Ohio Council for Fathers Rights Prepares for 'Dead Beat Dad' Lawsuit

Story here. Excerpt:

"A parental rights group says it is mounting a lawsuit against the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department for listing 'dead beat parents' on its website. The "Ohio Council for Fathers Rights" says it wants to sue for libel and character defamation. Local 12's Angela Ingram spoke with the group that says some parents are unfairly targeted.

The group says this list doesn't make a distinction between people who really don't make any effort to pay a dime of child support and parents who have fallen on hard times. The list seems to go on... and on. They are names of men and women who owe back child support, and now, they're on the sheriff's website. But, it's the label "deadbeat" that a parental rights group says amounts to libel."

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Why couldn;t the custodian work and support the child instead.
I understand in some cases there are 12000$ owed which could have been earned by working 2 hours extra by the custodian .

Or they could have earned more and even given some mone to the non custodian instead.

For centuries men took care of not only children but also woman .

Why do women grudge looking after children without financial assistence ?

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It's high time to stand up to all the male bashers.

Political officials recently held a rally in Los Angeles to denigrate Fathers, using the "deadbeat" pejorative. Such rallies are despicable. Of course, the vast majority of "deadbeat" (beatdead) parents listed where Dads, because Dads are driven from their kids lives by misandrist government, then blamed for being absent. What does the evil gender feminist government do to help Dads reunite with their kids???

We have a different understanding about who the real deadbeat are:

Los Angeles County is Deadbeat Government

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Is that YOU Ray? If so let me know, I havn't had a chance to Bug you, yet. (^_^)

Any way, I like your idea ;"BEAT DEAD".
Since feminists and many women like to twist words so that they mean something different yet the same(?) then I say let us Men do the SAME.
And let's start by doing what you suggest. No longer call it "Dead Beat Dads" but "Beat Dads Dead".
I think we need to start using our own lingo and jazz. It could be VERY effective.
What are some other words or wording we can start using?

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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