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This week, I'm posting a requested essay from one of our regulars, I think you'll find it interesting. Click the old "read more/post comments" to read it.What’s wrong with Woman-Bashing?

Having already expressed my own personal distaste for what some commentators call ‘woman-bashing’ that appears on some of the Men’s Activism websites, I must stand up for those who wish to express these views.

Question: Is it not the inalienable right of every individual in a free and democratic society to hold and express his (or her) views? After all we have seen over three and a half decades of feminist ‘male-bashing’! OK, you may argue that just because women bash men, men don’t have to bash women, that two wrongs don’t make a right. Fair enough, however, the airing of views no matter how extreme, and potentially distasteful to us as individuals, are part of the rich fabric of our society. We may wish to argue with them, ignore them or scorn them – that is also part of our right. Let us be mature and adult enough to exercise that right. The watchword of freedom has always been vigilance ! Surely, we are intelligent enough to recognise and speak up against that with which we disagree? If we are not – then why does the Men’s Movement exist?

I would hate to see the Men’s Movement develop a ‘Guy-speak’ the equivalent of political correctness. The Men’s Movement should not adopt a single philosophy of what is bad or what is acceptable. Just as there are various hues of feminism, there are likely to be a myriad of hues of masulinism, however, the core objectives of the movement will remain pretty much stable, and this will form a reasonably firm consensus.

We must also not fall into the trap, that feminists are so fond of setting, of believing that every criticism of feminism is ‘misogyny’ ! For too long we have been stifled by this argument. When the views of (men and) women are of the feminist hue, then we are entitled to disagree and criticise. Feminism has sought to identify itself with all women since its inception.

[The argument that the current Neo-Marxist Women’s Movement sprung up from a long tradition of women’s protest does not wash with this writer. What we are seeing is an extension of Socialism, not the Suffragettes!]

Given the short-term advantages that feminism has bestowed on women, it is no surprise that a great many women will embrace this dreadful creed and yet more will utilise the tools of feminism to manipulate situations to their own advantage. At the end of the day, very few women actually stood up against feminism. This does not conveniently forget the fact that many men, seduced by the prospect of copious amounts of responsibility-free sex, also signed up to the early promise of feminism. They little realised that ‘equality’ was another word for ‘domination’. The difference now is that most of the men have wised-up. The women are taking a little longer to get the message and are trying to hold on to the unfair advantages. To achieve this many women are happy to go along with the misandry our society condones. After all they have a mechanism, and a system of social sanctions, that absolves them from all of the consequences of the mistakes they make in their life-choices and personal inadequacies….blame men!

The cult of ‘female victimhood’ is widespread and most pervasive, and although not every single woman on the planet subscribes, it is almost universal in Western Society. By this acknowledgement it is sometimes difficult to separate ‘women’ from ‘feminism’. If women wish to utilise the tools of feminism then they should be tarred with the brush of feminism – and be subject to criticism accordingly.

Concurrent with this myth of female victimhood is the myth of ‘male demonisation’, which holds men responsible for almost all of the evils that befall women in the world. From their early school days boys are taught a feminist view of the world where they are ‘guilty by birth’ of all of the great social evils of society. This has resonance with the concept of ‘original sin’ expounded by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. This conditioning continues into adult life where our gender-biased media and feminist societal norms further reinforce the fallacy of male ‘wickedness’ to elicit the correct patterns of speech and behaviour from them. Political correctness is so ingrained in our culture that many responses are like conditioned reflexes. This is what is described by the Psychiatric community as Psychological Abuse. How can we then castigate those men who, in their own personal anger and resentment, after years of psychological abuse stand up and answer back? Remember, misogynists are made, not born!

All in all, the message is really quite simple; if women do not want to be ‘bashed’ by angry men – then they should ditch their feminist practices and start showing a little respect and consideration.


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