Scotland: Crimes of violence by women 'on the rise'

Story here. Excerpt:

'MORE women are committing violent offences including organising knife attacks on other women, Scotland's top law officer told MSPs yesterday.

Elish Angiolini, the Lord Advocate, said that in the past young women were more likely to have been "collaborators" with their boyfriends, hiding weapons and cleaning up after attacks, but were now carrying knives of their own.
Ms Angiolini said: "Many women are not just simply the collaborators, going along with a dominant male partner, being an accessory, carrying knives for boyfriends, assisting in cleaning up after a murder, hiding weapons etc – but are actually prime movers in some cases."

She continued: "We have seen some appalling acts of torture by women against women, we have seen increasing signs of groups of young girls using knives, against predominantly other young girls."'

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"Just as, historically, for men blocked opportunities led to crime and violence, the same is true for women."

So now it's blocked opportunities. I thought that men never had any blocked opportunities, since they were all part of the great patriarchal conspiracy designed to give them everything they wanted? Surely they have only ever committed crimes and violence because they were simply bad people?

And since feminism triumphantly destroyed that great conspiracy and liberated women, they no longer have any blocked opportunities either - yet they are now committing more crimes and violence.

Something doesn't stack up here...

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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It seems like whenever a female commits a serious crime,there's no shortage of commentators making excuses for them,Like "she's been abused" or "she had a rough childhood".And in many case's they blame some man for her going wrong.But never is the same said of men who commit crimes,just lock the "bastard"up and throw away the key.

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Weird, huh?
Apparently as much as women hate men, like most haters, they evidently hate THEMSELVES even more so.

Is it just me, or does it seem like a growing number of women, these days, need to have their heads examined?



Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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