To Even Out Gender/Race/Ethnicity Pay Gaps, Online Store ‘Suggests’ Higher Prices for White Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Compliance software solution provider Trusaic has opened the Pay Gap Store, an ecommerce shop that “suggests” prices for customers based on gender and ethnicity. The store sells a range of T-shirts, mugs and tote bags with the message, “Where’s my X%?” — where the value of “X” depends on each customer’s gender plus race/ethnicity and the associated pay gap.
The store doesn’t actually require customers to pay different prices. The suggested prices are based on each shopper’s profile, but everyone can choose to pay the lowest price if they prefer (in the above example, anyone could purchase the mug for $12.24). All profits from the store will be donated to an appropriate charity.'

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Tragic Star Hobson’s grieving great-grandfather slams ‘staggeringly soft’ sentences handed to the pair found guilty over her death

Article here. Excerpt:

'Frankie Smith, 20, Star's mother, will be freed in four years after a judge reduced her sentence to account for the 'burden' of knowing she played a significant role in the death of her daughter.

Last night, Star's family slammed the 'lenient' sentences handed out to the pair, as they called on Attorney General to review the case under the unduly lenient sentencing scheme.

Speaking to the Sun, Frank Smith, 68, Star's great-grandfather, said he hoped her killers would 'rot in jail' and asked: 'Is that all Star’s life is worth? Frankie will be out in four years - how is that justice?''

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UK – Human Rights Day – in the House of Commons

The great chance in Parliament to discuss human rights in general terms put the lie to the idea that "every day is men's day" and illustrated yet again that—particularly among our politicians—every day is women's day.

Debbie Abrahams Labour, Oldham East and Saddleworth started well, pointing out that Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a milestone document that contains the statements that we should all be treated regardless of “race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status” and that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”.

But that was the last we were to hear of all being equal.

Within moments. Abrahams stated that "we know that, across the world, including in the UK, the rights of women are constantly ignored". Well, I might not even disagree with that, though in the UK you have to look hard to find such women having their rights ignored. But following so close after a discussion on equality, anyone—ANYONE—should be wondering why 'women' was in that part of the speech, not 'people'. Do men, the largest minority in Britain, simply not count?

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Two-year-old boy dies and baby has emergency surgery after botched circumcision in Western Australia

Article here. Excerpt:

'A two-year-old boy died after a circumcision procedure went wrong in a hospital in Western Australia. The toddler’s seven-month-old brother, who also underwent the procedure, had to undergo surgery, the police said.

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin or the tissue that covers the head of the penis.

The children were taken to an emergency department at the Armadale Hospital in the suburb of Perth on Tuesday night following the botched procedure, Seven News reported. The two-year-old was declared dead on arrival.

The infant, however, was taken to the Perth Children’s Hospital in Nedlands for emergency surgery, where he was in a critical condition. He spent Tuesday night in an Intensive Care Unit but has since been released, according to Seven News.

Investigators, however, said the death is not being considered suspicious and that an investigation was underway.'

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Harvard Spends a Year Reviewing Its Decor, Finds Too Many Portraits of White Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'At Harvard, they’re out to right the wrongs of outdated decor.

A revision’s been recommended by the Faculty of Arts and Science’s (FAS) Task Force of Visual Culture and Signage.

According to the 21-member group’s near-30-page report, the “exclusion embedded in the current visual culture…perpetuates a too-narrow understanding of our institution’s past, present, and future.”

The verdict was delivered December 6th after more than a year of examination.'

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Petition: recognise Parental Alienating Behaviours as Child Abuse

Petition to have Parental Alienating Behaviours recognised as Child Abuse and Family Violence in Australia.

Everyone is welcome to sign from anywhere in the world.

Thank you for helping children.

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India’s Sons: Tale of False Rape Case Survivors

Article here. Excerpt:

'The documentary film throws light on the lives that have been destroyed because of false accusations of rape. From an 18 year old who spent 5 years in prison before being honorably acquitted to an IPS officer who became a victim of a false rape accusation due to politics, a man who got falsely accused of gangrape twice by the same woman to a man who thought ending life was easier than fighting system that doesn’t listen to men, the film exposes deep flaws in the system, absolute disregard of rights of one gender in order to protect the other, unbelievable lies that are told with elan in courts and hopelessness that looms over people who are falsely accused.

The documentary is a first person account of men and their families who bore the brunt of being called a rapist and a rapist’s family, only to be eventually honorably acquitted of the said crime after years of trial on the basis of credible evidence proving beyond doubt that they were falsely accused.'

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Woke wannabe film critics cancel Christmas classics over ‘toxic masculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Woke wannabe critics are attempting to cancel some of the most beloved holiday films in history, calling out problematic plot lines and characters in movies such as “Love Actually” (2003) and “The Holiday” (2006).

While many Americans find comfort in reruns of these films, some Scrooge-like viewers claim the Christmas classics should be thrown out like an unwanted gift.'

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Asian women’s success disproves claims of ‘white male supremacy’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The progressive left’s belief that the United States is a country rampant with white supremacy and misogyny has gained a lot of cultural traction. However, newly released statistics from the US Department of Labor repudiate this narrative.

For the first three quarters of 2021, Asian women’s median weekly earnings surpassed those of white men, a trend that only began last year. In the most recent quarter (July to September), Asian women earned close to 10 percent more than white men. The highest-earning Asian female groups are Taiwanese, Indian and Chinese.

Asian women are hardly outliers. According to the latest 2019 census data, women of various Middle Eastern backgrounds out-earned their white counterparts: full-time working Iranian, Turkish and Palestinian women’s earnings were higher than those of white women. Moreover, a 2017 University of Michigan study found African-born black women had both higher earnings and income growth compared to white women in the US.

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Robots might be bad for men, but give women more bargaining power

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 741 U.S. regions that were more exposed to industrial robots, his team found a statistical decline in men’s wages and workforce participation. They also saw a decline in marriage stability, marriage fertility and the earning power of men.

There’s some good news for women, though: Men’s decreased income translated into a reduction in the gender income gap by 4.2% and the workforce-participation gender gap by 2.1%, meaning that women in these regions gained greater bargaining power.

“Male income fell at a substantially higher rate than female income, decreasing the gender income gap. Moreover, robot exposure has increased female labor force participation significantly while leaving the labor force participation of men unchanged,” Giuntella said. “We argue that these labor market effects affected men’s marriageability and women’s willingness to long-term commitments with a decline in marriages and marital fertility.”'

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Pushback grows but so do opportunities for anti-feminist BSU professor

Article here. Excerpt:

'Students are planning a rally, signing petitions and sharing their stories on social media in the aftermath of anti-feminist comments made by Scott Yenor, a Boise State University political science professor.

Yenor himself spoke out on Twitter to defend himself, doubling down on his claim that feminism makes women “angry ... meddlesome and quarrelsome.”

“When feminists celebrate the revolutionary anger of modern women, they are applauded. When they celebrate their nastiness, they applaud one another,” Yenor said in a video he posted to Twitter on Nov. 30. “Things must change if this country is to rebuild the family.”'

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Urban feminism: the answer to the failures of our blokey built environment?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s a blokey thing to play with cars and trucks, dig things up, and build towering skyscrapers. The opposite of a blokey built environment — I’ll call it “blokey urbanism”—is “feminist urbanism”. Sounds sexist, but it’s more about egalitarianism than it is about suffragettes and women’s rights.

Feminist urbanism is urbanism without a gender bias, founded on the premise that our cities and neighbourhoods and other pseudo-urbanised enclaves like remote mining sites have been shaped by our patriarchal past. Thus, historically, consigning women to a footnote in the planning and design of our urban form.'

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SGA committee proposes 'women-only hour' at rec center

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Student Government Association’s Student Life Committee announced they are working on an initiative to create a daily women-only hour at the recreation center, according to Molly Cleary, who was committee chair until her resignation last week.

“This initiative would be the creation of women's only gym hours,” Cleary said. “It would consist, ideally, of one hour a day for women to work out in peace without being worried about male harassment.”

The initiative began in response to concerns of harassment by men.

“This is an initiative driven by students and was undertaken on behalf of students who reached out to SGA to share their experiences of feeling harassed and unsafe while using the Rec Center,” Cleary said.

It is currently unclear how the proposed ban on men would be enforced.'

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UK - Only perfect parents permitted?

In a discussion that failed to cover the huge harms to both children and parents when children are ripped from families unnecessarily, and in what could be the biggest move towards our dystopian future to be revealed yet, a UK government minister has announced that children should be taken from parents under any pretext of belief in their danger, without hesitation.

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UK's Sussex University: students don't believe in what they know are facts

Turning Point UK COO Nick Tenconi exposes the whacky beliefs of students at what he calls Britain's wokest University, Sussex.

See it on YouTube

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