abuse after he tabled legislation calling for prejudice against men to be made a hate crime.

Liberal Democrat Wera Hobhouse will present a Bill in the Commons on Monday which seeks to require police forces to record hate crimes motivated by misogyny, and make motivation by misogyny an aggravating factor in criminal sentencing.

But Conservative Philip Hollobone has tabled identical legislation – with “misandry” also included.
She said that making misogyny a hate crime could enable the crimes to be prosecuted more severely and show how prejudice against women influences crime.

However Mr Hollobone said her Bill “reflects blatant gender bias”.

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