UK: Oxford lawyer given life sentence after falsely claiming she was raped

Article here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN barrister who cried rape in a plot to frame her lover after she discovered he was married has been given a life sentence.

Oxford lawyer Anisah Ahmed set up an ‘evil’ campaign of lies, falsely claiming she was raped as well as staging her own kidnapping and stabbing, a judge heard this morning.

The twisted plot began in 2014 when qualified barrister Ahmed, of Wilkins Road, Cowley, found out her lover, fellow barrister Iqbal Mohammed, was married.

Sitting at Oxford Crown Court, Judge Michael Gledhill QC said: "It appears that Ahmed had no idea that Mohammed was married.'

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NCFM Chicago Chapter President, Tim Goldich, Male Vulnerability to Accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

'An accusation need not be demonstrably false (false to fact), to be petty and unjust. Men’s vulnerability to false accusations is clear, but we must also consider men’s outsized vulnerability to dubious accusations.

Granted, the vast majority of women are far too sensible to damage a man over trifles. But then there’s the particular woman Jerold Mackenzie ran into.

On the morning of March 19, 1993, [Jerold] Mackenzie was talking to coworker Patricia Best, the distributor services manager, about a Seinfeld episode that aired the night before. Mackenzie asked her if she saw it; she did not. He told Best that Seinfeld’s date had a name that rhymed with a part of a woman’s anatomy and asked her to guess what rhymed with Delores. Best could not. Mackenzie apparently did not want to use the term “clitoris,” so he copied the page from the dictionary with the definition and showed it to Best.[i]

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Considerations being made to include women in military draft registration

Article here. Excerpt:

'There could be some potential changes to men-only military draft registration, but how it could be accomplished is a different story.

Both the Biden Administration and the National Coalition for Men are calling for the men-only military draft registration to include women, and for some veterans like Jeffery Yarvis, it’s a welcome change.

“In a time of war, if our nation’s sovereignty is at risk and we need to expand our services, why not let anybody that wants to serve, serve and use this great capability that we already have in the voluntary system,” he said.
While it’s unlikely the Supreme Court would make such a ruling, Texas A&M Central Texas Political Science Professor John Koehler says any change would take a while without an executive action.

“I think legislators on their own would resist any firm actions on this issue, but I think if the Biden Administration choose to press and push for it, that’s the only way this would move forward,” he said.

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UK: Queen Mary to launch women-only MRes with the Autonomous University of Baja California to tackle gender inequality in STEM

Article here. Excerpt:

'The agreement – signed shortly after International Women's Day – was signed by Professor Colin Bailey, Queen Mary’s President and Principal, and Daniel Valdez-Delgadillo, Principal of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC).

The Dual MRes in Science and Engineering will be hosted by the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences and supported by other schools in the faculty. The first cohort of students will start in September 2021, undertaking taught modules for a year at UABC as a pathway to joining Queen Mary for our year-only MRes, with the opportunity of obtaining a Queen Mary Master’s degree in Science and Engineering, as well as a UABC MRes.'

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Sex workers in Manhattan to get a pass while their clients don't

Article here. It's like not prosecuting sellers of illicit drugs but prosecuting the buyer. Excerpt:

'The Manhattan district attorney’s office announced Wednesday that it would no longer prosecute prostitution and unlicensed massage, putting the weight of one of the most high-profile law enforcement offices in the United States behind the growing movement to change the criminal justice system’s approach to sex work.

The district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., revealed the new policy as he appeared virtually in court to ask a judge to dismiss 914 open cases involving prostitution and unlicensed massage, along with 5,080 cases in which the charge was loitering for the purposes of prostitution.
The office will continue to prosecute other crimes related to prostitution, including patronizing sex workers and sex trafficking.'

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Texas Teacher Began Grooming 12-Year-Old Student via Online Video Game, Sexually Abused Him in Her Classroom: Police

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Texas teacher was arrested late last week after one of her former students accused her of sexually abusing him for several years–after initiating a relationship with him when he was only 12 years old.

Marka Lee Bodine, 31, was charged with one count of continuous sexual abuse of a child, a first-degree felony which accounts for two or more incidents of sexual abuse within a 30-day period committed against a minor under the age of 14 by an adult over the age of 17.

In court documents, the ex-teacher admitted to having a sexual relationship with her former student beginning in 2018.

Bodine is currently out on bond. She also quickly resigned from her position at Tomball Intermediate, a school for 5th and 6th graders in the Houston metropolitan area, after the contours of the story came to light. But those alleged details took awhile to come out.'

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Australia: Government start-up grants for women only

Link here (archived here). Excerpt:

'The program will provide targeted support on a co-contribution basis to female founders of startup businesses (startups) to scale into domestic and global markets.
The objectives of the program are to:

stimulate private sector investments into innovative startups led by women

help women entrepreneurs overcome the disadvantages faced in getting access to finance and support to grow their startups

enable female founders to scale-up, expand into domestic and global markets, and become self-sufficient

boost the economy through increasing the diversity of startup founders.
We can only accept applications where you:

provide a signed declaration, on the template provided, that your startup is female founded (majority owned and led by women)

certify that your startup will remain majority owned and led by women for the duration of the grant (this will be a requirement of the grant agreement)'

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Connecticut State Supreme Court to consider women-only areas of gyms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Connecticut’s Supreme Court is preparing to hear a case that could have a wide-ranging effect on anti-discrimination laws.

The court will consider whether it is discriminatory for gyms to have areas restricted to women only that formerly were for both sexes. Experts say if the court exempts women from anti-discrimination laws, it could eventually erode existing laws that ban discrimination against other groups in public places or organizations.

The suit stems from two separate complaints brought by male gym-goers who said they had to wait in line to use equipment in their crowded gym while the space reserved for women was under-used and mostly empty. They argued to the state’s Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities that any segregation by sex is illegal under state law.'

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Title IX lawyers give UConn ultimatum: Reinstate the women’s rowing team or there will be a lawsuit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lawyers representing the UConn women’s rowing team sent a letter to UConn president Thomas Katsouleas on Monday stating that if the university did not reinstate the women’s rowing program, a class action lawsuit would be filed against the university and the lawyers would seek a preliminary injunction immediately to preserve the status of the team, which is set to be cut after this season.

The letter gave a deadline of Monday for the university to respond.

On March 29, 23 rowing alumnae filed a Title IX complaint against UConn stating that cutting the team would result in further inequities between male and female athletes at the school.

Last June, the university announced it was going to cut women’s rowing, men’s swimming and diving, men’s tennis and men’s cross country due to a $10 million budget shortfall.'

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Court Sides With YouTube In 'Censorship' Battle With 'Misandry Today'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Siding with Google, a federal appellate court refused to reinstate a lawsuit by commentator Bob Lewis, who claimed the company violated his rights by demonetizing some of the videos on his YouTube channel, Misandry Today, and restricting or taking down others.

The decision, issued Thursday, upheld an order issued last year by U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim in the Northern District of California.

The dispute dates to 2019, when Lewis sued Google for allegedly "censoring" his speech.

One of the demonetized clips argued that “antifa” is a terrorist group that targets children.

Another described former Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as "the latest victim of left's campaign to discriminate against anyone based on their traditional American values."'

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US Women's soccer team suing over equal pay after rejecting same pay system as men's team

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Women’s Soccer team is appealing a court decision to throw out their pay discrimination claim, arguing that a “pervasive atmosphere of sexism” was the reason the women’s team is paid less than the men’s team.

In reality, as The Daily Wire previously reported, U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner dismissed the women’s pay discrimination claim because they had rejected to be paid using the same structure as the men’s team.

“The WNT was willing to forgo higher bonuses for benefits, such as greater base compensation and the guarantee of a higher number of contracted players,” Klausner wrote in his ruling. “Accordingly, plaintiffs cannot now retroactively deem their CBA (collective bargaining agreement) worse than the MNT (men’s national team) CBA by reference to what they would have made had they been paid under the MNT’s pay-to-play terms structure when they themselves rejected such a structure.”'

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Anxiety in New Fathers May Be More Common Than Previously Reported

Article here. Excerpt:

'Experts hope this research can help draw media attention and research funding to male anxiety, ultimately lowering barriers such as stigma and false conceptions of masculinity.

"Say 'masculinity' to somebody, and maybe they've already filled in toxic," Singley says. "That's really unfortunate because there are now solid studies being done about healthy masculinity and positive masculinity."

In order to achieve healthy masculinity, Singley says we need to start early. "If we, as a society, could make the changes necessary to socialize boys to be healthier, then we don't have to fix broken men and fathers," he says.'

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India: What’s a Man: A podcast that attempts to unravel toxic traits in men

Article here. Excerpt:

'How do you define a man? More importantly, how do you define ‘masculinity’? For centuries, in India and around the world, gender roles have trapped men inside the falsehood of machismo. It has caged their thoughts and perpetuated falsities about ‘manhood’. ‘Ladkey rotey nahi‘, and ‘mard ko dard nahi hota‘ are some of the adages that they have picked up from films, furthering a belief that a man is a different species.

But in the last few years, this belief has been challenged. Today, many Indian men are not afraid to cry, or admit they are in pain. Mard ko dard hota hai, and they are unafraid to express that dard. So, amid this constant self-duelling, and unlearning of things, how does the modern man perceive masculinity?

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Men-only Selective Service registration may end soon, but the fight will remain

Article here. Excerpt:

'The United States has not had a draft since 1973, but federal law requires men ages 18 through 25 to register with the Selective Service System. Women, too, could soon have to shoulder that responsibility.

Earlier this year, American Civil Liberties Union lawyers filed a petition on behalf of the National Coalition for Men, asking the Supreme Court to consider whether male-only registration violates equal protection principles enshrined in the Constitution and discriminates on the basis of sex.'

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AUS: The last thing the school curriculum needs is 'more social engineering'

Article here.

'Sky News host Rita Panahi says the last thing the school curriculum needs is more social engineering, but that's just what the Victorian government has in mind.

Ms Panahi said Education Minister James Merlino was working with a sexual assault campaigner who wished to "further entrench concepts such as toxic masculinity and slut-shaming" into the school curriculum.

"I'm all for kids being taught about consent in school, but it should be done from a fact-based legal framework. Kids should be taught what constitutes consent, that people who are inebriated cannot consent, nor those below a certain age," she said.

"But they should not be brainwashed in the divisive politics of the activist class. Teaching impressionable kids about so-called toxic masculinity will only end in what we saw in a Victorian school with boys being forced to apologise for being born boys.

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