"Girls in Sexist Societies Worse at Math"

Another MSM article about girls, math, and so-called "sexism." Excerpt:

'Researchers believe they may have found at least one answer: where girls live. Girls living in countries where there is more gender equality perform better in math, sometimes outpacing boys, than girls who live in countries with more male-dominated societies.
Generally, there are two explanations for the gender gap in math, according to Sapienza: biological and environmental. The biological reasoning says that boys are naturally better in math based on research involving spatial tests.

"It's not very strong evidence because we don't have strong correlation between spatial abilities and math scores," she said.'

My reply can be found here. Search on the phrase: 'The term "sexist" as used in the article has no meaning to me'

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In Christina Hoff Sommers' "Who Stole Feminism", in the chapter on the "Shortchanged girls" report, she mentions an international study showing no relationship between girls' degree of belief in their mathematical abilities and the actual gender gap.

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