"Is your guy hooking up at work?"

Appearing in that bastion of genderal equity and journalistic excellence, "Cosmopolitan" magazine, and republished by MSN (surprise!), this article asks if "your guy is hooking up at work?" (Original article found here). Excerpt:

'In fact, statistics show that the workplace has become the number one breeding ground for cheating. According to a study done by infidelity expert Shirley Glass, PhD, 62 percent of men who admitted to having an affair had done so with someone they met at work. "You often spend more time with coworkers than with your partner, which can create intense bonding," says Bonnie Eaker Weil, PhD, author of Can We Cure and Forgive Adultery? To ensure your guy is doing his job rather than his coffee-break buddy, follow these tips.'

No mention of female infidelity or how it is also true that if a woman is going to cheat, it's likely also to be with a coworker. See MANN posting here, or simply search on "infidelity" in the Search box.

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It takes 2 to tango. If 62% of men are cheating, who are they cheating with?

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Darn tootin'!

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(direct quote)
"Men cheat because of who men are.
Women cheat because of who men are.".

THAT is the feminist (read AmeriKan woman's) excuse for when women cheat.

How convenient...,

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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No offence but;

God, do I hate the Fonz!


(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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