Action alert to help father jailed because daughter failed to get her GED

The California Alliance for Families and Children today issued the following action alert:


This Monday we saw an incredible story thanks to Glenn Sacks' newsletter about a father in Ohio who was jailed for 6 months due to the failure of his daughter to pass a GED test. This was in spite of the fact the daughter was now an adult, 18 years old, and was staying with her mother for the past two years during her problems with school.

The story was almost too unbelievable to be true and the injustice overwhelming. After scanning the media, we could not find anybody talking about the story and its gross injustice -- we felt compelled to act. At 3 p.m. on Monday the California Alliance sent out a press release to all of the major news outlets calling for a national protest and removal of the judge from the case.

One day later, Tuesday, the story exploded on the national media scene with over 240 news articles and newscasts including all of the major markets.

This Friday a rehearing will be held at the request of the father's attorney.

A Call to Action

Our thanks to those of you who responded to our initial calls to action. As a result we have a national discussion of the actions of this judge and his outrageous actions. CAFC has also been in contact with the Senate and Assembly members for the districts covering Butler County in addition to the Governor of Ohio.

We now urge all of you to contact the Court and Governor to urge the judge to end this blatant injustice. Judges need to know that gross injustice will not be tolerated.

Judge David J. Niehaus
Phn: 513-887-3318
Fax: 513-887-5592

Governor Strickland:
Phn: 614-466-3555
Fax: 614-466-9354

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Glenn Sacks' latest post says "The jailed father goes before Judge David J. Niehaus on Friday"

I guess that's what they mean by a "re-hearing".


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Let's see, we can't keep criminals in jail because of budget crunches but a judge is quite willing to incarcerate a non-criminal for 6 damn months at approximately $75 to $100 dollars a day of taxpayer's money because an adult relation of his didn't want to get a GED. This would be a really stupid joke but this man has a loaded gun pointed at him by some fat necked geek paid assassin and WILL be killed if he makes the wrong move while in custody of the state!

We are now living in a police state and should stop being in denial about the seriousness of it.

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not many men get custody.

the grown child was actually living w/ the mom for the last coupla years.

and don't forget the arrogance of this bunch of black robed $%^666.
this #$^& would NEVER DARE to do this to a woman. feminists have them terrorized.

wonder was he trying to make some kind of statement in his addled brain
(wrongly using his power over the situation) about men and custody and such?

such injustice and NOBODY else (MSM) daring to touch it?

on another note
bet he wasn't getting any CS$$$ from her either.
men still have to pay if she has custody and kid(s) lives w/ him.
happened to a friend of mine. did i mention the GROWN part?
these &**#s will repeatedly make excuses not to hear a man's petition for a drop in CS.
hurts the cash flow
man to lawyer and to woman and to woman and to whoops to lawyers to probation officers and so forth. notice how the man is always on the paying part of this warped feminist math.

the arrogance of this whole situation tells me that these idiot black robes don't intend to stop this gravy train for women any time soon.

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"We are now living in a police state and should stop being in denial about the seriousness of it."

Quite true.

There seems to actually be a combination of denial, ignorance, accusations of paranoia or over-reaction, and "I don't give a shit - where's my beer?"

I'm not sure what it will take to stop a civil war from happening. Hopefully enough right-thinking people are in, or will assume, leadership positions, and will turn things around.


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