Men Can Be Victims of Stalkers Too

This article in the Nashville Scene is more than a year old, but I think it's important to consider as some folks take on more public roles in men's rights issues. The article details the experiences of one male victim of stalking, and makes it pretty plain that anyone can become someone else's obsession, even in Internet forums like this one. According to Seema Zeya, senior program director of the Stalking Resource Center at the National Center for Victims of Crime, men are often too ashamed to report their stalkers. "We haven't gotten a lot of calls from male stalking victims," she says. "They're usually not really comfortable because they feel embarrassed and they're afraid that they won't be taken seriously. Unfortunately, they often are not taken seriously when they do report the crimes. Also, men have complained to us that there are not any support groups in their area for male victims of stalking crimes." Let's hope that's changing.

Source: Nashville Scene [newspaper]

Title: No Escape: One stalking victim's distressing, disturbing story

Author: Rebekah Gleaves

Date: January 25, 2001

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