Family secrets: I wish I had married for money, not love

Article here. A new perspective on the pay gap. Excerpt:

"When Bill and I got married his relaxed attitude to money amused me. He's a teacher and enjoys his job. I work in medical sales: more stressful, but it pays well. I have, however, become secretly, overwhelmingly, envious of my friends, who can rely on their husbands as the breadwinners.
I feel resentful, especially as it's the men who bring in the money; and even if Bill were a head teacher, he wouldn't come close... Feminism's fine, but there's a lot to be said for having your bills paid."


Ed. note: An off-link to this story should come as no surprise. But note the blame for the separation is shifted now to the man.

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This article's perspective is really not too deep.

In a society based on conspicuous overconsumption, masculinity = money.

Feminism largely destroyed the idea that women could have an alternative arena of power in the home. It was not sufficiently public as a symbol of women's "equality."

So now, most women labor outside (and inside) the household, and they still want to marry up to higher earning hubbies.

Only about 3% of Americans earn more than $100,000 per year (regardless of gender), so if you do the math, the "marrying up" game high-earning women seek is a losing proposition.

The particular woman who is profiled in this article will never be happy, because her entire psychology is based on comparing herself to others on a solely material scale.

She will never measure up to those she envies, because she has zero self-worth outside of what she possesses.

(Note that she is really jealous that her husband likes his job, while she hates hers.)

She is a perfect example of the childish, narcissistic, infantile typical US female.

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Many women view marrage as a business,where all they have to worry about is just to "tolerate"the poor unsuspecting sap.The more bucks he has or the potential to obtain more bucks, the better.These women are taught this at a young age by their mothers.In most of these kinds of situations these women look at their spouse at best as a "good provider"for themselves and their brood.And a lot of times if she finds someone with even more bucks, she'll "dump" the "hubby"in a flash,with some kind of made up reason,that more then likely the courts will believe,and who knows maybe even get spousal support.this has been going on for eons in one form or another.

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