More Misandry from the Horrid Country Music Genre
Who can deny that country music is anti-male? Carrie Underwood has a song about destroying her boyfriend's truck, Miranda Lambert has a song about setting a man's house on fire, the Dixie chicks have a song about helping their friend poison her husband and dispose of the body, and the Forrester Sisters have a song complaining about men, without any validity whatsoever. I'm now sad to say that a couple videos have also decided to now include the sexual abuse of males. I'm talking about groin shots. Apparently, some country artists think that rape against males is comedy.
The two guilty of including this in their videos are Gretchen Wilson and Toby Keith. Gretchen shows a man getting struck in the groin in her video for All Jacked Up and for no reason whatsoever. He's just playing guitar when these two midgets walk up and hit him in the groin with their guitars.
I understand that it's meant to be comical, but seriously, it's about as appropriate as if they walked up to Gretchen and hit her in the box or breasts the same way. But heaven forbid they ever show that kind of thing happening to a woman in a video, even though it doesn't affect reproductive integrity like the male groin shot, which has been done to death.
Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the Toby Keith video, but in this video a woman knees a man in the groin. I was unable to find a copy of it online.
You might ask, "if you hate country so much, why do you know so much about country videos?". It's because I work in a casino in which most the tvs are always on CMT (which I'm now sure stands for crappy misandric television), and I catch a glimpse here and there of the videos.
It's interesting that country isn't even trying to deny that it's anti-male anymore. So the next time you hear a woman complain about hip hop being misogynistic, if she listens to country, let her have it for being a misandrist. At least hip hop artists don't have songs and videos about destroying the property of their significant others, and at least they don't depict woman being sexually assaulted in their videos, nor do they have videos for songs about killing significant others. We can't say the same for country when it comes to the male gender.
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Toby Keith's Crime
The Toby Keith Video is for "I'm Just Talking About Tonight". You can watch it Here.
Again, it's meant to be comical, but it's yet another testament to anti-male double standards. The guy in the video licks the woman on the face, so she knees him in the groin. This is of course long after she grabs his ass. So, apparently, the message in the video is that it's okay for woman to touch men wherever they want, but as soon as we do the same, we deserve to be sexually abused. What a load of crap!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
country music follows what really happens
in society.
men sing about women leavin'
about "she got the gold mine, i got the shaft"
"he stopped loving her today" when they buried him
and hundreds of others about how badly women treat men
and the way a guy will do ANYTHING to get her back
while crying in his beer.
big man around the boys, wuss around women. little wonder
many have lost respect for all men, when these losers are out
front representing us all with kiss arse songs. sounds like a bunch
maybe up someday, if they continue along this feminine pity path,
for future nomination to the colon cowboy hall of fame.
and i've noticed that a LOT of the women's songs are about
his wrongs of her, getting even, and even murder of men.
these whinner type guys and the women who hate them
make me change the channel all the time.
and then women complain about rap music's message. go figger.
re: More Misandry from the Horrid Country Music Genre
I understand that it's meant to be comical
I think its being intended as a joke is what makes it misandrist in the first place.
Toucher. It's sad.
And of course if the genders were reversed, it would not be acceptable. This is why I don't like country music. What daveinga said is true too. All the male country artists whine and moan about getting a woman back, even if she doesn't deserve him, while the women are always complaining about men, and talking about getting revenge. It's pathetic. Not all the songs are about these topics, but the ones which are really are a smorgasbord for both the misandrist and the immature, as well as the videos I mentioned.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!