Australia’s 'First' Domestic Violence Shelter For Men Has Opened In Queensland

Article here. Excerpt:

'Australia's 'first' domestic violence shelter for men has opened in Queensland.

Sheltered By Grace will help men over 25 in the state's south east escape violent and hurtful relationships and give them the support they need at a crucial time.
They have food and utilities, secure and furnished rooms, transportation to and from health appointments, and 24-hour on-site management.

Staff also offer weekly group discussions to help domestic violence survivors open up about their experiences, as well as Bible study and church services.'

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Australian Olympic coach accused of 'toxic masculinity' for wild celebration

Video here. Description:

'Australian swimming coach Dean Boxall has been accused of “toxic masculinity” after his over-the-top celebrations at the Olympic Games went viral.

Watching in the Tokyo Aquatics Centre, he went wild as Ariarne Titmus secured gold in the final of the women’s 400m freestyle, dethroning US favourite Katie Ledecky.

As the result was confirmed Boxall ripped off his mask, started to strut through the spectator’s area and hip-thrust against a transparent barrier in front of him.

His reaction caused a stir on social media, with some American fans accusing him of “vulgar and frankly offensive” behaviour.'

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Australia: "Antarctic stations restrict alcohol in bid to keep women safe"

Good. Now send all-female crews to freeze their pezones off for months on end. YouTube link here. Video description:

'Australian Antarctic stations will cut alcohol limits by almost half in a bid to keep women safe.

The Australian newspaper reported this morning no more than ten standard drinks per week will be allowed from next summer’s expedition season.

Homebrewing will also be banned, with Australian Antarctic Division Director Kim Ellis saying women have to feel safe in Antarctica and alcohol does not help with this.'

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Facebook blocks woman’s ‘why are men so dumb’ comment as ‘hate speech’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Detroit woman said she was temporarily banished from Facebook for “hate speech” after participating in a time-honored tradition: commenting on a meme labeling the opposite sex as “dumb.”

“At first I thought it was a joke [and] I’m like yeah right I’m blocked … what?” Candace King told Fox News of her social media timeout, which allegedly occurred after she participated in a thread entitled “why men are so dumb.”
Unfortunately, Facebook defines “hate speech” as a “direct attack against people — rather than concepts or institutions — on the basis of what we call protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease,” per the guidelines.'

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Megan Rapinoe Reacts To Backlash, Says Media Needs To ‘Get Better’ With Criticism Of Women’s Sports

Article here. Excerpt:

'U.S. women’s soccer team captain Megan Rapinoe said this weekend that the media needs to “get better” with their criticism of women’s athletics, adding that she “always welcome[s] the criticism.”

Team USA was heavily criticized after being shutout by Sweden 3-0 in their Olympic opener on Wednesday. Notably, Americans online blasted the team for protesting alleged rampant racism in the U.S. in solidarity with radical leftist group Black Lives Matter before kickoff by taking a knee.

“I know what it is,” Rapinoe said of the criticism, according to Yahoo! Sports. “I’m on social media. I’m not a hermit.”

“I always welcome the criticism,” the forward added. “For women’s sports, criticism in the media still needs to get better.”'

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UK: JWT sex discrimination case: why two ousted male creatives won

Article here. Excerpt:

'Campaign first broke the news of the legal case in November 2018 when it was alleged Bayfield, Jenner and three other colleagues had been made redundant after they raised concerns about comments made by Jo Wallace, creative director of JWT, at a Creative Equals conference in May.

Wallace introduced herself as a gay woman and said she wanted to “obliterate” the reputation that the agency was full of white, privileged straight men after the company announced a gender pay gap of 44.7%.

She was speaking not long after the publication of the first mandatory reports by UK companies on gender pay gaps and they revealed that JWT UK had the biggest gap in advertising.

Bayfield and Jenner expressed concerns about the safety of their jobs, with Bayfield sending an internal email stating: “I found out recently JWT did a talk off site where it vowed to obliterate white middle-class straight people from its creative department. There are a lot of very worried people down here.”

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Senate panel votes to make women register for draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved language in its annual defense policy bill that would require women to register for the draft.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) approved by the committee behind closed doors Wednesday “amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service,” according to a summary released Thursday.

The United States has not instituted a draft since the Vietnam War, and Pentagon officials have repeatedly said they intend to keep the force all-volunteer.'

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Are Campus Kangaroo Courts Coming Back Under Biden?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Campuses may be on the precipice of reverting to the chaos of kangaroo courts. President Biden nominated Catherine Lhamon to fill the same Education Department post in which she served under President Obama. She’s likely to be confirmed soon.

That means it’s likely the reformed Title IX guidance issued under Betsy DeVos will be scrapped in favor of the Obama directives. There are two troubling aspects of the policies Lhamon enforced during her previous stint, from 2013-2016. First, they were issued via Dear Colleague letters, which bureaucrats use as an excuse to legislate. Second, they were deeply unjust and caused enormous suffering.

This is not a controversial position. By the end of Obama’s second term, the effects of the department’s new guidance on Title IX as it pertained to sexual misconduct had been so disastrous on campuses, even progressive experts condemned them. Ruth Bader Ginsburg famously denounced them “for not giving the accused person a fair opportunity to be heard.”'

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The declining number of men in college should concern us all

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last month marked the 49th anniversary of Title IX’s passage by Congress. Though widely mischaracterized as a sports-equity law, Title IX in fact bars all forms of sex-based discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funding.

One potent data point adduced by the statute’s proponents during congressional deliberations was the underrepresentation of women on college and university campuses nationally.

What a difference half a century makes. Today, it is men who are underrepresented among college students, and the trend shows little sign of moderating. Some observers say it is accelerating.'

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Another white male CEO at MassBio? The group has some explaining to do

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council has some explaining to do.

Under previous president and chief executive Bob Coughlin, the powerful trade group got out front on the need for more women and people of color in the life sciences industry. MassBio commissioned a landmark study on gender diversity, hired its first diversity and inclusion director, and led a boycott of that scourge known as the “manel,” aka the all-male panel.

But when it came time to pick its next CEO, MassBio’s board conducted a nationwide search that seems destined to end with hiring yet another white guy from the Legislature.

So much for progress.'

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Russia: Two women charged over killing of man they wrongly suspected of being a paedophile

Article here. Notice they got men to do their dirty work for them. Happens time and again. Excerpt:

'Two women have been charged over the killing of a man who they wrongly suspected of being a paedophile, say Russian prosecutors.

Two men are also accused of ‘raping the victim with a metal pipe’ as well as killing him.

Truck driver Dmitry Chikvarkin, 48, who ran his own lorry business, died from horrific head injuries after a brutal sexual attack.

Police say a ten-year-old girl said that she and a three-year-old girl had been “touched below the waist” by Chikvarkin but this was a “lie”.

The children were “joking” with fatal consequences, they say.

Valeria Dunaeva, 25, is accused of causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death in leading the attacks on Chikvarkin.'

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Brickbat: She's Just Giving Them a Hand

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'The British Royal Navy has kicked out a sailor who pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual assault against other sailors and Royal Marines, one count of battery and one count of violence against a superior officer during a drunken spree while she was on a cold weather exercise. Able Seaman Jodie McSkimmings reportedly tried to kiss colleagues and demanded sex, and when they refused she groped them and tried to undress them. She also sat in the lap of a sergeant and punched him "at 100 percent force" when he refused her advances, according to prosecutors. She then punched a corporal in the face. Her attorney blamed her behavior on mental health issues which were exacerbated by "misogynistic bullying" by colleagues.

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Police say timeline ‘did not align’ in alleged attack of Cajun Navy volunteer

Article here. Excerpt:

'The timeline of a Cajun Navy Ground Force volunteer who claimed she was attacked in an Albertson’s parking lot “did not align with evidence,” Lake Charles police officials said Monday.

Rebecca Johnson, 45, was arrested Friday on one count of filing and maintaining false public records. She has since been released on $25,000 bond set by Judge David Ritchie.

Officers with the Lake Charles Police Department responded to a call of an alleged attack at 2:47 p.m. Monday, June 21, according to Deputy Chief Franklin Fondel.

An associate of Johnson’s made the 911 call, Fondel said. The associate told police Johnson was attacked by two white males in a white extended cab pickup truck who pulled her from her vehicle, Fondel said.'

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Biden Team: Schools Can Go Beyond Trump Rules in Response to Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Article here. Excerpt:

'Schools can respond to allegations of sexual misconduct in ways that “go beyond” the Title IX regulations adopted by the Trump administration last year, as long as those additional steps don’t conflict with the Trump-era rules or Title IX itself, the U.S. Department of Education stated in new guidance to schools.

The Education Department’s interpretation of the Trump-era rules, released July 20, makes it clear that those 2020 regulations represent “minimum steps” for educators. It also says that while schools must presume that a person alleged to have committed the misconduct isn’t responsible, schools “should never assume a complainant of sexual harassment is lying or that the alleged harassment did not occur.”'

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OPINION: Anti-critical race theory laws attack women and people of color

Article here. Excerpt:

'The composition of these legislatures contributes to a longstanding problem – white, male dominance, or white, male supremacy. White male supremacy is the dangerous imposition of the values of white (mostly heterosexual) men upon women and people of color. Because of white male dominance in state legislatures, white men are positioned to enact laws that serve their own interests while victimizing women and people of color.

The composition of legislatures stand in direct contrast with the make-up of the teaching workforce, which is 76% women. This statistic leads some to see teaching as a feminized profession, and, as such, teachers’ work is distinctly subject to being controlled by white men. This is exactly what’s happening when state legislatures dictate what teachers, who are mostly female, can and cannot teach. In other words, male lawmakers are able to exert the level of overreach evident in these bills because teachers are mostly women.

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