News Busters: Are Men as Dumb as the Media Say We Are?

Article here. Excerpt:

"In today's media, anti-male sexism is the rule far more than anti-female sexism. Whether it's calling men "idiots," creating smart mom/stupid dad TV shows, publishing books with titles like "Are Men Necessary," our culture is full of what some scholars are calling the "WAW effect," short for Women are Wonderful. These days, it's tough to catch a break if you're an unapologetic male."

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Hmmm ...lets take a quick look at history,How many women in the past have reached the greatness of an Einstein, DaVinci,or mozart,or Newton or Beethoven and on and on and on.Or any of the greats that live today in any field,Name one woman that is considererd to be a real genius,on par with these greats?And if I hear about Marie Currie again I'm going to puke.The fact is there are none.Not any in the past,and not any now.The "fems"will say that you haven't heard of great women because they been surpressed by men.And that is just more proproganda bullshit.In fact for about thirty years or so the vast politically correct "machine has been trying to brain wash the masses that women are suprior to men.For example how many times have you seen a woman shooting pool or playing a game of chess against a man on a tv show or in a movie and just beating the "crap" out of him?it's all the time,ridicules.... These are small inconsequential examples but they're indicative of a larger and more serious problem.In my opinion there's nothing wrong with women striving for equality there are many wonderful women doing great things... nobody is better then anybody not even the genius's. However this equality movement has "mutated"through the years into a ugly and out of control,anti-male, man bashing venomous,brainwashing proproganda ridden pack of lies.It's now so out of control that this kind of BS is seen and heard where ever you turn,in the media,courts,workplace,and in some case's even the home front.

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Seeing the scale of this misandric rubbish that pervades the media day after day, causes me to become steadily more contemptuous of two groups of people.

Firstly the morons who propagate this bilge, thereby proving they are either too stupid to come up with anything better, or too cowardly to challenge the dumb-male, brilliant-female stereotype that has become so boringly predictable but still remains the easiest cop-out for those incapable of original thought.

Secondly the staggeringly huge numbers of women who buy into this crap and seem content to watch men being routinely humiliated in order to pander to their own narcissism.

These two groups of mutual arse-lickers deserve each other.

Advertisers and writers continue to portray men as hopeless losers because they know millions of women love it, and will carry on watching the programmes and buying the products. But if women can't get through the day without being spoonfed regular dollops of garbage about how wonderful and superior they are, that tells a sad story about their mental and moral fragility. How can anyone take satisfaction at seeing others belittled unjustly, and use that poison to feel good about themselves? What does that tell you about the shallowness of their character?

It is irritating as a man to find myself and my fellows on the constant receiving end of this barrage of insults. But until this crap is consigned to the dustbin of history where it belongs, I take solace in the fact that, despite appearances, we men in fact win a victory every day. Because every day that we endure the barbs aimed at us without succumbing, we prove ourselves superior to those who are aiming the barbs. Every day we refuse to become the people we are depicted as, we win a victory over the small-minded liars who depict us in that way. And every day we demonstrate that we can get by very well without needing false images of our own prowess, we prove ourselves better than those who cannot.

Those who know the truth are always stronger than those who believe the propaganda.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Excellent post, PaulP. Bravo.

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is the constant attempts to cheapen Sci-Fi. don't laugh.
this is serious.

don't get me wrong, i love a nicely built blond Borg.

and a Vulcan w/ nice pointy.... ears, definitely is a fav of mine.

and i can't wait every week to see what happens to Starbuck and Maj. Samantha C.

but just like in real make believe tv, some SF flix are overdoing it.
it seems almost every hero now has to be a woman.
and soooo much smarter than the guys around. maybe we're supposed to buy
into it because it happens in the future (for the most part).

i can easily understand the extra strength of a blond, sexy well built Borg
or Vulcan, or sexy android, and buy into it.

but the guys here are right. an average woman consistently shooting a cell phone out of
some bad guy's hand at 50', or typically kicking the bejesus out of
huge guy after mean guy after every other guy, just makes me turn on something
more real, like really hot alien women in string bikinis.

yep, feminists are trying to cheapen Sci-Fi, and it suks.
you don't even meet many female Sci-Fi junkies.

so what's up w/ that?

guys admiting they regularly watch the stuff
are laughed at and shunned by women on dating sites.

what, feminists just gotta try to trash all the Sci-Fi
tv and movie stuff because they can? figures.

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Yeah. Actually I'm partial to the green alien chicks.
I forget what they're called but I kinda dig those ones in STAR WARS. You know the ones with the two tentacles projecting from the back of their heads?
I think they're called Twilaks, or something. That's either the correct name or I've invented a new laxative, I don't know.
They also come in blue, I think.

Yeah. Thundercloud's a bit kinky, I guess. Huoy!

Oh, yeah, and the reason gals (read feminists) make fun of Si-Fi, is exactly BECAUSE it tends to be a more of a "guy thing". Therefore ANYTHING that is a "guy thing", must (like men themselves) must be mocked, and labeled as inferior. "Science Fiction? That's retarded", it's "pure fantasy". "It's childish". Yeah "Ladies", like your Chick Flicks, soap operas, romance novels and TV sitcoms are like SOOOO totally mature and realistic. *condescending smirk*
Yeah, like (literally) waiting for "Prince Charming" to come and save you, (from a world you created) THAT'S firmly based in REALLITY. *stiffled snicker*
The funny thing is, folks, is that it is literally so EASY to turn this stuff around on women AND feminists. SO EASY.
So why don't we DO it more often. In fact I'd even suggest it is EASIER to turn this stuff around on them, partially because most women won't expect it coming' from we "soft, neutered, appeasing, P-Whipped, conquered, gyno-monkeys"
This type of rebellion is IMHO not a bad way to start turnin' things around, in general.

So whenever women denigrate men or mock us. I suggest we simply shove it back in their faces. Period. End of story. Y' wanna see a REAL "gender war"...? When they make remarks and/or jokes about "cuttin' off men's penises".
YOU follow it up with a "hot poker in the ol' Puss...". and laugh about it just like it was the old "pie in the face" routine.
Most will react with shock, horror or anger (and in some cases physical violence, so be prepared) and when they ask how you could LAUGH at such a horrible thing, once again TURN IT AROUND on them, and say; "For the same reason you can laugh at something so horrible done to a man.".
Of course, be ready for their usual defence techniques like their favorite one; "But it's DIFFERENT". They LOVE sayin' that one.

Hey, They WANT a war, I say let's give it to 'em. It really IS a matter of self preservation. And it has been VERY MUCH provoked. Hell, a provocation that's been going on for THIRTY YEARS, plus.

'Feed back', anyone?

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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