Professor sues university for $7.9 million for destroying reputation with baseless grades-for-sex investigation

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Illinois continued to probe “demonstrably false” sex-for-grades allegations against a professor even after it agreed to end the investigation in return for his resignation, according to the professor’s lawyers.

When it learned Joseph Petry’s accuser was trying to “blackmail” him for giving her a bad grade, the taxpayer-funded institution did not publicize its findings to the same degree it promoted the allegations, Petry’s lawyers said in a press release accompanying his lawsuit (below).

Filed in the Illinois Court of Claims, which adjudicates litigation against the state, Petry’s breach-of-contract lawsuit is seeking nearly $7.9 million from the Board of Trustees for damaging his reputation and future employment opportunities.

He claims approximately $5.2 million in lost wages, $537,046 for lost tax deductions, $103,000 in legal expenses and an additional $2 million for mental distress.'

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U.S. Women’s Soccer Denied Immediate Appeal Over Equal Pay Claims That Were Thrown Out In Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner ruled in May that the women’s team had not proven their pay discrimination claims, finding that they actually turned down the very equal pay structure they now demand, The Daily Wire previously reported.

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Hollywood's Male #MeToo Stigma and the Fear of Coming Forward: "It's Looked Upon as a Weakness"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last fall, Johnathon Schaech was running out of options. After making a living as an actor for 30 years — 1996's That Thing You Do! was his breakout — he was in danger of losing his SAG health insurance from lack of work, and he and his wife were trying to have a baby. Schaech, 50, had become something of an unwitting spokesman for male #MeToo victims in 2018 after he said Italian director Franco Zeffirelli had sexually assaulted him on the set of the movie Sparrow in 1993. (Before Zeffirelli died in June 2019, his son, Pippo, denied the allegations in People magazine.) In the aftermath of that disclosure, Schaech found his acting opportunities drying up, and he parted with his agency, APA, and manager, Risa Shapiro.

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How The Wing's Empire Was Built On Trauma, Racism, and Neglect

Article here. Interesting study in human nature. Take away the common enemy (in this case, men) and the group finds other faultlines down which to fracture. Excerpt:

'The post ended on a defiant note: “We are angry, we are grieving, and we are with you. Black Lives Matter.”

Former and current Wing employees are calling bullshit. In interviews with Jezebel, 11 people who have been employed by the corporation allege it fostered a climate of racist mistreatment in the workplace, and that it spanned from now-former CEO Audrey Gelman on down to individual members of the space.

“If they cared, they would have blacklisted members who were being rude to us and racist,” says Johana Broughton, a black former Wing employee who worked at the SoHo location from August 2018 until she was let go in February 2019. “Because they’re looking at us like we’re supposed to be the maid.”

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In our opinion: The world must reenthrone the vital role of fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Society is reeling from the retreat of men from the home, neighborhood and society. Some have given up or given in to declining morals, values and narcissism. Others are struggling to be good fathers, are worried about making ends meet and are stressed about helping their children succeed. And still others feel they have failed as fathers and wonder if they are even needed anymore.

The world seems determined to dumb-down and even dismiss the role of men and fathers. The media often portrays men as knuckleheaded, bumbling idiots who have to constantly be saved from themselves.

Bashing men over the head with their faults while diminishing all the good they do is not helpful to men, women or children.

Numerous studies point to the fact that having a positive father or father figure in the home can be life-changing for children.'

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The Dutch university that's only hiring women

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a female computer scientist, Alexia Athanasopoulou is used to being in the minority. “People have asked me: ‘you’re a girl, why are you doing this?’”. But it was when she moved to the Netherlands to start her PhD that she noticed a big difference. “The ratio of men to women in my engineering department was very high, and this had consequences for the working culture,” she says.

That women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) is a well-known problem. The statistics for gender balance in higher education are similarly bleak: the European Commission estimates that women make up 48% of graduates but hold only 24% of senior academic roles, falling to 15% in Stem. Dutch universities are particularly gender imbalanced, and last year Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) sat at the bottom of the pile with women representing just 15% of professors.

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China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Equipment

Article here. Why just males, I wonder? Excerpt:

'The police in China are collecting blood samples from men and boys from across the country to build a genetic map of its roughly 700 million males, giving the authorities a powerful new tool for their emerging high-tech surveillance state.

They have swept across the country since late 2017 to collect enough samples to build a vast DNA database, according to a new study published on Wednesday by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a research organization, based on documents also reviewed by The New York Times. With this database, the authorities would be able to track down a man’s male relatives using only that man’s blood, saliva or other genetic material.

An American company, Thermo Fisher, is helping: The Massachusetts company has sold testing kits to the Chinese police tailored to their specifications. American lawmakers have criticized Thermo Fisher for selling equipment to the Chinese authorities, but the company has defended its business.

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USC Football Player Who Was Expelled After an Unfair Title IX Investigation Wins in Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 2017 expulsion of former University of Southern California (USC) football player Matt Boermeester for intimate partner violence was so blatantly unfair that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos cited the case as an argument for revising federal guidance on campus sexual assault adjudication. (DeVos's new rules, which restore some due process protections to students accused of misconduct, will take effect in the fall.)

After three years, Boermeester has won an: an appeals court reversed his utterly unjust expulsion in a ruling last week.

"The California Court of Appeal's decision, finding that USC violated Matt Boermeester's right to basic fairness, is a great initial victory," said Andrew Miltenberg, an attorney for Boermeester, in a statement. "We will not rest until Matt Boermeester's name is cleared and USC answers for their blatant misconduct."

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'' now has a Facebook Page

Since people seem to be getting most of their news information from social media off-links these days, I thought I'd join the 21st century some more and I created a '' Facebook Page. To subscribe to it, just search Facebook for '' and you should get the page. Then Like it and you'll be subscribed to it.

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UK: No10 confirms race commission will also examine why working-class white boys are behind in school

Article here. Excerpt:

'Number 10 has confirmed Boris Johnson’s new commission on racial disparities will look at “wider inequalities” such as why working-class white boys are behind others in school.

It comes after the review was branded a "back of a fag* packet" plan designed to "assuage the Black Lives Matter protest” by Labour.

Confirming work to establish the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities has already begun, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said a report and recommendations are expected by the end of the year.

He confirmed its membership is yet to be announced, but it will “examine continuing racial and ethnic inequalities in Britain”, reporting into Mr Johnson with the support of the existing Race Disparity Unit.'

* "fag" is British slang for "cigarette"

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The Wing's co-founder resigns amid controversy over treatment of minority staff

Article here. Oh the irony. Excerpt:

'Civil rights movements were good for Audrey Gelman, a founder of the upscale women-only club and co-working space the Wing, until they weren’t.

She adroitly navigated the cultural tide of feminism, female empowerment and the #MeToo movement, transforming herself from a publicist to a veritable power broker.

Ms. Gelman, 33, resigned Thursday. Shortly after she did so, employees went on virtual strike to protest her leadership and to ask for sweeping changes to the management of the Wing, especially its treatment of black and brown employees.
“The decision is the right thing for the business and the best way to bring The Wing along into a long overdue era of change,” Ms. Gelman wrote to colleagues. She maintains an ownership stake of more than 10 percent in the company and will remain on the board.

“I’m looking forward to spending a little time as a stay-at-home mom,” Ms. Gelman said in an interview Thursday night. She declined to comment further.

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17 states, DC sue Betsy DeVos over Trump admin's due process protections

Article here. Excerpt:

'One month after the Department of Education, under the direction of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, released its new guidelines for Title IX revisions campuses, the attorney general’s of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California have sued to block the department's efforts.

While the attorneys general of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California are leading the case, the lawsuit is backed by the attorneys general of 14 other states plus the District of Columbia. In early May, DeVos unveiled the new Title IX regulations for sexual harassment on campuses. The biggest takeaways from the new rules are the expansion of due process for those accused of sexual misconduct.'

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‘Don’t Forget the White Women!’: Members Say Racism Ran Rampant at NOW

Article here. Excerpt:

'In interviews with The Daily Beast, nearly a dozen members, employees, and visitors recalled women of color being heckled, silenced, or openly disparaged at NOW meetings and offices. The behavior culminated at the 2017 conference where, witnesses say, members dismissed Fortson-Washington, a black woman, as “angry” and entitled, and accused Weeks of being a “hot-headed Latina.” On the last day of the conference, more than a dozen women marched around a conference room to protest racism inside the organization.

But the problem didn’t stop there. Internal emails, documents and interviews obtained by the Daily Beast reveal that allegations of racism reached the highest levels of the organization after Weeks and Fortson-Washington’s loss. More than a dozen employees at the national headquarters signed onto a letter accusing President Toni Van Pelt of sidelining and disparaging women of color, and the previous vice president has filed a federal racial discrimination suit.'

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What George Floyd and Christian Cooper have in common

Article here. Excerpt:

'One such murder: that of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American from Chicago, who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her parents’ grocery store. The all-white, all-male jury took 67 minutes to acquit the two men accused of the crime. One juror reportedly said, “If we hadn’t stopped to drink pop, it wouldn’t have taken that long.”

According to a news report at the time, one of the defense lawyers, J. W. Kellum, told the jury that they were “custodians of American civilization,” adding, “I want you to tell me where under God’s shining sun is the land of the free and the home of the brave if you don’t turn these boys loose; your forefathers will absolutely turn over in their graves.”

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Nymphotropism in the age of rioting

Article here. This is one to watch. Bets she either walks or gets a slap on the wrist. Excerpt:

'The blurry video shows a woman holding a lighter to an indistinct object on a Brooklyn street. She vanishes off screen for a few seconds, then lurches back, lobbing what authorities say is a Molotov cocktail at a parked police van with four officers inside.

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