13 Steps to Make America Male Friendly Again

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Trump is moving quickly to dismantle DEI initiatives and root out waste and fraud. However, if he truly wants to restore America's greatness, he must confront the deeply embedded misandry in our culture. Some of this stems from feminist-driven legislation and bureaucracies that have taken hold and harmed men, children, and families. Other aspects reflect long-standing societal biases against men. To make America a place where men and boys can be respected and truly thrive, the following changes are essential:'

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Governors Speak Out on Urgent Need to Lift Up Men and Boys

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Last week Maryland Governor Wes Moore, a Democrat, gave a state of the state speech in which he highlighted the problems and challenges facing men and boys in his state. Gov. Moore’s speech highlighted a range of concerns:

“And it’s not just that in Maryland, labor force participation for young men is nearly the lowest it has been in two decades.

“It’s also that suicide rates among men under 30 have risen by more than a third since 2010.

“Across the country, college attainment levels are the same now for men and boys as they were in 1964.

“And Maryland still sends youth under the age of 18 to our state prisons at twice the national rate.'

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Trump (Still) Needs a Social and Family Policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'This avoidance is conspicuous to those of us who remember that for decades reforming social and family policy — welfare above all — was the Republicans’ top priority. (No reform ever took place.) What happened?

Simple: the feminists took control of social policy and politicized it. No longer a simple question of controlling government waste and inefficiency (in which case it would be a straightorward matter for DOGE), the welfare matriarchy was mobilized as a vehicle for “gender equality” and the “empowerment of women”. This makes male policymakers tremble. With the (partial) exception of abortion, conservatives fear to touch anything that will anger feminists. Accepting the principle that "To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize", we are not ruled by Globalists or Deep State functionaries, but by superannuated female adolescents with green hair. As always, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”'

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Predatory sexual behaviour isn't acceptable just because a woman does it

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fair enough. She’s right to point out that there shouldn’t be a sexual sell-by-date for women. But it’s not true that age disparity in movies between leading older men and young female stars is ‘not even discussed’.

People are always clutching their pearls at the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and his string of nubile lovelies, or pointing out how absurd it is that Tom Cruise’s leading ladies are half his age.

It’s not just Hollywood, either: Donald Trump’s wife Melania is 24 years younger than him. And let’s face it: a lot of those cheering on Bridget playing tonsil hockey with someone 27 years her junior would be the same people who despise Trump for it.

And this is where, for me, the problem lies. If we chastise such behaviour in a man, why do we laud it in a woman? Why is there this notion that it’s somehow fine because it is ‘feminism’.

I don’t get it. Predatory behaviour is predatory behaviour. Women need to be very careful about this.'

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North Carolina school board member rips ‘mediocre white men’ in rant against DEI critics

Article here. Excerpt:

'A member of North Carolina’s largest school district’s board slammed critics of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and said the term is being bandied about by people who are racist in place of the “n-word.”
“I really want to highlight, as Dr. Ng mentioned, we’re celebrating 250 [years of America] next year that … it’s really important to talk about people being hired based on their skin color. And for 250 years, it has been mediocre White men who have been hired based on their skin color.”'

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NCFM et al, files lawsuit against the State of California for failing to have a Commission on the Status of Men and Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 1971 the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls became a permanent agency. In the 2023/2024 fiscal year the Commission received $5 million in state funding dedicated to supporting organizations serving women and girls, addressing economic challenges, and promoting gender equity across the state.

California not having a Commission on the Status of Men and Boys violates California Constitution Article I, Section 7 which states: “A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws,” the U.S. Constitutions Fourteenth Amendment equal protection provisions and a host of other state and federal laws also ensure equal protections, fair treatment and prevents discriminatory practices.'

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Common words on job adverts that women think are intimidating and too masculine

Article here. Excerpt:

'Job adverts which use the words ‘ambition’ and ‘drive’ may deter women from applying.

Stereotypically masculine job descriptions can leave women feeling ‘intimidated’ and worried about facing a ‘boys’ club’, a study has found.

When researchers removed ‘masculine’ terms like entrepreneurial from an advert, they found the proportion of women applying increased by four per cent.

Men who were not alpha male types were also more likely to go for the job.

Dr Joyce He, who led the study from the University of California, Los Angeles, said: ‘Changing the language of a job advert, which is such a small and cost-effective thing to do, could encourage women to apply and be more inclusive for everybody.

‘Words like competitive may suggest to women that their colleagues will be stereotypically masculine and so they won’t fit in.'

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‘She didn’t show up’: 3 young girls slain by mother in triple murder-suicide

Article here. Excerpt:

'The father of the slain children, however, had long surmised that his little girls were victims of a homicide.

“What got me the most was ‘Why?’ You ask yourself why this happened,” Jonathan Newell said through tears in comments to WPTA last year. “Was it because of the visitations? Did my kids die for — because I wanted to see them? Did one hour, twice a month, that was supervised — did my kids die for one hour, twice a month that was supervised? It’s a dumb reason. It’s not an OK reason.”

The grieving father went on to say he hoped the memory of his children, highlighted by the occasion of their too-soon deaths, would be used to promote increased awareness and treatment of mental health.

“We need better access to it,” Newell said. “And there need to be more resources for moms and kids.”'

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Mace makes allegations of sexual abuse against multiple men from the House floor

Article here. I have reasons why I think this is made up. In any case, it's one to watch. Excerpt:

'As Rep. Nancy Mace prepared to speak, she took out a Bible and — as if she were in a courtroom, instead of on the House floor — she placed her right hand and swore to tell the “whole truth.”

The South Carolina congresswoman then delivered a damning 53-minute speech that has no precedent in the chamber’s history. Describing herself as “going scorched earth,” Mace accused her ex-fiancé of “evil” crimes including physical assault, rape and sex trafficking against her and other women — accusing him and several other men by name on the floor. While Mace did not provide specific evidence of her claims, she said she brought the case to state authorities for further investigation.

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Scholars tell ND higher ed board to hire more women: ‘It’s ethical’ and ‘the right thing to do’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education is facing calls to choose women to fill four leadership vacancies, with one scholar describing it as “ethical” and “the right thing to do.”

The board oversees the state’s public universities. Three presidential positions currently are open at Bismarck State College, Dickinson State University, and Lake Region State College, The North Dakota Monitor reports. A fourth, the North Dakota University System chancellor, will become open later this year.
However, some universities have gotten into legal trouble for hiring and admissions practices and programs based on individuals’ race or sex.

Recently, legal experts raised questions about the constitutionality of certain diversity, equity, and inclusion goals at North Dakota State University, The College Fix reported.

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Super Bowl Ads Less Male Positive?

Video here

"Some of the ads for the super bowl were misandrist messes. Here’s an example. Please use the comments to point out the many ways this ad is anti-male. Please also offer links to other commercials that were anti male and I will add them to the post."

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Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far right

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dr Rüdiger Maas, from the German think tank the Institute for Generational Research, says parties on the left often focus on themes such as feminism, equality and women's rights.

"Overall, men don't see themselves in these themes," he tells us. "That is why they have a tendency to vote further right."

Hard, populist right parties have also done well in countries such as France, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Italy.

"Sixty per cent of young men under 30 would consider voting for the far right in EU countries and this is much higher than the share among women," says Prof Abou-Chadi, in analysis drawn from a subset of the 2024 European Election Study.'

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Ukraine: Issue of compulsory military draft for women “off table” - MP

Article here. Excerpt:

'The issue of obligatory mobilization of Ukrainian women liable for military service is not on the agenda. Female Ukrainians may join the Army only consensually.

This was stated by Fedir Venislavskyi, a member of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, who spoke at a briefing in Kyiv, Ukrinform reports.

“The issue of conscripting women liable for military service was resolved by parliament through a clear imperative norm of the law because ahead of passing amendments to legislation on military registration and military service, it was stipulated in the Cabinet resolution that women can be mobilized exclusively with their consent,” Venislavskyi emphasized.'

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Rise of the ‘ick’ damaging men’s mental health, experts claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Telling men they give you the “ick” is driving a hidden mental health crisis, experts have claimed.

The expression is used to describe a feeling of disgust or repulsion at a specific behaviour and moved from a popular slang word to being recognised by the Cambridge Dictionary in 2024.

It is particularly used by young women to describe things they find unattractive in men.

Across social media, users have shared their lists of things young men and teenagers do that give them the dreaded ick.

Wearing skinny jeans, running for the bus, putting on a baby voice and doing doggy paddle in a swimming pool are among the most commonly featured.

One viral “ick-list” included things such as drinking milk, applying lip balm and waiting for the green man before crossing the road.

Dan Somers, the founder of men’s mental health charity, Manup?, said it was the “kind of language that can cause men and young boys to really lose self-worth”.

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Maryland Governor Moore Promises a Focus in 2025 on Men and Boys

Video here. It's like a cup of cold water when you are really hot and thirsty.

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