American Heart Association launches STEM program scholarships

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American Heart Association (AHA) along with U.S. representative Andy Barr and Eastern Kentucky University President David McFaddin announced the launch of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) scholarships at EKU that will benefit female high school students in central and eastern Kentucky.

“Unfortunately a troubling gender gap exists in STEM from the lack of women pursuing degrees in STEM or STEM related degrees to the number of women in STEM careers,” Andres Ooten, AHA executive director said.'

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Dangerous Changes Coming for Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last month, Catherine Lhamon was confirmed as assistant secretary of education for civil rights—the same position she held in the Obama administration. She aggressively enforced the 2011 guidance then, and seems ready to do so again. During her confirmation hearing, she testified that she does not believe Title IX regulations include a presumption of innocence for the accused, a fundamental tenet of our justice system.

The president is just fine with that.

On the campaign trail, he vowed to bring a “quick end” to the DeVos rules. And in March 2021 he issued an executive order directing the Education Department “consider suspending, revising, or rescinding” the DeVos rewrite.'

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UK: Man who called out SU for ban on 'middle-aged white men' awarded £1,000

Article here. Excerpt:

'A university's students' union deliberately excluded 'middle-aged white male' celebrities from opening its new building for 'diversity' reasons, a tribunal heard.

Ellen Rudge, a senior manager at the University of Leicester's Students' Union, sent an email to staff asking for suggestions for high-profile figures to launch its new hub.

But, the marketing manager specifically stated she did not want 'another white, middle-aged man' as she was trying to 'reflect diversity'.

But she ended up being warned by a colleague that by singling out a particular group she risked being offensive and derogatory.

The ensuing row between Ms Rudge and experienced HR worker Ricardo Champayne led to his resignation and a tribunal at which the father of six alleged he had been 'victimised' by the students' union for calling out potential discrimination.

Now he has won more than £1,000 after successfully suing the SU for whistle-blowing and victimisation.'

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Alice Sebold Stays Silent as Man Wrongly Convicted for Her Rape Is Exonerated

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alice Sebold has remained silent after the man convicted of raping her was exonerated.

The award-winning author is at the center of a heartbreaking saga surrounding a wrongful conviction that resulted in an innocent man spending 16 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Anthony Broadwater broke down in court this week when the rape conviction at the center of Sebold's memoir Lucky was overturned.

The author is yet to comment on the situation. Newsweek has contacted her representatives for comment.

Following the hearing, ​​a spokesperson for Scribner, Sebold's publisher, said, via The Guardian: "Neither Alice Sebold nor Scribner has any comment. Scribner has no plans to update the text of Lucky at this time."'

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UK: Nadhim Zahawi launches bid to get universities to take in more white working-class boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new national target is to be introduced in a bid to increase the number of white working-class males studying at university, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Research shows that only 12.6 per cent of them go on to higher education by the age of 19 – the lowest of all demographic groups – and they are less likely to get good grades at school than their equally disadvantaged ethnic minority peers.

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi has asked regulators at the Office for Students to renegotiate universities’ targets to address ‘regional inequalities and prior attainment in schools’.

Only a handful of institutions set goals for the number of white working-class males, while support for the group with bursaries and scholarships is non-existent. Some academics say concerns about the fate of white working-class teenagers have been ignored or dismissed as ‘Right-wing thinking’.'

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Men want to live without women; we should let them

Article here. Won't see this in western MSM. Excerpt:

'Ask your male friends and family and they’ll tell you they want peace. Peace; alone, on their own, because women, for all their sweet assets, come with enough drama to flatten an elephant.

They say that if that is not enough pain, when the dang hits the fan and divorce is filed, the woman is always the beneficiary – walking away with the money, matrimonial home, property and children. So the man remains as though he never had anything in his life! No money. No property, wife and kids. Things he worked hard to acquire.'

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Ontario Liberals put in place women-only policy for candidates seeking nomination in Oshawa

Article here. Excerpt:

'Only women can seek the Liberal nomination in Oshawa for the upcoming provincial election.

“Ontario Liberals are committed to gender parity in our team for 2022. In previous elections, all parties have treated gender parity as an aspirational goal, but under Steven Del Duca’s leadership we are using real tools to make it a reality,” campaign director Christine McMillan said via email.'

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Top MBA Scholarships For Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gender diversity is growing across the globe’s business schools, but there’s still a long way to go. Among the world’s top 20 MBAs ranked by the Financial Times, just six feature a cohort of more than 40% female students.

In an effort to promote a more diverse business school cohort, many schools and independent organizations offer MBA scholarships for women only. These range from a few thousand dollars to help with tuition costs, to full payment of your fees.'

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Female Doctor Who robs boys of role models, claims Tory MP

Article here. Excerpt:

'He said there had been a "creeping narrative that males have it easy, life is a breeze and they have nothing to complain about".

But, he added: "It is clear that life is tough for many men and young boys, and many of our boys in schools are far from privileged."

He attacked the phrase "toxic masculinity" - used to describe the pressure on men to stick to traditional views of how they should act - saying it "vilified" men and led them to feeling "worthless".

And then he turned to the "cultural sphere", claiming it shared the blame for rises in male violence.'

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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Men

It is so well documented in every nation that men suffer a disproportionate amount of violence that it need not be referenced here.

Every year, a major international conference is held about violence. In between are committees, regional conferences, studies, reports and the proposal of various regulations and laws to further curb violence. Much of this is organised by the United Nations, who spend billions of dollars on talking about eliminating violence. The United Nations are the body who, back in 1948, came up with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which insists upon equal treatment of men and women.

So it should not surprise you that the United Nations is as keen to deal with the violence against men as it is to deal with the violence against women.

But it is not.

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Why Does Biden Throw Men To The Curb? – OpEd

Article here. Excerpt:

'This fall the Biden administration released a remarkable document, “National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality.” Like most government reports it was read by very few, though its effects will be far-reaching. Touted as a groundbreaking report on the subject, its real groundbreaking status is the opposite of what its authors intended: it is the most sexist statement ever written by a presidential administration.

The hubris of the report is made plain on the first page. The authors actually have the audacity to compare their work to that of the Emancipation Proclamation. Their swollen heads are made even more risible when we consider the substance of their remarks. Boys and men don’t count. That is the inescapable conclusion that fair-minded persons will come to after reading this report. In fact, it is not a stretch to say that boys and men are depicted as the enemy, at least indirectly, and it is the job of the federal government to liberate girls and women from them.'

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When America Embraced Wonder Woman and forgot G.I. Joe

Article here. Excerpt:

'Policy makers would never tolerate these statistical realities if our nation’s daughters were the majority of overdose deaths. Nor should we tolerate them. Our culture thinks differently when it comes to equal protections in a variety of social programs. For those who are skeptical when it comes to equal protections of our boys and men, the COVID pandemic provides ample evidence of the ways our nation and world mobilize when it comes to gender and well-being.

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I used to hate men but I now think the women’s movement is toxic

Article here. Excerpt:

'A self-described ‘anti-feminist’, Morgan can’t stand the modern women’s movement, describing it as “toxic” and these days you are more likely to catch her tucking into a steak.

The life coach now boasts more than 22,000 followers on TikTok where she shares her somewhat controversial views on feminism.

In fact, Morgan argues that modern day feminism does not benefit women in any way, and it all works in favour of men.

But despite her hardcore anti-feminist views, Morgan says that she spent her huge portion of her life dedicated to the cause.'

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For men, apps are vital gateways to mental health

Article here. Excerpt:

'On the heels of a well-documented upsurge in anxiety, loneliness and depression sparked by the pandemic, mental health apps have become an important resource for men such as Henderson.

Many men, traditionally more reticent to seek out therapy, say these "cyber-well" and mental health apps, some specifically targeted at them, provide a peer community and support in a setting that provides both privacy and convenience. In interviews, men said one of the biggest advantages with these apps was anonymity.

The online help provides a "less intimidating entry to mental health," says C. Vaile Wright, a psychologist who is senior director of health-care innovation for the American Psychological Association. "They are an important gateway to mental health for many men who need help but never considered reaching out for it before."'

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White boys excluded from Glasgow schools more often than girls

Article here. Excerpt:

'The majority of children being excluded from Glasgow schools are white boys, a council meeting heard today.

Kids with additional support needs are also more likely to be affected, but the numbers of kids being excluded overall is decreasing every year in the city.

One councillor asked: “What’s happening with our boys?”

Glasgow council education boss Maureen McKenna said: “The challenge for us is white young men - white boys. They are our challenge in terms of those who are affected by exclusion. At secondary you are much more likely to be excluded if you are white.”

Speaking at the council education skills and early years city policy committee today, she added: “If you have additional support needs you are more likely to be excluded.”'

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