Is There Really a Bias Against Women in Politics? History Suggests Otherwise

Article here. Excerpt:

"Are women really discriminated against in politics? Sen. Hillary Clinton surely thinks so.

Indeed, she believes this year's presidential campaign has shown that sexism limits women's influence in politics. She claimed last week that "every poll I've seen shows more people would be reluctant to vote for a woman [than] to vote for an African American."

It's possible that Democrats are particularly sexist, but with women making up the majority of voters, one would think that politicians were ignoring women at their own peril.

In 2004, women made up 54 percent of voters. At least through early February of this year, women made up a much greater share of Democrat primary voters — accounting for between 57 and 61 percent of the vote in primaries and caucuses.

But whatever difficulties Clinton might be having, it seems that the policies adopted are much more important than who puts them into action, and the evidence indicates that women have long gotten their way."

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I hear all the time that Hillary is being discriminated against because she's a women.But what about the tens of millions of women voting for her only because she is a woman!!That's sexist too,but that fact is never mentioned.

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Hillary received %61 of the male vote.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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Yes I know a lot of men vote for Hillary.But what I was referring to before is the fact that millions of women are voting for Hillary because she's a woman,and not voting for her because of the issues,and that is a form of sexism.You'll never hear women like Geraldine Ferraro mention that fact.

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Ferraro? She exemplifies the words complainer and victim. I agree, millions of women voting for Clinton based on gender is pure hypocrisy. Now you have Clinton supporters who refuse to support Obama in the general election. These women are more concerned about a female in office than their own political party. 55 percent of voters are female? Thats way to many.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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Hillary does well with older white women, especially the aging Second Wave feminist crowd- who are shrieking in dismay that they are being "cheated" out of seeing the first woman President.

The younger female crowd largely dismisses feminism as a moth-balled social movement composed of the mother figures they view as out-of-touch and irrelevant.

Hillary took way too much for granted, and like all good feminists, she let her assumptions short circuit her capacity for self-reflection and strategic analysis.

The campaign was hers to lose, and she found a way to do it.

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What do you think of my new sig? I know your not a big Who fan.


"She ripped her glittering gown
Couldn't face another show, no
Her deodorant had let her down
She should have used Odorono"

[The Who]

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If women candidates lose as the Hildabeast seems to be in the process of doing then women are grossly discriminated against just because of gender.

On the other hand when women win as the Hildabeast did in a major state's US Senate race then that is magnificent progress in the whole history of the human race but still not enough.

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"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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These shrieks against the supposed sexism within politics simply don't make sense. If America is a democracy where everyone has a vote, if a simple majority decides a election (even if the margin is literally one vote), if voting is secret, and if there are more women than men, then it inevitably follows that American women can elect exactly whom they want into government, and men simply won't be able to stop them. And this has been the situation for the best part of 100 years.

So male sexism could not possibly stop women getting what they want in politics. If Presidents are always male, then it is because women vote for it to be that way.

So who are the real sexists here?

The article is also a very important insight into how giving women the vote has affected the nature of politics. It is not the gender of the people in power that matters, but who is served by those in power. Women don't need to vote for females when they have a conveyor belt chock-full of men falling over themselves to give women whatever they demand and at whatever cost.

And what women demand is endless support programmes for themselves across the whole range of public services, to provide everything they want but can't or won't obtain for themselves by making their own efforts; unhindered access to the money and assets of men; total control of everything they regard as their own domain, including particularly their families and households; a comfort zone for their own lives from which men can be excluded when, how and if women want it; and a total absence of responsibility for anything that goes wrong.

Which is why all democracies around the world are steadily moving into exactly that state, and slowly discovering that the price they are having to pay for it is crippling.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Misandry is not just something that women buy into. A lot of men, in my experience, have a very low opinion of their own sex. In fact some really do hate themselves.

Boys from an early age are told that women are the fairer sex, or that girls are "sugar and spice". A lifetime spent hearing about how and why women are just so perfect means that a whole generation of men buy into the "goddess" myth. We are brought up to believe in our own inferiority and this naturally comes through in voting habits. They want a woman President because they think she will be "better".

The sad fact is that many men, as I said before, buy into feminism as much as women do. We are all feminists now!

(Except us of course!!!)

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Seriosly though, it is depressing to hear men denigrate themselves.

Whatever happened to "male chauvinism"?

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I couldn't disagree with you more.It's true however men in the media,and the extreme liberal seem to go along with and pander to feminist views,99% of the time.Thats because of the fear of repercussion,from the "fems"and the PC factor.But most men in my opinion find feminism a real "ass ache" and rightfully so because of it's hypercritical and one sided views.

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She's expected to make her concession speech this Saturday. If anyone thinks the Clinton's will dissipate like a fart in the wind should realize megalomania won't allow her to to that. She won't be president, but will undoubtably become the ultimate feminist policy maker [ie: Equal Pay Check Act]. She could easily fill these ambitions as VP, Senate Majority Leader, or US Supreme Justice. All three positions are possibilities.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Well jazzman it may be that the men you know find feminism to be a pain in the proverbials, but believe me a LOT of the men I know really do buy into the feminazi "philosophy". Maybe you Americans (I assume you are American, if not I apologise) are more progressive but trust me we Englishmen (well most of us) are very "wussy-pooped".

(With apologies to Thundercloud!)

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I'm sorry sirprince that you feel so many men are "wussy-pooped".But I can't help to feel that if more of these men really knew and studied the "whole"truth" to the feminist philosophy,they would learn for themselves how one sided and twisted and even evil the feminist thinking is.It's a mode of thinking that is riddled with distorted truths and hypocrisy.But on the other hand I can understand why some men do buy into this "shit"because of the daily bombardment of feminist propaganda in all the media.

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