CA Paternity Fraud Champion

warble writes "Attention ALL California Paternity Fraud victims! I have reviewed all of the tapes from the legislative sessions that took place last year. As everybody knows we need a champion to push paternity fraud legislation in the California 2003 legislative session. I believe that John Longville is that perfect candidate. THIS MAN GETS IT! P
John Longville is the ONLY person on the Committee of the Judiciary that stood up to the bigotry that men face. He identified the issue and went after the issue like a bulldog!

Please send your FAX now requesting him to be our champion for paternity fraud legislation. I believe John Longville is a major fighter and will fight for the rights of paternity fraud victims. You can view his web site here: Assemblymember Longville

All of the information necessary to send letters and faxes are there. You can even call if you like. Please appraise him for his exposure of the bigotry that paternity fraud victims face and encourage him to be our champion.



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