New Zealand: Boys about to catch up with top scholars

Story here. Excerpt:

"Late maturity and competitiveness may explain why boys are narrowing the academic divide when it comes to Scholarship exams.

And the head of a successful all- boys college says single-sex education better serves boys because their self-belief is not dented by seeing girls win more awards.

Girls consistently outperform boys at all three levels of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement, but latest Scholarship figures show the top male pupils are fighting back."

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I don't buy the "late maturity" hypothesis. That's just an argument feminists use to brush boys off. Women/feminists don't want boys to progress in education, simple as that, and they will use any excuse to cover up boys' resultant lack of success in the system.

The list of male composers, inventors, writers who produced outstanding output at early ages goes on and on. The question is not innate ability or "maturity" - it is one of motivation. In all coeducational schools, either for conscious or unconscious reasons, girls get the attention and resources. It is their educational needs which are placed No. 1 - perhaps because parents generally make a bigger deal of their daughters' progress and according to the United Nations, education spent on women is the only education that has any kind of legitimacy at all.

Effectively, coed schools often become "girls-only" in spite of their nominal coed designation. The administrative culture becomes girls-only and many of the top classes become girls-only by design.

Boys can catch up or improve their standing in today's education system - but only in a boys-only educational setting. Which of course, the State is going to be very reluctant to provide. Otherwise, if the coed status quo continues, the educational quality of our young male population will be worse and worse.

It may be interesting to note that feminists themselves loathe the idea of single-sex education. They prefer a nominally coed system which they gradually and subliminally get to have dominance of.

"In a co-educational environment they constantly see girls or young women going up to receive awards. It is actually a put- down to them in their thinking."

Quite the case. Often these "awards" are just given subjectively by the school administration simply to boost girls' confidence and put down boys'.

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>>In all coeducational schools, either for conscious or unconscious reasons, girls get the attention and resources. It is their educational needs which are placed No. 1<<

This was true of my School here in the Uk (early 90s). There were clubs and activities for girls only but nothing for boys. Teachers assumed everything a girl said = truth and anything a boy said = false.

The reason was(is) because they were worried about being seen as 'sexist' and not helping girls enough, so instead they ignored boys. Because basically, they didn't have a clue what they were doing.

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Damn those boys. How dare they find a way to prove they are not inferior morons, instead of going meekly into the box the feminists have so assiduously prepared for them?

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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