Women Burdened by Invisible Household Labor
From a new study of who does what in managing the household:
"First, the good news: Men are doing more than they used to, according to findings released in April by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. For example, in 1976, men did about six hours of housework per week; in 2005, that had increased to about 13 hours. Women, meanwhile, decreased their weekly housework from 26 hours in 1976 to 17 hours in 2005.
Now, the bad news: The same research found that men create, on average, seven more hours of housework a week for women. That extra work may not be as obvious as doing the dishes or mowing the lawn. So-called "emotional labor" -- tasks like writing holiday cards, scheduling doctor appointments and planning family gatherings -- is too often left to wives, says University of Michigan sociologist Pamela Smock. "As long as the invisible labor is borne by women, things aren't going to be equal, even if surveys show they are," Smock says. Such work can be a major source of mental stress, she adds."
(Gosh, I wish I could get a salaried job doing invisible labor. It would not stress me out at all...)
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"Men make life harder for women by living"
That's the next headline. Indeed, when women pester men to marry them, and the men finally go along with it, it's the men's fault that the women want to throw parties, write thank-you cards, produce kids, and stay at home and live off the men's salaries. And then it's the men's fault when the women divorce them and get the house the men paid for and keep the kids the men paid for, etc. etc. Yep, it's all men's fault!
I have a headline, it goes like this: "Men Face Years of Not-so-Invisible Misery by Marrying the Wrong Women and having Kids with them before They Realize the Error and Escape"
But really, women can completely avoid these terrible conditions of "Invisible Housework" and merciless, grinding hours of writing thank-you cards by not even considering marrying and staying single for life. Really, the whole problem is solved by that. Because if you don't pester guys to marry you, they won't.
invisible work?
yeah, i've seen a lot of that done by women before.
they seem to pay and promote them in the real workplace for it.
perpetual victims. can't get folks to believe the richest, most powerful,
pampered, privileged people to ever walk the earth are actually
being victimized anymore?
no problemo, make up a category. an invisible one.
what's next, invisible sex? imaginary love?
this is what passes for science in the colleges?
this no doubt explains all the invisible perp's in d.v. and rape accusations.
and the invisible charges against and serious sentencing of women in the courts for
child rape, child molestation, fraud, false accusations and so forth.
maybe men could start paying invisible alimony and c.s.
women already pay it.
your honor, i sent the check. invisible postman took it.
invisible work. sounds like just the work amerikan women are
fully cabable of doing well. glad we finally found
something they should definitely excel in w/o having to completely
destroy the actual workplace just so they can sue for any invisible wrong.
maybe the lawyers & judges can get on board and claim what they
have been doing for the last 40 - 50 years was invisible justice.
It sounds like Mich U. is experiencing a "backlash"
Farrell's book cites the University of Michigan study showing men do about three more hours of work per week than women, when work both inside and outside the home is considered. That was in the 90's. Maybe the department which does those studies was taken over by a feminist? It sounds like someone is trying to dilute or even reverse those earlier studies.
This bears investigation.
beyond stupid
Writing holiday cards,scheduling doctors appointments and planning family gatherings??These are a source of mental stress??? This is just more feminist propaganda.This so called sociologist better go back to school and learn the real meaning of mental stress.Notice also there is no mention of the tons of repair jobs,and other common household chores that men do.If both the husband and wife work full time jobs,then the house work should be divided equally in my opinion.However far to often when only the man works the wife will "bitch"at him to do house work too.These house wife's who watch these mindless soap opera's and daytime talk shows by the ten's of millions every day are being brain washed by the feminist propaganda in the media that if she does house work and the man doesn't she is being "subservient",even if the man works a full time job and she doesn't !!!! ..........
Why College Tuition Is So High
Professor Smock is really a very well-pedigreed example of feminist scholarship at a typical Big Ten University. (She's no dummy, with three degrees from U. Chicago and U. Wisconsin.)
No doubt she is making at least $150,000 teaching courses like these (from her web site):
• Sociology 105/Women’s Studies 151, Women in the Labor Market
• Sociology 424, Senior Seminar in Social Stratification: Women in the Labor Market
• Sociology 595, Gender Stratification
You gotta admit, inventing a concept like women's "invisible labor" is brilliant.
Can you actually see and measure the results of invisible labor, or are they well ... hard to locate? Further research must be funded!
Check out Dr. Smock's 20-page resume at -
Click back one page to see her glam photo. She looks like Diane from the old "Cheers" TV show, blonde and self-assured in a vacant kind of way.
Excuse me
If this "invisible labor' article is a good example of Dr Smock's work,Then I would have to say she's not only pandering to the feminist,but she is also boarding on being incompetent for "spewing" out this double standard crap which is obviously one sided,and written to fit her bias agenda.And I could care less what her resume says.
Welcome jazzman. You're off to a good start, but have a lot to.
learn. You must visit this and other MR boards frequently, plus get at least a couple books under your belt, before you can appreciate the intricate and subtle methods feminist ideologues use to get their way. Of course feminists also use blatant and outright obnoxious methods to get their way, but for the most part those in academia employ, intimidation and thought control and thus stay out of the mainstream media limelight. Which is why you must keep coming here.
all three of those courses use the same text :-))
guess who wrote it?
'Invisible Labour'
LMAO! Well, at least it goes hand in hand with the "invisible misogyny" that we're constantly forced to hear about, even though women are treated better than men. Perhaps Obama hired the woman who wrote this article to help with his campaign?
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