Baskerville interview on Sandy Rios show available on-line

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My interview on the Sandy Rios Show is now available online.

Sandy Rios is former president of the huge and influential Concerned Women for America. You can hear in the interview that she is not only very sympathetic but highly knowledgeable, having had two friends that went through the family court wringer. This could be a significant breakthrough. The number of prominent public personalities who are aware of the reign of terror in family court continues to grow.


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After reviewing the web site of Sandy Rios "Culture Campaign," I have to say I am not at all enthusiastic about mens rights advocates partnering with these evangelical Christian whack-jobs.

To do so would alienate a huge potential base of men who do not necessarily subscribe to these values, copied directly from Sandy's web site -

* "Culture Campaign exists to help church and para-church organizations reenlist believers into the culture war one believer at a time.

* Christians must seek to influence the culture to embrace and protect sexual relations in the context of marriage, not fornication, adultery, pornography, and obscenity.

* Education, Media, Academia, Science, Medicine, and Entertainment are key players responsible for shaping our culture. Our vision is to see these institutions [giants] and the policies regulating their conduct, restored to Christian values.

*Presently, the work needed to protect the unborn, the family, and the church from bad government, is being performed by a select few people. These ordinary people have rearranged their lives for this purpose. Their grit and God’s Grace serve as the guard rails holding back a culture determined to barrel over the cliff in pursuit of unquenchable sexual decadence."

This is all too crazy for me to take seriously.

Also, all the so-called pro-marriage gurus (Usher and Baskerville to name a couple) have absolutely nothing to offer men except bondage in service to women as domesticated servants.

I have never read a single credible argument for how marriage benefits men today from either of these deluded apologists for Chivalry and male sacrifice.

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