MANN Shut Down - We'll Be Back May 18

It is with deep regret that I must announce a temporary shut down of until I can get a handle on my life. In the past month you've certainly noticed that MANN has not been updated or maintained as diligently as it has in the past, and the reason for that is due to a serious level of over-commitment that I put myself into for the first five months of 2002. I'm not going to offer any heartbreaking story about this, I simply made an error of judgment where I thought I could make it through this time crunch but it's just more than I can handle now. I take full responsibility for getting myself into this mess. Right now I must devote as many resources as possible to academics. My last final exam will be on May 17, and once that is done with I expect to be able to resume running this site in a manner it deserves, rather than the half-hearted way it's been limping along for the past month or so.

In the meantime, I'd highly recommend you check out Men's News Daily, a great site run by Mike LaSalle whose news coverage on men's issues is excellent. I even understand he has a web forum for related discussions that was added recently. In any case, I hope this isn't too much of a let-down for people, and I promise this shutdown will only be temporary. The time I'll be spending will be an investment in the amount of time I'll be able to devote to this site over the summer.

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