UK: How half a million lonely old men are paying the price of the divorce boom

Story here. Excerpt:

'Half a million elderly men lead lonely lives with no friends and no contact from their families, a report warned yesterday.

It found that one person in five with an elderly father is no longer in touch with him. One in four claims to be too busy to maintain contact.

Divorce and family break-up has left millions of men without ties to their children and with few or no family links, said the charity Help the Aged.

Retirement deprives many of the company of work colleagues and others are left alone by bereavement or their own poor health.'

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What about the devastation that has ensued due to the archaic laws that have destroyed not only individual lives, but the lives of many, only because of superior rule over the masses, to ensure control, and profits for the priveleged; right here in the good ol u.s.of a.? What, I am living it, as well as many of men that I know. It is time we quit following the rules of our "masters" and really started acting like men, you think the women would argue?

David A. DeLong

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