Bridge to Discrimination: Decades of Gender Bias in the UNC System

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'Although many colleges and universities today claim to be dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion, their policies and practices often violate those principles. Among the most common types of violations are single-sex programs for women and girls, which exclude men and boys. Such violations are pervasive through the University of North Carolina System, as described in this December 2020 report.

In particular, the UNC System has discriminated against men since 1993 through the BRIDGES program, which provides leadership training exclusively to women in higher education. This discrimination violates Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the part of federal law prohibiting sex-based discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funds.'

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Senate Democrats propose requiring women to register for military draft

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'Senate Democrats are proposing a sweeping rewrite of the military draft laws aimed at requiring women to register for the Selective Service System, according to a draft authored by Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed and obtained by POLITICO.

The changes to Selective Service could be attached to the National Defense Authorization Act, a defense policy bill that’s one of the few pieces of legislation considered a “must-pass” by Congress. The move would reignite a contentious debate over whether women should be required to register for the draft, a move the House and Senate have each considered in recent years, though the change has never become law.'

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WHOA: You know this tweet from blue-check harpy Kate Morgan to pregnant white women was REALLY bad if Twitter suspended her for it

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If you’ve never heard of Kate Morgan don’t feel bad, this editor hadn’t either until she started writing for Twitchy and saw horrid tweets from this horrid woman. And of course, Twitter in all of their infinite wisdom, verified Kate which means they were AOK with her tweets.

Until this one, apparently.

Kate has been suspended (we were as shocked as you are) and while we can’t say for sure this is the tweet that did it, we’d like to think so. Luckily, Jessica O’Donnell, who happens to be a white woman pregnant with a white baby boy, snagged a screenshot and dropped her:'

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Catholic School Teacher Who Coached Track Sexually Abused Boy, 15, While Driving Him Home from Meet

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'An Ohio high school teacher and who coached track must register as a sex offender after she pleaded guilty to sexual battery for having sex with a 15-year-old student.

Corissa A. McCalister, 22, has been sentenced to two years of probation and community service, PEOPLE confirms. She must register as a sex offender within 90 days.

McCalister was a Spanish teacher at Central Catholic High School in Steubenville, Ohio. She also coached both cross country and track. It was her first year of teaching.

Authorities say the abuse occurred on March 30 of this year, when McCalister drove the student home from a track meet at a rival school. Sheriff Joe Myers told WTRF at the time that McCalister parked her car at the Harrison County Fair ground in Cadiz, Ohio. She and the student allegedly had sexual intercourse in her parked car.'

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Pittsburgh Steelers' Dwayne Haskins injured by wife, who faces a domestic violence charge

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'The wife of Dwayne Haskins faces a domestic violence charge stemming from an alleged assault involving the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback that occurred in a Las Vegas hotel room earlier this month.

Kalabrya Gondrezick-Haskins faces a felony charge of battery and domestic violence resulting in bodily harm stemming from the alleged altercation on July 3 at The Cosmopolitan.

Gondrezick-Haskins is accused of punching Haskins in the mouth, according to the police report obtained by ESPN.

Haskins, 24, reportedly had a split upper lip and a missing tooth and suffered other injuries to his mouth that would require dental work to repair his teeth.'

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UK: Homicide research reveals society ‘blind’ to male victims of domestic violence

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'Ground-breaking new research shows society still does not readily recognise male domestic abuse victims and some may have lost their lives as a result.

The research looked at homicides featuring male victims of domestic abuse and found that opportunities to help them were missed due to gender bias and outdated stereotypes.

The bias dually inhibited male victims from reporting their abuse and public support services, such as police and health care, from recognising them as victims.

The research examined 22 Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR), a type of statutory multi-agency review conducted in the event of a person’s death when it appears to result from domestic violence, abuse, or neglect.

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Biden’s Office for Civil Rights pick questioned on her position on campus due process

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'Catherine Lhamon’s work in President Barack Obama’s administration on Title IX issues may have won her praise from liberal groups and organizations representing alleged and confirmed victims of sexual assault, but it drew criticism from the ranking member of the Senate’s education committee.

President Joe Biden has nominated Lhamon to lead the federal Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education, the same position she held under Obama. But Senate Republicans and due-process advocates have questioned her position on the rights of accused students.

Republican Senator Richard Burr said he is concerned that Lhamon “will charge ahead unraveling significant pieces of the previous administration’s Title IX rules.” He made the comments during a July 13 Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee meeting.

He is also concerned that Lhamon had said that the Trump administration Title IX rules allowed people to “rape and sexually harass students with impunity.”

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Is it any wonder that men are put off by the BBC?

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'Is it any surprise that research carried out by the corporation for its annual report found that more than a quarter of men feel that the BBC 'no longer reflects people like me'?

In a concerted effort to redress gender imbalance men are gradually being airbrushed out. Across much of the BBC men have become something of a rarity. Many of the corporation's high-profile dramas are now female-focused, including the Pursuit of Love, I May Destroy You, Starstruck and Motherland. Female presenters dominate shows such as BBC Breakfast, The One Show and Songs of Praise. A rejuvenated BBC Three will be almost exclusively female led while Radio 4 has turned into one long episode of Woman's Hour.'

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Thousands Sign Petition Asking to Free Innocent Cop Wrongfully Convicted By Leftist Politics

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'True to form, an angry woman made a complaint against him for stopping her. For those of you unfamiliar with policing and complaints, the two go hand-in-hand. An overwhelming majority of complaints against officers are unfounded, foul crap. About 92% of the complaints against officers are in this category.

This angry woman alleged that Daniel put his penis into her mouth, for 10 seconds, and then took it out and went on his way. You know, how it’s always done.

So the detective swabbed her for his DNA. None was found. And swabbed Daniel for her DNA. None was found. In fact, no evidence existed to corroborate the outrageous complaint. And Daniel vehemently denied this craziness.

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She Claimed Her Ex-Boyfriend Raped Her. She Just Admitted To Lying.

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'Last August, a woman told the Desert Hot Springs Police Department in California that her ex-boyfriend raped her. After he was arrested, however, she said she decided to tell the truth.

The woman, who was not named in media reports, initially told police last year that she was lying in bed with him and refused to cuddle with him, so he got on top of her and groped and raped her. She claimed she told her ex-boyfriend “no” several times and bite and scratched him to prove this was rape. She also told police he had “done this before,” according to The Davis Vanguard.

But on Tuesday during the preliminary hearing at Riverside County Superior Court, the woman admitted she made the false accusation because she was mad at her ex-boyfriend. She admitted in court that the sex between her and her ex-boyfriend on August 14, 2020, was consensual and that she called police because she was angry after finding out her ex was going to take out a restraining order against her for destroying his property, including a TV.'

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What Happened to You?: The radicalization of the American elite against liberalism

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'The movement is much broader than race — as anyone who is dealing with matters of sex and gender will tell you. The best moniker I’ve read to describe this mishmash of postmodern thought and therapy culture ascendant among liberal white elites is Wesley Yang’s coinage: “the successor ideology.” The “structural oppression” is white supremacy, but that can also be expressed more broadly, along Crenshaw lines: to describe a hegemony that is saturated with “anti-Blackness,” misogyny, and transphobia, in a miasma of social “cis-heteronormative patriarchal white supremacy.” And the term “successor ideology” works because it centers the fact that this ideology wishes, first and foremost, to repeal and succeed a liberal society and democracy.

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Court tosses UNC student's lawsuit alleging anti-male bias in campus investigation

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'A federal court has handed down yet another decision involving claims of anti-male bias in university sexual misconduct investigations, the latest instance of judges in Colorado grappling with the question of whether overwhelmingly-male perpetrators are being railroaded during campus inquiries due to their sex.

On Tuesday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael E. Hegarty sided with the University of Northern Colorado in finding that a student had not plausibly alleged a violation of Title IX, the federal civil rights law that prevents discrimination in education on the basis of sex. However, Hegarty noted an investigatory process may be tilted against accused students, known as respondents, without being gender-discriminatory.'

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How Aussie schoolboys are being pulled out of class to paint their fingernails pink in 'nutty and weird' lessons about toxic masculinity

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'Latham claimed a boy from Chatswood High complained to him about the workshops, saying they claimed boys were 'privileged' and 'violent'.

'I feel like the aim for the whole thing was to make us feel sad or show remorse for stuff we didn't do,' the unnamed boy was reported as saying.

A spokesman for NSW Education said Chatswood High ran the workshop with 'parental consent'.

'We trust the judgement of the Principal and parents,' the spokesman told Daily Mail Australia.

Latham called the nail-painting 'a nutty, weird practice', adding that he could not see how it improved boys' mental health.

Latham, who claims to be investigating the running of extra-curricular classes in schools, raised the sessions in NSW Parliament.

Tomorrow Man says it is creating 'training grounds to build emotional muscle and spaces free of judgement, to start conversations about the man of tomorrow'.

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Americans Support Campus Due Process

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'For years, campus activists have promoted a flawed narrative about campus sexual assault using inflammatory language like "rape culture" and saying that one out of five women will be sexually assaulted. But is this really the case? Do young men become sexual predators the moment they arrive at their local universities? Some seem to think so.

The Obama administration turned a blind eye to fact and reason, relying on hyperbole to remove due process from our college campuses. Thankfully, the Trump Administration corrected some of the overreach by forcing schools to do things like notifying accused students what they are being charged with, conducting unbiased investigations, and assuring impartial adjudications. It's imperative that the Biden Administration doesn't return our campuses to the kangaroo courts of the Obama era.'

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The death of masculinity

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'It seems we have arrived at a point in our evolutionary development where men must reject out of hand their manlier instincts in favour of more 'womanly' traits. The feminisation of all things male is taking place just as women are being encouraged to do the exact opposite. So while 'we got this/you-go-girl' sentiments are seen as empowering for women, men who play to their masculine strengths are seen as problematic, dysfunctional or oppressive. Masculinity in all its wonderful, messy complexity is effectively being erased from our collective consciousness.'

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