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All the excerpts on this video are true in my opinion and as disgusting and degrading as these examples are,it's just the tip of the iceberg.Males are portrayed in the media as being morons and 2nd to women.But it doesn't stop there,in many TV shows for example the same applies.Even the game shows Wheel of fortune,and Jeopardy, there's a bias in favor of the female contestants with the comments said and actions and jesters by the host and even a delay in the signal device of the male contestants when both female and the male signal in at the same time on jeopardy.Has anyone else noticed this? But it doesn't even stop there,male bashing is everywhere you look in one form or another.
Permalink Submitted by jazzman on Wed, 2008-06-18 19:03
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
only the beginning
All the excerpts on this video are true in my opinion and as disgusting and degrading as these examples are,it's just the tip of the iceberg.Males are portrayed in the media as being morons and 2nd to women.But it doesn't stop there,in many TV shows for example the same applies.Even the game shows Wheel of fortune,and Jeopardy, there's a bias in favor of the female contestants with the comments said and actions and jesters by the host and even a delay in the signal device of the male contestants when both female and the male signal in at the same time on jeopardy.Has anyone else noticed this? But it doesn't even stop there,male bashing is everywhere you look in one form or another.