Father's Day cards banned in Scottish schools
Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2008-06-23 14:39
Story here. Excerpt:
'Thousands of primary pupils were prevented from making Father's Day cards at school for fear of embarrassing classmates who live with single mothers and lesbians.
The politically correct policy was quietly adopted at schools "in the interests of sensitivity" over the growing number of lone-parent and same-sex households.
It only emerged after a large number of fathers failed to receive their traditional cards and handmade gifts.
Family rights campaigners last night condemned the policy as "absurd" and argued that it is marginalising fathers, but local authorities said teachers need to react to "the changing pattern of family life".'
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Did they actually produce Robert the Bruce and William Wallace?
To think, would such men even be raised to exist in this era in Scotland? To think, it was this nation that is known for producing some of the toughest, hardest men ever sent into battle. To think, in WWI, the German troops called them "The ladies from Hell" because they wore kilts and were the last men in the world you wanted to have to fight hand-to-hand; "ladies" indeed! To think, they would march fearlessly into battle, announcing their presence even with the shrill sound of bagpipes, striking fear into their enemies at the very thought of having to face them.
To think, this country produced men who quite arguably enabled the scientific and industrial revolutions. To think, some of the greatest minds in mathematics and literature have come from this place. To think, these were men who refused to capitulate to multiple attempts to conquer and annex them, despite their own internal fighting.
Today, their sons are not allowed to say "Happy Father's Day" to them with a card drawn in school for "fear of offending" others because, good heavens, it's fathers we're talking about.
Oh I am not picking on Scotland per se. I could easily write the same thing, with of course details changed, about almost every other western country these days. Has this happened in America, England, Germany, Canada? You tell me. Could I see it happening in any of these other places? Sure.
Dear Invisible Daddy...
I found this quote to be intriguing -
"A spokesman for East Renfrewshire Council said: "Increasingly, it is the case that there are children who haven't got fathers..."
One ponders, how did these children get conceived?
Even if it was via two lesbians using a turkey baster with donated sperm, there WAS an absentee dad involved in the act of insemination.
The assumption behind this ridiculous school policy is that "every child has a mother, but dads are optional."
What about the kids whose mommies abandoned them, the few who live with a custodial father and no resident mom, the ones whose moms have died? What cards are they supposed to make on Mother's Day?
And BTW, what is going on in Scotland? They seem to be getting a lot of press lately for anti-male laws and for leading the radical feminist parade of politically correct nations.
Double standard
So I guess now that they've banned Father's Day cards, they should do the same for Mother's Day cards. But oh no, that would be politically incorrect!
"Stand up for what is right, especially if you stand alone."
Free Speech Should Be Upheld
See that's one thing I will never understand. Kids are censored from making Father's Day Cards, yet movies which show unspeakable and tasteless violence against men are allowed to be made and distributed. The films are allowed because people feel that not allowing people to show whatever they want in movies would be a violation of freedom of speech. Well, my question is, what do you call not allowing somebody to write or say the words "Happy Father's Day"? Sure allow freedom of expression for the display of vile misandry, but don't allow for the praise of loving fathers.
I can't wait till Jesus returns!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!