A life of bright promises?

CJ writes "This article

appeared on the front page of the Boston Sunday Globe with a nice picture of the subject next to it. When one starts to read this article, one would think the story to be about a distinguished person. Instead, the story is about the wonderful and interesting life of a cold-blooded female killer. I have never seen anything remotely similar to this done for a man, where a criminal act is questioned to figure out what went wrong. This woman killed a doctor at Mass General Hospital and then committed suicide. When the story broke, the media took days to point out that a woman had actually done the killing as the police were reluctant to charge her with the murder (even though it must have been obvious), and reporters got positive comments about the woman's life. The feminist hate mongers at the Globe are beyond contempt for this flagrant double standard. Men are viewed as patriarchal monsters, and women get the "what went wrong, she was so wonderful" type of treatment. Please email your disgust to the Globe. Thanks"

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