White men can’t jump: Or decide what’s racist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'We had to re-read the quote to make sure we had it right. A Manchester Black Lives Matter leader said that Chief of Police Allen Aldenberg “is a White man; he should have no say over whether or not” something is racist.

What does Ronelle Tshiela know of the content of Chief Aldenberg’s character? Or, for that matter, what does she know about any and all White people in order to presume that they are incapable of judging something as racist?

Isn’t such a view itself racist?

Manchester NAACP president James McKim disagrees with Tshiela. He told our newspaper that he trusts Chief Aldenberg to make the right call in the matter of one of his officers sending a controversial text message to others in the department. The text contained a meme, not created by the officer, that has been described as racist or insensitive.

Is the officer racist? Insensitive? Dumb? Chief Aldenberg hasn’t said what he thinks, but the officer was suspended, took sensitivity training, and was returned to duty. He has since been promoted to sergeant.'

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