'I was appalled to be tarred as misogynist': Variety critic hits back at Carey Mulligan's sexism accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dennis Harvey, the veteran film critic whose review of Promising Young Woman has sparked a furore across the industry, has hit back at accusations of misogyny amid calls for Variety to fire him.

Harvey’s review was published more than a year ago, following the film’s premiere at the Sundance film festival. Largely positive, it called Mulligan’s performance “skilful, entertaining and challenging” while also querying the central casting. While “a fine actress”, wrote Harvey, Mulligan “seems a bit of an odd choice as this admittedly many-layered apparent femme fatale”.
Speaking to the Guardian, Harvey said he was ill at ease with the way in which Mulligan’s words to the New York Times describing her anger at the review had become received wisdom as to what his review actually said. “I did not say or even mean to imply Mulligan is ‘not hot enough’ for the role,” Harvey said.

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UK: Number of female paedophiles nearly doubles in four years

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of female paedophiles has almost doubled in four years as experts warn there is a 'lack of understanding' surrounding the abuse.

While the majority of convicted paedophiles in the UK are men, there were at least 2,297 reported cases of children being abused by women in England and Wales from 2015 and 2019, according to police figures.

The shocking figure marks an 84% increase in female perpetrated child sexual abuse, from 1,249 cases in 2015 to 2,297 four years later, a Freedom of Information request by BBC Radio 4 has revealed.

Dr Andrea Darling, a criminology researcher at Durham University, told the BBC that the actual figures could be far higher as all child sexual abuse is typically underreported.

In addition, there is often a 'lack of understanding' surrounding female-perpetrated abuse.

She said: 'That means that potentially abusive behaviour that may have been picked up if the perpetrator had been a male is explained away.'

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How Feminism Is Driving The Growing Trend Of Anti-Women Subcultures

Article here. I'd say at least 60% of this piece is feminist bullcrap or something akin to it. But the other 40% bursts through. Seems some progress is getting made into making at least some women to realize the problem that is feminism. Excerpt:

'The MGTOWs are merely one subset to a growing movement of an underground anti-women subculture. The others are the Incels (Involuntary Celibates), and the PUAs (Pick Up Artist). These males, like their feminist sisters, are people who are corrupted by the least intelligent and utterly damaging ideas of nihilism.
uring the conversation, my buddy explained how despite persuading his friend against becoming MGTOW, he was still sympathetic to his friend’s excuse for doing so. In his words, “Men are disgusted with women in almost every way today and are finding happiness in just cutting them out of their lives.” He continues, “And I can’t really argue against anything they (MGTOW) say because I relate to it all myself.”

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Biden quietly embraces far-left ‘critical race theory’

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Biden is siding firmly with the hard cultural left in his early rush of executive orders, including re-opening the door for federal bias training that relies on the absurd “critical race theory.”

Last week he rescinded a Trump-era order that banned training that implies anyone is racist or sexist “by virtue of his or her race, sex, and/or national origin.” The former prez had set that rule after it turned out that agencies across the federal government had actually been doing just that — jumping onto the far-left bandwagon of insisting that (for starters) all whites and all men are intrinsically bigoted.

Yes, several agencies reacted to the Trump order by suspending all anti-bias training until they could vet their programs — but that was a wise response: It’s all too typical for harried bosses to carelessly sign off on the use of outside “experts” who pitch utter nonsense.

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The Biden Plan For Title IX Must Protect Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 18th-century British jurist William Blackstone pronounced, “It is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer.” There are few principles of law we hold more sacred than “innocent until proven guilty.” For most of the last decade, however, this doctrine has had negligible impact in matters of campus sexual assault.

There are policies of the previous administration that President Joe Biden is already in the process of overturning or altering. It would be well, however, for him to reconsider his campaign promise to “return to and then build on” the Obama administration’s Title IX policies, which led to over 500 investigations of accused students and shattered an untold number of lives. Having himself been the object of unproven allegations of sexual assault, he must look into his own heart before reinstituting campus procedures that make a mockery of justice.'

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The pandemic is speeding up the mass disappearance of men from college

Article here. Excerpt:

'While enrollment in higher education overall fell 2.5 percent in the fall, or by more than 461,000 students compared to the fall of 2019, the decline among men was more than seven times as steep as the decline among women, according to an analysis of figures from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

“In a sense, we have lost a generation of men to Covid-19,” said Adrian Huerta, an assistant professor of education at the University of Southern California who studies college-going among boys and men.

“It’s a national crisis,” said Luis Ponjuan, an associate professor of higher education administration at Texas A&M University.

Adon, who attends the University Park Campus School, plans to buck the odds and go to college. He said he decided this after he realized that his parents, who immigrated to the United States from the Dominican Republic, want a better life for him. His mother is unemployed now, and his father runs a barbershop.'

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New Vids on Our Comeback YT Channel

The Our Comeback YT channel has a couple new vids. The channel is at https://youtube.com/channel/UCIievOdWG7lWwuSrkHwSvUw.

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New White House Gender Policy Council Discriminates against Boys and Men

Article here. Well just what does one expect from VAWA Joe? Excerpt:

'When President Biden and Vice President Harris announced the formation of a White House Gender Policy Council, many women and men who care deeply about boys and men became rightly concerned. The call for unity and the Gender Council’s agenda would ironically exclude the rights of boys and men. The new council will “guide and coordinate government policy that impacts women and girls, across a wide range of issues such as economic security, health care, racial justice, gender-based violence, and foreign policy, working in cooperation with the other White House policy," according to a press release.

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Electrolux Lawyer Says Diversity Push Cost Him Top Job

Article here. Excerpt:

'An in-house lawyer with Electrolux NA Inc. was denied promotion from interim general counsel to the permanent post because he is a man and the company and its Swedish parent were in the midst of a diversity-fueled push to elevate women into leadership roles, he alleged Wednesday in a federal lawsuit.

“Electrolux AB publicly expressed its discriminatory preference for female leadership/managerial candidates by establishing targets and quotas to substantially increase the percentage of women in leadership/managerial positions by the end of 2020,” Sal Kafiti says.

The company expressed that preference for “sex/gender as a distinguishing and beneficial characteristic” in a 2019 sustainability report, according to the complaint Kafiti filed with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina.

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Major news outlets name women to lead coverage of the Biden White House

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ann Compton, a former ABC News White House correspondent remarked on how the balance of genders has shifted in the briefing room. "A generation ago, being the only woman was perhaps a blessing — I really stood out from the crowd."

Compton added: "The day will come — should come — when it is not news that the majority in the public eye in any profession is female."

Starting Wednesday, more women will be represented on both sides of the lectern, as Biden's communications team is fully staffed by women — a first in US history, according to the incoming administration.'

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Fury at new app that gives men ’24-hour consent contract’ to have sex after Denmark passed controversial rape law

Article here. Not even explicit, recorded consent is good enough. Basically, such laws serve only to give women the power to claim they were raped without having to provide any evidence to support the allegation. Excerpt:

'A NEW app that gives men a "24 hour consent contract" to have sex has sparked fury.

The launch comes in response to a new rape law, which criminalises sex without explicit consent in Denmark.

The creators argue the purpose of the app, iConsent, is to ensure both parties agree to intercourse.

But groups have slammed the app as "non-sensical" and say it undermines the complexity of consent.

The national head of Sex and Society, Lene Stavngaard, said: "The app is definitely not the solution to getting consent.

"A sexual relationship is not about a contract, so it shoots completely wrong in relation to the needs that are out there.'

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‘Stale, pale, white male’ trope does not benefit diversity and inclusion – Thompson

Article here. Excerpt:

'Describing the demographic of the financial services industry as “stale, pale, white males” can make it difficult to improve diversity in the sector, Aldermore’s Damian Thompson has said.

Speaking at Diversity and Inclusivity Finance Forum (DIFF) on 14 January, the lender’s group managing director of retail finance said using the phrase was not helpful as the efforts of those who dominated the sector were needed to make the profession more inclusive.

Thompson (pictured) said: “I don’t buy into the stale, pale, white male – it can cause a lot of difficulty when we speak to them like that.

“They are going to have to transform in a world where opportunity in the previous 40 or 50 years was given to them. They are going to have to be in a world where there is competition now because of diversity and inclusion.

“These are the people willing to go on that journey with us in a world that says, ‘competition isn’t a bad thing’.”'

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India: Indore Girl "Stabbed Herself" Before Filing False Gang-Rape Case: Police

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Indore Police has found that the claims of a 19-year-old college girl who had on Tuesday accused five men of kidnapping, gang-raping, and stabbing her are "inconsistent" and "baseless". Investigations have revealed that even the stab wound she has sustained are self-inflicted. Following a probe, the police have now filed a case against her for registering a false case.
The girl is yet to reveal the reason for filing a false case as she is still recovering, the police told NDTV.

The prime accused in the initial case and the girl were in love and used to live in the same locality, according to the police.'

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Why Australian Greens need a men’s wellbeing policy

Article here. Excerpt:

‘'Patriarchy’ describes a social system that continues to disadvantage women and LGBTQIA+ communities through cultural norms, discriminatory laws and cyclical economic dysfunction. In this decade, demolishing patriarchy in Australia is about changing cultural norms and implementing policies that undo disadvantage hewn by centuries of gender disparity previously instantiated by law.

A resurgence in public feminist discourse in the past five years belies an ongoing demand for this kind of work – #MeToo notably drew the world’s attention with its cultural shifts both large and small, and an ongoing demand for varied modern feminist discussions continues to rise. The next step requires men.

We need men to invest in dismantling patriarchy. Helping men to see how patriarchy oppresses them is the key to this. Communicating their investment in feminism lies in recognising the unique aspects of male suffering that come from patriarchy. That is why we have worked to propose a men’s wellbeing policy for the Australian Greens.'

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Orem human resources develops scholarship for female employees

Article here. Excerpt:

'Data from a recent Utah State University study in the Utah Women in Leadership Project shows Utah profoundly lacking when it comes to women in leadership roles in the government workplace.

The studies date shows that women hold only 29.1% of supervisory, managerial and executive leadership positions in municipal government in Utah.

In Orem, it is only 17.9%, and that has people like Keri Rugg, manager of Human Resources for the city, sit up and take notice.

Inclusivity is an important part of employee and city goals Rugg said, but up until now, there has been nothing to help women move forward in leadership.

“As a city, we noticed women can’t compete,” Rugg said.

For that reason, the city has developed Orem Women in Leadership Scholarship, according to Rugg. The scholarships will range for $500 to $5,000 and will pay for women to further their education up front.'

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