Who talks more? Why men and women are lost in translation

Samantha Brett of the Sydney Morning Herald ponders whether George Clooney was right to dump his jabbering girlfriend, because research shows that women really do talk too much.

A few excerpts:

* "You talk too much!" is apparently the reason bachelor of the moment George Clooney gave the world for dumping his waitress-turned-model girlfriend Sarah Larson. … If only we could keep our chit-chat under stricter control, perhaps the men wouldn't be scared away ..."

* “Scientists have often proved what we've long suspected - that women talk a whopping amount more than men chalking up 20,000 words a day while men utter just 7000.”

* “When women talk, a rush of serotonin fills our brains, giving us emotions akin to what a heroin addict would feel on a high. (No wonder we like to do it so much!) And yet,when we do talk at the end of our day, it's not to find solutions but it's to discharge the problems. Hence making no sense to the men whatsoever.”


So, the cell phone is basically an aural syringe so women can cop another fix?

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Where I work there's a mix of men and women. We men work hard ALL DAY, and if we talk it's while we work, or during official breaks.

The women frequently stop what they're doing and chat and chat and CHAT for ages. Usually about a new dress or hairstyle or (you'll love this) 'how lazy their husbands are around the house' (ARGH!!!).

Very galling that I get paid the same as them for working ten times as hard (no exaggeration) Hard to change any of this as, of course, the boss is... a woman...

"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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Heh. I can certainly relate to that!

Where I work, the two women (married with working husbands) in my dept. talk non-stop all day with each other. I may say two or three words, at most. Like clockwork, they chat (without working) for an hour when they come in the morning, browse their avon catalogs, soap opera magazines, and at 9 a.m. they fix themselves breakfast (on the clock, of course). Several times throughout the day, other girls join in for a chat for 10-15 minutes. Their concept of "work" is social activity and keeping up with all the gossip.

I literally do 3-4 times the amount of work as the two do COMBINED. They have been there for over 30 years, and I only 1.5 years. (I'm the same age, in case you think I'm some young, energetic whippersnapper.) But, I'm the one to whom they go to for tech support and problem solving. I take care of all the systems maintenance, updates, calibration, etc. I'm also the one people approach for special projects or custom jobs.

Is all that because I have special ability or have more experience? NO. It's because they couldn't care less about their jobs. They just wanna talk, talk, talk!!! That's what they are really there for.

Take a guess who makes more, however. Huh, huh.
I'm a firm believer in "equal pay for equal work." But, that'll never happen when women are around.


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Same experience as you other guys. I work in an office with half a dozen other men and one woman. When she has a day off, we guys often remark how quiet it is and how we get so much more work done.

BTW, she is the lowest paid among us. For a very good reason - our bosses are not fools. You can't talk and work properly at the same time.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Yes Folks, the problem is training. Men have been trained to "keep it to themselves" whereas women are trained to talk all the time. It is at is best, divide, and conquer. If you do not believe me then just take the time to study history. If you care to look further, then see how women are trained to view sex, and see that it is designed to control the man. Women are not the enemy, the system is. Don't blame the victoms, as we all are. Attack the system, and embrace any good woman! Although, to find a woman that is above the system is a hard thing to do.

David A. DeLong

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at wallmart last week.

have a bad back from working too hard trying to make a living
when i was younger to support the family long gone.

so i had to wait for one of the men to get free, while the women
clerks stood around chatting, to help me get it to the car. don't imagine
anyone was on commission, but he had to ring it up too.

yep, equal pay for equal work all right.

sounds good on paper.

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