The Sperm Kings Have a Problem: Too Much Demand

Article here. I was tempted to prefix "Humor: " to the title. I post this though as a warning: these men going around handing out sperm w/out going through a sperm bank are looking at possibly getting saddled with child support payments. No contract, no protections. Don't be a sucker is all I'm saying. Excerpt:

'The sperm kings of America are exhausted.

These men are flying all over the place. They are shipping their sperm with new vial systems and taking the latest DNA tests because that is what women want now. Sure, they can talk on the phone, but they say it has to be quick because they are driving to Dallas or Kansas City or Portland, Maine, in time for an ovulation window. They would like to remind me they have day jobs.

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"US democracy faces a bleak future"

Article here. Excerpt:

'As Trump throws fuel on the flames of political distrust in the US, both Democrats and Republicans rush to blame the other. Yet there is one truth above all else which must never be forgotten: like him or loathe him, Trump is right about media manipulation of democracy and Democrats playing Russian roulette with free speech.

If the Democrats aren't lobbying to reduce gun ownership, they are lobbying to have men who identify as women compete in whatever gender.field they wish. If the Democrats aren't trying to vilify men in order to give women more privilege in life, work, marriage and anything else they can find, they are trying to force company and government institution employees to undergo compulsory training to address perceived or imaginary slights (against whichever groups are on their special list of protected status). In fact the only group which is not on the protected list, is that composed of straight white men, the most productive group in most Western countries.

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U-Chicago Science Professor Under Assault For Criticizing ‘No White Men’ Hiring Rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'Professor Dorian Abbot, a tenured faculty member in the University of Chicago’s Department of Geophysical Sciences, is under attack by a mob of university students, faculty, and alumni after he posted a series of YouTube videos criticizing his department’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.

EDI efforts, according to Abbot, “promote a worldview in which group membership is a primary aspect of the human being and different groups are taught to view each other antagonistically.” For this reason, he hoped his videos would ignite a spirited intellectual discussion, while depicting the dangers of vilifying groups based on race, class, and sex.

Unfortunately, in academia, Abbot’s statements are highly controversial. Abbot, who says he’s “just a science guy,” was in shock after he became the subject of a social media firestorm, facing backlash from his students and colleagues, many of whom expressed being “hurt” and feeling “unsafe” due to his beliefs.'

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A feminist government is here

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’ve been writing about the feminist agenda for some 20 years now, warning of its intentions. The year 2021 will finally bring those ideas alive. It has already begun, with the House's proposal to ban the words "he" and "she" from official language. Their claim is gender neutrality in the name of inclusion, but their intent is to obliterate the family. If deleting the words "father," "mother," "son," and "daughter" doesn't convince you of this, nothing will.
What today's Democratic Party wants is a matriarchy. The Shriver Report boasts: “As we move into this phase we’re calling a woman’s nation, women can turn their pivotal role as wage-earners, as consumers, as bosses, as opinion-shapers, as co-equal partners in whatever we do into a potent force for change. Emergent economic power gives women a new seat at the table—at the head of the table.”

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NYC Mayoral Hopeful Yang Addresses Concerns Over Circumcision Stance: ‘I’ve Attended Multiple Friends’ Brises’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ex-2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, a likely entrant in the race to succeed New York Mayor Bill de Blasio next year, responded on Twitter on Thursday to questions about past comments opposing circumcision.

“I have attended multiple friends’ brises and felt privileged to do so,” Yang tweeted. “I believe in religious freedom. This is every parent’s personal decision and not a role of government.”

Yang, who filed paperwork last week to run in the upcoming mayoral contest, the Democratic primary for which will be held in June with the general election following in November, was responding to Ben Max, executive editor at the Gotham Gazette.

Earlier, Max had tweeted, “Just learned that @AndrewYang is against circumcision, which may not be helpful in a Democratic primary in New York City.”

Max also linked to a 2019 Daily Beast article, in which Yang spoke out against the practice.

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Infant circumcision may lead to social challenges as an adult

Article here. Excerpt:

'Infant circumcision may lead to social challenges as an adult

Undergoing circumcision as an infant has delayed psychological complications. This is shown by an international study led by researchers from Aarhus University.

Researchers have long disagreed about the health implications - also for mental health - of small boys being circumcised. A study now shows that infant circumcision, which is the case for a third of the world's male population, has consequences in adulthood. Alessandro Miani and Michael Winterdahl from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have coordinated the study.

"We wanted to challenge the assumption that there are no delayed consequences of infant circumcision apart from the purely physical because of the absence of foreskin," says Michael Winterdahl about the background for the study.'

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Book review: Do we need white men? The surprising answer

Article here. Excerpt:

'This year, you are going to roar.

You're going to seize every opportunity, wrestle every bad habit to the ground, and do better than your best. You're gonna kick the universe in the tail. This is absolutely going to be your year – unless, as in the new book “Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America” by Ijeoma Oluo, someone's standing in your way, now and for a hundred years.

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UK: PCC says sexism and elder abuse should be hate crime

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHESHIRE police and crime commissioner David Keane is calling for sexism and abuse of the elderly to be recognised as a hate crime by law.

Existing hate crime legislation does not cover gender or age, but the PCC says that there is ‘clear evidence’ that this should be the case.

He said: “We know that gender discrimination disproportionately affects women.

“There is evidence of this in the workplace, online and in everyday life – there is also evidence of misogyny leading to other serious crimes such as stalking or harassment.'

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False accusations of rape and kidnapping leave man struggling to clear his name

Article here. Excerpt:

'All charges against an Owasso man accused of sexually assaulting his ex-wife were dropped by request of the state after she recanted.

Unfortunately for Russell Deming, the fallout of that false accusation continue to impact his life years later.

Charged with one count of rape in the first degree and one count of kidnapping in December of 2017, he managed to post a $150,000 bond with the help of friends, and got out of jail after about ten days.

By March, it appeared the state’s case - based solely, he says, on her statement to Owasso police - had fallen apart.

KRMG has obtained a copy of a notarized letter from Deming’s accuser, in which she writes: “I believe the entire incident was a mistake, and that Mr. Deming did not commit any crime against me. Therefore, I do not wish to prosecute Mr. Deming, nor participate in his prosecution.”

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Here it is, dads: your 2021 New Year's resolution

Article here. Before reading it, I already knew what it would say. It's like Michelle O's "do better" admonition all over again. I suppose we'll see Hell freeze over before we see an MSM op-ed tell women or mothers to "do better". Excerpt:

'Dads, next year, you should do your fair share of the child care, domestic work and emotional labor in your homes.
So, in 2021, it's long past time for dads to share these burdens equally with their female partners.

But they're not the only ones who need to change.

Employers also bear a significant part of the responsibility for this inequality. Lockman notes that "the gender wage gap is really a motherhood gap. Women without children earn just barely less than men." But because the labor market pays a premium to people who perform so-called "overwork," which means working more than 50 hours per week, many dads end up significantly outearning moms. who often can't put in that kind of time at work.

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Bloodstained Men

Website for group is at

From their About section:

'Bloodstained Men as an organization can trace its origin to the decision of late intactivist leader Jonathon Conte to bring seven sets of white painters overalls marked with red crotches to the protest at the October 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics convention protest in New Orleans. Though the visually arresting bloodstained crotch protest concept was a 2010 creation of British intactivist Richard Duncker, Conte’s deployment of the suit was the first example in the United States and was the spark for our organization. Seven men boldly wore these suits outside the convention hall, causing quite a sensation among the conference attendees and veteran demonstrators alike.'

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Our Comeback: We need an emoji for in-person demonstrations

Video here. Description:

'Public demonstrations for men and boys are difficult to organize and execute. Men are often sonstrained from participating and people who don't know much about us take it upon themselves to try to disrupt and destroy our advocacy.

But just as women needed to find their own style of conducting business and pursuing careers, men need a new style of advocating for ourselves and boys.

This video suggests one idea that might take advantage of our strengths and depend less on the ways in which we are weak or otherwise disadvantaged.

The download is at'

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Humor: How companies advertise now

Tweet with video here.

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UT-Austin ordered to disband "bias response team"

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'Political speech is under attack these days from Beijing to Berkeley, so we’ll take victories where we can get them. One arrived Tuesday when the University of Texas at Austin agreed to disband its PC police and end policies that suppress speech on campus.

Credit the nonprofit Speech First, which sued on behalf of student members in 2018. The group claimed UT and its officials had “created an elaborate investigatory and disciplinary apparatus to suppress, punish, and deter speech that other students deem ‘offensive,’ ‘biased,’ ‘uncivil,’ or ‘rude.’”

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The University as the Woke Mission Field: A Dissident Women’s Studies Ph.D. Speaks Out

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have a Ph.D. in Women’s Studies, but I’m not woke anymore. I write under a pseudonym because, if my colleagues were to find out about my criticisms of this field, I would be unable to find any employment in academia. That someone who critiques the axioms of a field of study feels compelled to write under an assumed name tells you everything you need to know about the authoritarianism underpinning this ideology. I no longer believe that the fundamental ideas of Women’s Studies, and of Critical Social Justice more generally, describe reality; they are at best partial explanations—hyperbolic ideology, not fact-based analysis. I have seen this ideology up close and seen how it consumes and even destroys people, while dehumanizing anyone who dissents.

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