Aussie Women Bemoan Lack of Marriagable Men
More anecdotal evidence of a men's Marriage Strike? Story here. Excerpt:
“... for many women in their 30s - that decade of life in which we hope everything falls into place - being single feels nothing at all like choice. And it frustrates and angers them when it is suggested they are too picky to get a bloke. They say the truth is rather the reverse, and are likely to launch into tales of how the rare single men they meet are quick to bolt for the exit when things get within coo-ee of commitment. ...
There are downsides for a generation that has delayed committed partnering, whose members have remained unhooked - and the major one is the real possibility of ending up alone. … Whether or not you'd say there's a man drought depends ultimately on how you define a drought. But many single women have good reason for believing, as they look to the horizon, that it's not exactly raining men."
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what a crock
never, ever do i remember seeing an author dance sooo long around the truth.
men are talking to one another, about women (as usual) and they see
the destruction that awaits their life POST Marriage. it's like something
that parallels the end of the world, as he knows it. and he is right.
funny how an author could go on and on on this subject and fail to mention:
1. women file for the vast majority of divorces
2. women usually (90% +/-) get awarded sole custody of her children
3. usually the BEST she is going to treat an x-husband is the day he is told to leave. it
is usually downhill from there. and you must kiss her arse just to get to see
your own kids. don't believe it? go ask F4J.
4. she will usually be awarded a generous portion of his paycheck (after tax) for
many years to come.
5. she usually is awarded by far the greatest portion of their accumulated wealth,
by virtue of being judged automatically the primary caretaker of the children, and therefore the best parent
6. if she can get the x to get behind in payments (thus a criminal) she can then
tap a whole plethora of big brother handouts, too many to be listed here. and making the child's father a criminal really helps the children's future, not that she cares.
7. if he complains about the fleecing she can falsely claim rape, DV, child molestation, etc. w/o any potential backlash to her. if he EVER recovers she will long since have custody and be long gone down the road to a new life. he will again, be lucky to ever see her kids again.
8. she can have affairs w/ whatever man (or woman) she chooses and he will be expected to again pick up the tab for all her children. no fault, right?
9. by not marrying her a man can at least be sure thru DNA what children are his.
10. once men get over the idea that they must marry, single life can be a hoot. a different woman whenever. lots more $$ for investing, vacations, toys, whatever. no
having to spend Holidays w/ people you can't stand.
and there are many many more reasons men won't commit.
funny how none of this made the writer's looong list of "reasons" women can't find husbands. reminds me of that Mexican hat dance where the dancers dance all around the hat. and the list of reasons for men not to sign a one-sided contract goes on and on. like the writer in "cosmo" said. "men won't commit because women don't commit".
not many intelligent men will sit down to play w/ a stacked deck if they know it is stacked. and WOW is it ever stacked.
Change the record
These articles are getting really tedious. This latest one is virtually word-for-word the same as numerous others we have been reading for a few years now. All written by women, all quoting only women, all asking only women for an explanation. And all failing miserably to come up with any answer.
How many years before these moaners actually wake up to reality? These women are past their best, contain far too many among their number who are puffed up with an overblown sense of their own value and importance, and are the deeply unattractive products of a society that has told them they are superior to the great majority of men, a fiction they are too self-absorbed to doubt or question. In other words, not partnership or marriage material for any sane man.
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women
when will these women admit to themselves
that, for whatever reasons, they are not found attractive by the men they want to attract.
Perhaps they should move to China - where men far, far outnumber women?
Something for these whiners to think about.
oregon dad
I re-read this article.
Isn't this just more whining?
After all of the laws have been changed to benefit women in the family laws, why do they find it suprising men are not jumping into these very poor "contracts"?
As another commentor points out - women file 80% of divorces. It is not the men that won't commit, it is the women!!
The world has millions of really good and available men.
They just are smarter than perhaps they used to be. And they are not attracted to the whiners in this article.
oregon dad
Men Are Being Selfish
As all the posters here illustrate, these whiny 30 and 40-something females simply do not get, and are apparently incapable of understanding men's perspectives on modern marriage.
One might suggest that their scant analytical abilities are in inverse proportion to their abundant narcissistic
But I see more than mere "whining" in these types of articles. Not too subtly implied between the lines is an indictment of men for being too "selfish" to commit.
One might argue that women are so conditioned to assume male self-sacrifice that they are shocked when men reject this Chivalrous tradition in favor of self-preservation.
Women seem incapable of making a simple, objective risk:benefit analysis - because that requires making an effort to understand the man's position.
In addition to the legal tyrannies men risk upon marriage (i.e. the prelude to divorce), there is also the unavoidable fact that for most men marriage devolves into a boring, unfulfilling regime of domestic servitude and deadened libido. I read a recent study that reported only 36% of married men are happy with their lives and partners.
The big dirty secret starting to come out of the closet is that marriage is not so much about "love ever after" as it is about social control of individuals - a way of conditioning people for lives of quiet desperation in an era of declining expectations.
No thinking man would consider marriage today. But amazingly, this year over 2 million men will "take the plunge."
Interesting language, foreboding at best.
Women are going to be scratching their heads for decades...
..all the while they are in denial about the fact, that they and they alone are responsible for their predicament. Until they admit that they need to change, and do begin to change, their prospects will remain dim.
Did it really say that in Cosmopolitan?
Since when do they air such misogynistic views?
Well Said, Everybody
I couldn't agree more. To marry a woman is like strapping a time bomb to your body, which goes off whenever she says it should. Then when the bomb explodes, your life is dismembered to nothingness. Doesn't sound like a very good deal for men, does it? It's also very true that a lot of women are surprised that men are tired of the servitude and self-sacrifice that comes with such a committment. As if we were created to serve them, and give until we have nothing left, so some undeserving female can live in the lap of luxury with the man picking up the tab. That sounds like someone willingly selling themself into slavery, just for sex. You can't call it love because if a woman expects the world on a platter and acts like she's doing a favour by being with you, that's not love, it's using someone. So, why the hell would anyone want to get married?
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
What Women Really Say
I can recall back in the day when a great compliment for a woman was to say about her - "she's the BOMB!" (This was before men realized she was a SUICIDE bomber with his name on her ammo belt!)
I have kind of a unique insight into how women think, because my older daughter is a highly paid "aesthetic artiste" who cuts wealthy women's hair in an upscale metro salon.
I like to ask her about what women talk about when they are shelling out $200 for a cut n' highlights.
Mainly they bash men. It doesn't matter if they are still married or twice divorced, they all pretty much think men are incompetent servants who never deliver the goods.
If men knew what women really think and say about them in the company of other women, marriage would become an endangered ritual yesterday.