Profile of Mark Harris of F4J
Mark Harris, one of the protesters who sat on the roof of Harriet Harman's house at the weekend, is profiled in this excellent article. He is the guy who was put in jail for waving at his own children in the street. Excerpt:
"No one condones invading private property, but read the moving story of the man on Harriet Harman's roof who spent years fighting for the right to see his daughters ... only to find THEY wanted to live with HIM
On Sunday morning, just hours before he scrambled on to the roof of Harriet Harman's home dressed as a superhero, Mark Harris kissed and hugged his daughter Lisa and set off from the South Devon home they share.
'I told him I was proud of him,' says Lisa, a 21-year-old wages clerk. 'I said that however long he managed to stay up there, I would be cheering him on and sending him my love.'"
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My response
A great article, and in the Femail section too.
The page accepts comments, so make sure that you post one to show that this isn't an isolated case. My post is copied below:
I too was a happy father, with three kids. I too thought my marriage had a few problems but was overall relatively okay, until my ex walked out on me. My children chose to stay with me at first, but later two of them moved in with her, at which point she desperately tried to convince them not to see me at all. Luckily for me it didn't work, and we now have a good shared care relationship. Even more luckily, the courts seem to be beginning to change - but only because of the efforts of guys like this. I personally know many fathers who got shafted, and hardly see their kids at all whilst they pine and live lonely, lost lives. I also know these kids want their fathers in their lives, and all the research shows they NEEd the fathers there too. Fathers are treated like walking wallets with numerous responsibilities but no rights to go with them, and it takes brave men to stand up and fight for what is right. Thanks, Mark - all men owe you one.
Femail runs male-friendly story: World must be ending
"A great article, and in the Femail section too."
Yes, but I suspect it was only there because it was a very human story centered on a female - a suffering and articulate female in particular. Somehow I wonder if the story would have been published, or even written at all, if Mark Harris' children were reticent and unattractive boys.
But it's there, for whatever reason, and very welcome. I added my own hard-hitting comment - now let's see if it gets published.
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women
Where are the comments?
Nothing published yet - no comments at all. Is Femail censoring them because there is nobody with a bad word to say about Mark Harris?
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women
today is friday
and still no comments.
surprise surprise
haven't been able to find too much about it in the msm here
either. no coverage = no issue. probably teach that in what passes
for journalism school these days.
i'll bet - if this type protest started happening much in the
u.s. of the offended, there would be unarmed superheroes regularly being shot
by that army of heavily armed police we have, for our protection.
look how they reacted last time.