Women tend to overestimate hostile sexism and underestimate benevolent sexism in romantic partners, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'New research sheds light on biased perceptions of sexist attitudes in intimate heterosexual relationships. The study, published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, found that women tend to overestimate their partners’ hostile sexism while underestimating benevolent sexism. Conversely, men tend to underestimate their partners’ hostile sexism and overestimate benevolent sexism.

Prior research has mainly focused on individuals’ own sexist attitudes or perceptions of strangers’ sexist attitudes. However, understanding how individuals perceive their intimate partners’ sexist attitudes could have significant consequences for relationship dynamics and overall satisfaction.

“Sexist attitudes have really important implications for intimate relationships between men and women,” explained study authors Nina Waddell, a PhD candidate, and Nickola Overall, the principal investigator at the REACH Lab at The University of Auckland.'

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