Male Circumcision Ineffective in HIV Battle According to Future HIV Therapy Report

Story here. Excerpt:

"Circumcision proponents, hailing from English-speaking countries, have been intensely lobbying world health agencies to adopt male circumcision as an additional HIV-prevention tool based on the release of three African randomized clinical trials reporting reduced HIV infections during their study periods.

Many sources of data contradict the claim that circumcision protects against HIV. The United States has one of the highest rates of circumcision and HIV infection in the developed world. European nations, which rarely practice circumcision, have very low rates of HIV. Numerous regions in Africa show higher rates of HIV in circumcised populations compared to uncircumcised populations.

For example, 2004 data from Lesotho show HIV infection of 15 percent for uncircumcised males and 23 percent for circumcised males. A 2007 study showed that, once commercial sex worker patterns were taken into consideration, circumcision status was irrelevant in HIV infection rates."

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Finally someone in the media is willing to publicize this research. The World Health Organization and the mass media have ignored it and gone on a frenzie with their reports about circumcision and HIV in Africa, while the WHO has gone after the African foreskins like they're candy in a Pinada. Unbelievable. Thanks for tihs post.

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I recall a couple of weeks ago on Reuters that there was a series of photos of boys about to be circumcized in the Phillipines. The photos showed them waiting, but didn't have any commentary on whether this was right or not. They just showed the photos.

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