Opinion: Men of America, get over yourselves
Article here. Excerpt:
'I’m a 62-year-old cisgender male (just learned the meaning of that from my kids a few years ago). I came of age in the late 20th-century metrosexual era in New York City (still not exactly sure what that term means). I’ve always been comfortable with my masculinity (another vague, confusing term), but unlike many men my age (or younger), I probably have as many close female friends as I do male ones.
Enough about me. What I’d really like to explore here is the state of gender relations in America on the cusp of an epochal presidential election in less than two weeks. A recent piece in The New York Times, titled “Why gender may be the defining issue in this election,” got my mind racing as I read it at the breakfast table.
For me, the proud father of three daughters in their 20s, it also means enthusiastically casting my vote for Harris next month. Forty-six men, including slaveholders, philanderers, warmongers and corrupt officeholders, have had their turn.
Now, it’s time for a woman to clean up our mess.
The future of America is at least half female. Time to embrace it.'
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Look, another self-hating, woman-worshipping male feminist!
They are SO rare these days, aren't they?
Telling men...
... to "get over" themselves after endless years of feminism dumped on them is like Nazis telling Jews who complain about the loss of their various rights to likewise "get over" themselves and instead sympathize with the Nazi party.